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Regarding Procedure for Handling complaints referred by Lokpal to CVO

Retention Of General Pool Residential Accommodation To The Civilian Employees

January 30, 2019, 6:46 AM

Retention of General Pool Residential Accommodation at the last place of posting by the civilian employees of Directorate General (Security), Cabinet Secretariat on their transfer to Chakrata, Uttarakhand

No. 12035/23/2000-Pol.II
Government of India
Ministry of Housing & Urban Development
Directorate of Estates

Nirman Bhawan,
New Delhi-110108
Dated: 14th January, 2019


Subject: Retention of General Pool Residential Accommodation at the last place of posting by the civilian employees of Directorate General(Security), Cabinet Secretariat on their transfer to Chakrata, Uttarakhand.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Directorate of Estates O.M. of even number dated 29.03.2001, 25.05.2005, 14.11.2007, 16.06.2011, 04.01.2013 and 09.12.2015 on the subject cited above vide which civilian employees of Directorate General (Security) have been allowed to retain general pool residential accommodation at the last place of their posting on their transfer to Chakrata, Uttarakhand upto 31.03.2019. The matter has been reviewed on the basis of the position explained by the Cabinet Secretariat that Chakrata has been declared as non-family station for civilian employees of Directorate General (Security) and hardship is being faced by these civilian employees and their family members.

2. It has been decided by the competent authority that the employees of the Directorate General (Security) shall be eligible for further retention of entitled type of General Pool Residential Accommodation on payment of normal licence fee during the period of their posting to Chakrata, or till 31.03.2022, whichever is earlier. No further retention will be allowed beyond 31.03.2022 and the civilian employees of Directorate General (Security) posted in Chakrata will have to make their own arrangement for accommodation and vacate the general pool residential accommodation retained by them at last place of their posting after the permissible period of retention. The employees who are not vacating the accommodation after permissible period of retention will be liable to pay damages, and eviction proceedings will be initiated against them immediately for unauthorized occupation.

(K.K. Acharya)
Deputy Director of Estates(Policy)

Source – Gconnect

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This entry was posted in Central Govt, General Circulars

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