Regarding Procedure for Handling complaints referred by Lokpal to CVO
7th Pay DA : जाने कितना बढ़ा महंगाई भत्ता
Good News – Dearness Allowance (DA) Increased from 1 July 2024
Regarding Procedure for Handling complaints referred by Lokpal to CVO
No. AB-14017/41/2013-PP(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, the 13th March, 2024
Subject: Revised Flexible Complementing Scheme for Scientists
Based on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission (6th CPC), the Flexible Complementing Scheme (FCS) for Scientists, that existed in some of the scientific Ministries/Departments of the Government of India, was modified and instructions on Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme were issued by this Department vide O.M. No.AB-14017/37/2008-Estt(RR) dated the 10th September 2010. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has also formulated the Personnel Policy for Group-A S&T Officers of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology vide O.M File No.2(11)/2016-Pers III dated 19.09.2016. These guidelines are not applicable to DRDO and Departments of Atomic Energy and Space, where the Scientists are governed by another scheme called Merit Based Promotion Scheme.
2. Subsequent to the issue of these guidelines, a need was felt for enhancing the educational qualifications in the MFCS by several Ministries/Departments in order to recruit Scientists as per their work function and detailed deliberations were held on the issue. Keeping in view that the field of Science and Technology is evolving, the requests of the various Ministries/Departments have been examined and suitably incorporated in the revised scheme. In order to obviate future concerns relating to interpretation regarding Educational Qualifications or inclusion of new disciplines, the revised scheme provides for setting up of an Inter-Ministerial Committee under Secretary, DoPT with Secretary, DST as Member and Secretary of the concerned Ministry/Department as the co-opted Member.
3. A revised FCS is appended to this OM. Provisions of Revised FCS would be effective from 01.07.2024. All Scientific Ministries / Departments presently implementing MFCS and Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology shall initiate action for incorporating the provisions of the Revised FCS by amending the provisions of relevant recruitment rules so that RRs are brought in conformity with the provisions of the Revised FCS.
4. The Ministries/Departments may bring the Scheme to the notice of concerned autonomous Organizations under their administrative control for placing the same before their respective Governing Bodies for adoption.
5. Hindi version will follow.
(J. Sriram Murty)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
i. The Revised Flexible Complementing Scheme(herein after referred to as ‘Scheme’) shall replace the existing MFCS in force in scientific Ministries/Departments/Organizations of the Government of India and the Personnel Policy for Group-A S&T Officers of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) for making promotions to scientific posts in Level-11 to Level-14 in the Pay Matrix, w.e.f 1.7.2024.
These posts are also filled at levels higher than the entry grade (Level-11 and above) in some Scientific Ministries/Departments. Henceforth, Ministries/Departments shall first consider filling up the vacancies in higher Levels from the Scientists in the feeder grade who are recommended for promotion to the next higher grade under the scheme. If the number of Scientists recommended for consideration of promotion to the next grade under the scheme are more than the number of vacancies available in the promotion grade, then to that extent the number of posts be automatically upgraded to the promotion grade subject to the condition that the combined sanctioned strength of all the grades shall remain the same. Vacancies arising due to attrition shall normally revert to the entry level grade of the respective Scientific/Technical category. However, based on functional needs and with the approval of Competent Authority, some of these vacancies may be filled by the method of recruitment prescribed in the RRs, for the posts above entry level, based on the level of the vacancy and commensurate with the higher qualifications and skills of individual candidates within the overall sanctioned strength.
ii(a). The benefits of the Scheme can be extended only in such Departments as are involved in creating new engineering, knowledge or scientific medical techniques or which are technological or predominantly involved in professional research and development and I or application of scientific knowledge. The criteria for identifying Departments as scientific and technical and parameters for determining scientific activities and services, will be as indicated in Annexure-1 to this Scheme. The criteria for recommending implementation of the scheme in a Scientific Institution/Organization would be decided and notified by the Department of Science and Technology, as per the criteria referred to in Annexure II.
ii(b). The organizations who seek extension of the Scheme in their case would refer their case to the administrative Ministry/Department who shall certify itself that such institutions are scientific arid technical institutions and the officers are scientists holding scientific posts and are involved in scientific and technical activities as defined in the Annexure I to the scheme and make its recommendations to the Department of Science and Technology. On receipt of such a request, the Department of Science & Technology shall set up a Committee, which shall include eminent scientists relevant to the discipline, for examining the proposal referred by the administrative Ministry concerned. Since it is not necessary that all the Levels in the pay matrix under the Scheme should be applicable in all the scientific organizations, as the size of the organization may not justify introduction of all the Levels, the Committee, while making its recommendation would take a specific view as to the number of Levels that should be operated in the organization as well as the appropriate residency period for ensuring an even pace of promotion/upgradation. However, the progression under the Scheme will only be as per Levels indicated in para (v) of the scheme. The recommendations of the committee shall be processed by the administrative Ministry/Department concerned and shall be considered in consultation with DoPT and Department of Expenditure.
