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Relaxation In Rules To Allow Premature Closure Of Accounts – DOP

January 16, 2021, 7:35 AM

 Relaxation in rules to allow Premature Closure of Accounts – Format for Premature Closure/Withdrawal: Department of Posts order dated 07.01.2021

File No. FS-65/2/2020-FS
Govt. of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 07.01.2021
All Heads of Circle
Subject: Relaxation in rules to allow Premature Closure of Accounts — Reg.
Sir / Madam,
Directorate is receiving large number of cases for allowing premature closure of account relaxing the rules. These cases are forwarded to Ministry of Finance for according approval. However, Min. of Finance (DEA) has taken a very serious note of submission of incomplete proposal for relaxation. It has issued directions to the department that such cases should be sent only through accounts office after proper verification along with the recommendation of the competent authority of the Department of Posts vide OM No. 3/1/20-NS dated 26.11.2020.
2. MoF (DEA) has further directed
(a). To submit the application of the account holder / depositor with verification particulars of theaccount i.e. name of account holder, type of account, date of opening of the account, details of accounts office, address of the account holder, outstanding balance in the account and details of withdrawals if any made from the account earlier.
(b). To submit the documentary proof for the reasons stated by the applicant. In case of submission of the Medical certificates / prescription of self or dependents of the applicant, it should be submitted along with the estimated cost of treatment with sign and seal of the hospital / competent authority of the hospital informing particulars of illness and required treatment.
(c). In case application is submitted for medical purpose and cost of treat is less than the amount standing in the account, account office must intimate whether the treatment can be done by withdrawal from the account instead of closure.
3. To comply with the instructions of MoF (DEA), it is requested that the above directions are strictly followed and the regularization cases should be sent along with application from the account holder / depositor and copy of the Account Opening Form in the format attached herewith as Annexure.
4. Recommendation of the HOC should be mentioned keeping in view the circumstances, financial position and request of the applicant. Relaxation cases should be forwarded to Directorate after ensuring that the proposal is complete in all respect and case is duly recommended by the HOC.
5. It is requested that the above instructions may be brought to the notice of all post offices and administrative offices / Training Centers immediately for information, guidance and necessary action.
6. This is issued with the approval of DDG (FS).
Asst-Director (SB-I)
Source – Jagran 
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