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RBE – 36 / 2016 – Grant of Hospital Patient Care Allowance (HPCA) & Patient Care Allowance (PCA) to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’

April 18, 2016, 7:28 AM

RBE No.36/2016.

No.E(P&A)II-98/HW-6 Vol.III

New Delhi, dated : 18.04.2016.

The General Managers/CAOs,
All Indian Railways &
Production Units etc.

Sub: Grant of Hospital Patient Care Allowance (HPCA) & Patient Care Allowance (PCA) to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ (non-ministerial) Railway employees working in Railway Hospitals & Health Units/Clinics.


Ref: PNM/AIRF Item No. 7/2010, PNM/NFIR Item No.12/2015.
Hospital Patient Care Allowance/Patient Care Allowance was introducedon the Railways in terms of Railway Board’s letter no. E(P&A)II-98/HW-6 dt. 09.01.2008. As per paragraph 2 (a) (ii), of the letter dt. 9-1-2008 Pharmacists were also made eligiblle for grant of HPCA/PCA subject to fulfilment of the conditions of admissibility except exclusive store Pharmacists who were not involved in dispensing of medicines. Both the recognised Federations, namely AIRF and NFIR have raised the issue in the forum of PNM stating that there is no particular designation of Store Pharmacists in the Indian Railways. The matter has been considered in consultation with the Health Directorate of Railway Board and it has decided to remove the exception made for exclusive Store Pharmacists in paragraph2(a)(ii) in Railway Board’s letter no. E(P&A)II-98/HW-6 dt. 09.01.2008. Pharmacists will be entiled for payment of Hospital Patient Care Allowance / Patient Care Allowance. This would have effect from 01.01.2008 as mentioned in Railway Board’s letter no.E(P&A)II-98/HW-6 dt,09.01.2008.
3. Other terms and conditions would remain the same as per Board’s letter no. E(P&A)II-98/HW-6 dt. 09.01.2008 and Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2013/AL-3 dt.20.02.2013
4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

5. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Salim Md.Ahmed)
Railway Board.


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