ii(c). If the Scheme is adopted by Autonomous Bodies, it shall be strictly in accordance with the guidelines prescribed herein. Administrative Ministries/Departments concerned with the administration and management of Autonomous Bodies shall ensure that their Recruitment Rules are in line with those notified by the Ministries/Departments for the Scientists and recruitment is made as per the procedures followed in the respective Ministries/Departments.
iii. For the purpose of determining eligibility for promotion/upgradation under the Scheme, definition of Scientific posts shall be as under;
A Scientific Post is the one where the incumbent of which is a ‘Scientist or Engineer’ defined as below in a scientific institution/organization declared as ‘Scientific Department’ by following due procedure and is engaged in creating new scientific knowledge or innovative engineering, technological or medical techniques or which is involved predominantly in professional research work and development.
Scientists and Engineers are persons who:
(a) are recruited as such and continue to hold a scientific post as defined above; and
(b) possessed academic qualification of at least Master’s Degree in Physical/ Chemical/Biological/Earth-atmospheric/Environmental/Mathematical/ Computational and Information/ Agricultural Sciences from a recognised University or Institute;
Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/ Technology/Biotechnology/Medicine or Veterinary Sciences or Pharmaceutical Sciences (minimum 4 year degree course) from a recognised University or Institute.
iv. An Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) chaired by Secretary, DoPT with Secretary, DST as Member and Secretary of the referring Ministry/Department as the co-opted Member, shall consider any issue of interpretation regarding Educational Qualifications or inclusion of new disciplines in the Scheme. The decision of the Committee shall be final. The IMC may also invite Experts to assist the Committee in taking a decision on the proposal of any Ministry/Department.
Va). All the posts covered under the Scheme shall carry the following uniform Levels in the pay matrix, designation and the minimum residency period linked to performance:
Level in pay-matrix | Designation | Minimum Residency Period linked to Performance |
Level-10 | Scientist B | – |
Level-I I | Scientist C | 3 years as Scientist-B |
Level-12 | Scientist D | 4 years as Scientist -C |
Level-13 | Scientist E | 4 years as Scientist -D |
Level-I3A | Scientist F | 5 years as Scientist -E |
Level 14 | Scientist G | 5 years as Scientist -F |
Vb). Exceptionally Meritorious Category- Based on assessment parameters and the recommendation by the Internal Screening Committee [refer to point ix(A)], not more than 10 per cent of the Scientists may be granted relaxation in the residency period by the Departmental Peer Review Committee [refer to point ix(B)] for all levels, the relaxation being not more than one year on any single occasion, limited to a maximum of two occasions in their entire career.
vi. Treatment of period of Leave towards minimum residency period/period spent on deputation for promotion/upgradation under the Scheme.
The following types of leave availed by an eligible scientist/period spent on deputation shall be counted towards minimum residency period required to be put in by the Scientists in the lower grade for consideration of promotion/upgradation under the Scheme:
(a) The period spent on deputation/Foreign Service to another scientific post, which helps a Scientist to acquire scientific experience in a diverse set up.
(b) Period of Study Leave/any other Leave taken for academic accomplishments to improve scientific knowledge.
(c) Maternity Leave sanctioned as per Leave Rules.
(d) Leave of a maximum period of one year sanctioned in continuation of maternity leave as per Leave Rules.
(e) Earned Leave for a total period not exceeding 180 days (for 3 year residency period), 210 days (for 4 year residency period), 240 days (for 5 year residency period) sanctioned as per Leave Rules.
(f) Child Care Leave sanctioned as per Rules.
vii. The period spent on deputation/foreign service to a non-scientific post and the period of leave including leave on medical grounds, EOL etc. availed on personal grounds shall not count towards the minimum residency period.
viii. The Revised Annual Work Report (AWR) format to capture scientific content of work performed has been designed and enclosed as Annexure Ill. The revised AWR (part A) would be filled up by the officer reported upon along with the revised Annual Performance Appraisal Report(APAR) format enclosed as Annexure-IV. Both AWR and APAR would be filled mandatorily on an annual basis.
ix. There shall be two level of assessment under the Scheme namely Level-1 Screening (Internal Screening Committee) and Level-2 Screening (Assessment Board/Department Peer Review Committee) as given below:
An internal screening committee shall be constituted by the concerned Ministry/Department· for evaluation of annual work reports vis-a-vis the criteria for promotion/upgradation under the scheme. An external member, from the Departments of Atomic Energy, Space or DRDO, shall be co-opted in the selection process. The Internal Screening Committee would report on the scientific content of work done by the scientists/engineers who meet the benchmark of ‘Good’ for Scientist C and ‘Very Good’ for Sc. ‘D’ and above. The Internal Screening Committee would submit their recommendation in Part C of the Revised AWR reporting format, alongwith comparable parameters for consideration in Level-2 Screening.
