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Regarding Procedure for Handling complaints referred by Lokpal to CVO

Pay Fixation On Promotion To Post Carrying Same Grade Pay

January 23, 2019, 7:31 AM

Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying the same grade pay

F.No.A-26017/05/2015-Ad IIA

Government of India

Ministry of Finance

Department of Revenue

Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs

North Block, New Delhi

Dated the 16th January, 2019



All Pr. Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of GST & Central

Excise/Customs/ Directors General under CBIC.

Subject:-Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying the same grade pay – reg.


I am directed to say that the matter related to a clarification on pay fixation under FR 22(1)(a)(I) on re-designation/promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying the same pay scale has been examined in the Board in consultation with Department of Expenditure. Department of Expenditure has advised that —

“in case the issue is for pay fixation on movement from the post of Office Superintendent (OS) to Administrative Officer (AO) taking place on dates prior to merger of the posts of OS with AO on 01.01.2006, the pay fixation may be considered in the light of Department of Expenditure OM No.169/2/2000-IC dated 24.11.2000”.

  1. It is advised to take necessary action in the matter in terms of provisions contained in Department of Expenditure OM No.169/2/2000-IC dated 24.11.2000. A copy of Department of Expenditure O.M. dated 24.11.2000 is enclosed.

Yours faithfully,

Encl: As above.

(A.K. Qasim)


Source – Gconnect

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This entry was posted in General Circulars, Central Govt, State Employee

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