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Regarding Procedure for Handling complaints referred by Lokpal to CVO

Sensitive posts of P&T Building Works Group ‘A’ Service in DoT-reg.

June 5, 2024, 5:38 PM


Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications

618-A , Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhawan
J. L. Nehru Marg, New Delhi-110002

Dated: 22.05 .2024


Subject: Sensitive posts of P&T Building Works Group ‘A’ Service in DoT-reg.

In supersession to DoT OM No. 43-02/2014-EW dated 26 .04.2022 on the above subject. the sensitive posts of P&T Building Works Group ‘A’ Service have been identified as per Annexure to this OM.

2. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

(Awadhesh Kumar Singh)
Director (Electrical)
Ph. No. 23218925

File No. 24-0112024-EW
Dated: 21.05.2024

Sensitive/Non-Sensitive posts of P&T Building Works Group ‘A’ Service in DoT
S. No. Name of Post Unit/ LSA Sensitive /Non-sensitive
l. Sr. DDG (BW) DoT HQs Non- Sensitive
2. DDG (Civil) HQ DoT HQs ‘ Sensitive
3. DDG (Electrical) HQ DoT HQs Sensitive
4. DDG (Electrical) DGT HQs Non- Sensitive
5. DDG (Electrical) Delhi LSA Non- Sensitive
6. DDG (Electrical) Maharashtra LSA Non- Sensitive
7. DDG (Electrical ) Karnataka LSA Non- Sensitive
8. DDG (Electrical) West Bengal LSA Non- Sensitive
9. DDG (Electrical) Assam LSA Non- Sensitive
10. Director (Civil) DoT HQs Sensitive
11. Director (Vigilance) civil wi ng post DoT HQs Sensitive (temporarily diverted to NITIPRIT as Director (IM-civil)
12. Director (Electrical) DoT I-IQs Sensitive
13. Director (Electrical Works) – 1 DoT HQs Non- Sensitive
14. Director (Electrical Works) -2 DoT HQs Non- Sensitive
15. Director (Electrical) TEC Non- Sensitive
16. Director (IM) NTIPRIT Non- Sensitive
17. Director (Electrical) J&K LSA Non- Sensitive
18. Director (Electrical) Himachal LSA Non- Sensitive
19. Director (Electrical) Punjab LSA Non- Sensitive
20. Director (Electrical) I-faryana LSA Non- Sensitive
21. Director (Electrical) Delhi LSA Non- Sensitive
22. Director (Electrical) UP(W) LSA Non- Sensitive
23. Director (Electrical) UP(E) LSA Non- Sensitive
24. Director (Electrical) Rajasthan LSA Non- Sensitive
25. Director (Electrical) Madhya Pradesh kSA Non- Sensitive
26. Director (Electrical) Gujarat LSA Non- Sensitive
27. Director (Electrical) Mumbai LSA Non- Sensitive
28. Director (Electrical) Maharashtra LSA Non- Sensitive
29. Director (Electrical) Karnataka LSA, NCCS Non- Sensitive
30. Director (Electrical) Kerala LSA Non- Sensitive
31. Director (Electrical) Tamil Nadu LSA Sensitive (Temporarily diverted as Director (IM-II Electrical) at NTIPRJT)
32. Director (Electrical) Anclhra Pradesh LSA Non- Sensitive
33. Director (Electrical) Odisha LSA Non- Sensitive
34. Director (Electrical) Hi1IBfLSA- Non- ensmve
35. Director (Electrical) West Bengal LSA Non- Sensitive
36. Director (Electrical) Assam LSA Non- Sensitive
37. Director (Electrical) North East LSA Non- Sensitive
38. Director (Arch) DoT HQs Non- Sensitive
39. ADG (Electrical)-1 DoT HQs Non- Sensitive
40. ADG (Electrical)-2 DoT HQs Non- Sensitive
41. Asstt. Executive Engineer (Civil) DoT HQs Non- Sensitive
Note: one post, out of the seven posts of DDG (Electrical) has been temporarily diverted to NTIPRIT as DDG (Infra Management) w.e.f the date the officer posted against thispost joins NTIPRIT which shall be a sensitive post when operated in NTIPRIT .


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This entry was posted in Central Govt, Employee Misc, Postal Dept., Central Govt

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