1) The assessment boards constituted in each scientific Ministry/Department shall undertake Level-2 screening for assessment of scientists and furnish their recommendation for promotion/upgradation from Scientist ‘C’ upto Scientist E. The assessment board would also have a majority of external members possessing expertise in the field. The assessment board would have the characteristic of independent peer group for the assessment of the scientific content of the work. Greater emphasis is to be placed on achievement as evaluated by an independent peer group rather than on seniority only. The assessment board shall document specifically through one page summary, the specific content of the work done.
2) The Departmental Peer Review Committee (DPRC) constituted in each scientific Department/ Ministry shall undertake level 2 screening for assessment of scientists and furnish their recommendation for promotion/upgradation for Scientist ‘F’/ Scientist ‘G’. The proposals involving relaxation/assessment in residency period in respect of exceptionally meritorious Scientists for consideration of promotion/upgradation from Scientist C upto Scientist G shall also be considered by DPRC. The DPRC shall document specifically through one page summary, the specific content of the work done.
3) The Assessment Board/DPRC should specifically certify that the Scientists recommended met with all the criteria for promotion/upgradation under the Scheme.
4) Field experience in research and development and/or experience in implementation of such scientific projects is compulsory for promotion/upgradation of scientists recruited to the posts in the Secretariat of the Scientific Ministries/Departments to higher grades under the Scheme. Field experience of at least two years and five years respectively will be essential for promotion/upgradation to Scientist F and Scientist G grades respectively. The criteria for field experience for different scientific activities have been elaborated under Scientific Activities and Services in Annexure I.
x. The assessment would be done twice in a year. Cases of those Scientists who have completed or will complete the minimum residency period as on the cut-off dates of assessment viz. 1st January or 1st July, as the case may be, and have earned or will earn number of annual ACRs/APARs equal to or more than the number of years of minimum residency period for the period preceding the cut off dates of assessment, shall be considered for assessment under the Scheme.
xi. Candidates who do not qualify either in Level-1 screening or Level-2 screening shall be re-assessed only after one year when they earn at least one more APAR and AWR. Such re-assessment would again entail Level-1 and Level-2 Screening and not commence from the stage where the Scientist failed to qualify.
xii. The date of promotion/upgradation of Scientists recommended for promotion/upgradation to the next higher grade under the Scheme shall be the date on which the Competent Authority approves the promotion/upgradation. Officers on leave or on deputation outside the organisation can be given promotion only with effect from the date they rejoin or return to the parent cadre.
xiii. There shall be no retrospective promotion/upgradation.
xiv. The assessment process under the Scheme for promotion/upgradation to the next grade would be conducted only thrice, and thereafter, the scientist would be covered under Modified ACP scheme (MACP) as approved for Central government civilian employees. The Scientist who has been granted any grade under MACP can be considered for next grade according to the eligibility and other provisions of the Scheme. This is expected to provide an alternate channel for development for scientists and is expected to maintain the rigors of assessment required for assessment under the Scheme. Some illustrations are given below for clarity:
lllustration-1 A scientist ‘B’ is considered but does not get promotion/upgradation under the Scheme. He/She would be entitled to grade of Scientist. ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’ on completion of 10/20/30 years of service subject to provisions of MACP notified vide OM No. 35034/3/2015-Estt.(D) dated 22.10.2019, as amended from time to time.
lllustartion-2 A Scientist ‘B’ gets promotion/upgradation to Scientist C under the Scheme in second chance after 4 years. After prescribed residency, he/she does not qualify under the Scheme for three successive years for upgradation to Sc. D. After completion of ten years in the grade of Scientist ‘C’ i.e. after 14 years of service he is upgraded to Scientist ‘D’ under the Scheme, subject to provisions of MACP notified vide OM No. 35034/3/2015-Estt. (D) dated 22.10.2019. After prescribed residency of 4 years in Scientist D, he would again be considered for promotion/upgradation to Scientist ‘E’ under the Scheme. In case he does not qualify for three successive years, he would be upgraded to Scientist ‘E’ after completion of 10 years in the grade of Scientist ‘D’ i.e. after 24 years of service. Further promotion/upgradation to Scientist F and Scientist ‘G’ would only be under the Scheme as the Scientist would have got three upgradations and no further upgradation under MACPS would be permissible.
lllustration-3 If a Scientist gets three promotions/upgradations under the scheme, there would be no claim for any further upgradation under MACP Scheme as the MACP Scheme only allows three financial upgradations in minimum level on completion of 10, 20 and 30 years of service respectively.
xv. Scientists/ Technical experts doing management/ administrative work in the Ministries should not be considered for under the Scheme, they should only be given benefit of upgradation under MACP.
i) The institutions referred to as S&T would be characterized by pursuit of excellence;
ii) They should be involved in creating new scientific knowledge or innovative engineering, technological or medical techniques or which are predominantly involved in professional research and development work.
iii) The scientific culture is characterized by a few salient aspects, namely that the persons involved are highly qualified and skilled technical personnel, involved in creative and innovative activity and they are willing to bejudged based on merit and competence rather than on the basis of seniority and hierarchical structure;
iv) The criteria could cover the aims and objectives of the institution/organization, qualifications of the personnel, qualitative requirements for performance of various types of activities etc.
(a) Fundamental/basic research: Original investigation to gain new scientific knowledge, not necessarily directed towards any specific practical aim or application; Working in scientific laboratories/ institutes, period spent on doctoral/post doctoral degrees in basic research after joining an organization, etc. would constitute field experience for the purpose of the Scheme.
(b) Applied Research: Original investigation to gain new scientific or technical knowledge directed towards a specific practical aim or objective; Working in scientific laboratories/ institutes, period spent on doctoral I post doctoral degrees in applied research after joining an organization etc. would constitute field experience for the purpose of the Scheme.
(c) Experimental Development: Application of scientific knowledge directed towards producing new or substantially improved materials, devices, products, processes, systems or services; ‘field experience’ would depend on the work profile of the Department. The defining factor would be that the work is not of routine use of scientific knowledge but involves application of scientific knowledge for creation of new/innovative systems, practices, models.
(d) S&T activities which are directly linked to R&D in terms of promoting the scientific activities and services. Working in R & D laboratories and institutions, scientific projects being operated in mission mode, working on international collaboration R & D projects etc. would constitute the field experience under the Scheme.
(e) Formulating Schemes/projects & implementation requmng application of Scientific/Technical/Technological knowledge, monitoring of their performance; and delivery of services to the industry would constitute field experience for the purpose of the Scheme.
Type of S&T Output Product | S&T Output indicators | 10X Outputs/ Scientist |
Knowledge Product Link | Publication on SCI Journals Publication in referred journals Publications in proceedings Books and Monographs Patents/Copyrights/Designs Invited Scientific Lectures Scientific Study Reports |
Technology Product Link | Process Know-how Product know-how Design know-how Technology status reports Technology intelligence reports Technology foresight reports Technology assessment reports |
Economic Product Link | Contract Research Income Consultancy Service Income Royalty Income Competitive research grants gained Technology licensing fees earned R&D Service income realized Scientific Publications Sold |
S&T Management Product Link | Extra & Intra mural R&D projects managed S&T management reports for external use IPR Documentation Monitoring and closure reports S&T Output-Input correlations S&T data base reportsStrategy planning Documents S&T mission implementation Cabinet Note, EFC/SFC Notes prepared for S&T schemes |
S&T Services Product Link | Testing services Laboratory Accreditation Good Laboratory Practice InspectionS&T SurveyR&D Service: Energy/Environmental AuditR&D Service: Environmental impact appraisals Natural wealth and Hazard Assessment. |
S&T Human Resource Product Link | Master’s level education Doctoral level training Post doctoral training S&T management courses Specialized man power for R&D sector Science education/knowledge dissemination Training on advanced technical and Analytical methodologies |
Societal Outreach of S&T Outputs | Technology field demonstrations Design of outreach materials Dissemination of R&D outputsArtisanal training/Skill Development initiatives Grass root S&T related actions Technology adaptation for local needs Convergent technology solutions delivered |
S&T Policy Product Links | Drafting of Technical standards R&D investment policy frameworkNational policy frame work for innovation systems Design of policies for stimulation of R&DNational policy frame work for technology systems Design and development of regulatory frame works Evidence gathering for policy building Global bench marks for technology systems |
S&T Cooperation Products | PPP Products for S&T sector National competitiveness assessment for bilateral cooperation Technology Assessment for diplomacy Technology Assessment for international synergies Technology Assessment for acquisition Academy-research partnership built Technical Work Programmes drafted for S&T Cooperation |
Criteria Recommended:
i) Agencies/ Organizations seeking qualification as S&T Organisation/agency for implementing Revised FCS must:
a. Generate at least 3 out of 9 knowledge products
b. Select about 20 S&T output indicators from the list provided
ii) In case any other S&T output indicators need to be included as acriterion, a Standing Advisory Committee involving Secretary, DST maybe constituted.
iii) It is recommended that S&T Institutions/Organizations seeking implementation of Revised FCS are able to quantify collective outputs from the selected list of S&T output indictors for a group of 10 S&T professional/Officer for their own internal assessment.
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