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Clarification on deletion of name of daughter from the family details of a Central Government pensioner


February 5, 2020, 6:12 PM

Allocation/distribution of AIS officers borne on the undivided cadre of Andhra Pradesh between separate cadres of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

Fixation of inter-se-seniority of the IAS probationers of 2009 batch (Final) – Intimation regarding.

Allocation/distribution of AIS personnel borne on the existing Joint cadre of Manipur and Tripura between separate cadres of Manipur and Tripura.

Service Allocation to candidates recommended by UPSC based on the CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION 2013

Civil Services (Main) Examination-2013 – communication of the findings of the Medical Examination regarding.

Mobility of personnel amongst Central/State and Autonomous Bodies while working under Pensionable Establishments – regarding.

Clarification on fresh attempts and age relaxation in Civil Services Examination

Revision of pension/family pension and provisional pension of pre-2006 pensioners.

Guidelines regarding change of cadre of IAS Officers appointed against vacancies reserved for Physically Handicapped (PH) category – reg.

Details of Retired IAS Officers.

Civil Services Examination, 2012 – Communication of the findings of Appellate Medical Examination.

Report for Interaction between the IAS, IFS and IPS recruited on the basis of Civil Services Examination (CSE) – 2012 before the conclusion of the 88th Foundation Course (FC) at LBSNAA, Mussoorie – reg

Corrigendum – 25.09.2013

Minutes of the meeting of MOS(PP)/Secretary(Pers.),GOI with the Pr. Secretaries of GAD/Personal Deptt. of all state cadres held on 27.9.2013 at CSOI

Instruction/guidelines regarding concessions for treatment of members of Service under All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954.

Fixation of inter-se-seniority of the IAS probationers of 2010 batch (Provisional) – Intimation regarding.

Fixation of inter-se-seniority of the IAS probationers of 2009 batch – Intimation regarding.

Policy decisions to curb the instances of over-stay by All India Service Officers on Inter Cadre Deputation.

CSE-2012-Medical Examination Appellate Medical Board, Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi.

CSE – 2012 – Medical Examination, Medical Board, Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi

CSE – 2012 – Medical Examination, Appellate Medical Board, R.M.L. Hospital, Delhi

Vacancies List of IAS.

CSE – 2012 – Medical Examination, G.T.B. Hospital, Delhi

CSE – 2012 – Medical Examination, Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi

Medical Examination of CSE-2011-Reserve List.

Fixation of inter-se-seniority of the IAS probationers of 2008 batch (Provisional) – Intimation regarding.

Inter Cadre Transfer of All India Service Officers to third cadre on the ground of marriage Clarification in Policy – regarding.

Inter Cadre Transfer of All India Service Officers to third cadre on the ground of marriage – Clarification in Policy – regarding.

All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958 – Rule 16(3) – Guidelines for intensive review of records.

Reserved List of CSE-2010 who have to undergo medical re-examination.

Civil Services Examination-2005 to 2009 (Reserve List) for recruitment to the IAS,IFS,IPS, Central Services Group A and B fixation of seniority of the candidates allocated service after the Supreme Court Decision – regarding.

Appointed to IAS by promotion from the State Civil Service of UP from the Select List of 2004 –

Commissioning of a study to take a comprehensive look at the requirment of All India Service Officers over a longer time frame.

Consolidated Deputation Guidelines for AIS officers dates 28.11.2007.

Cadre Allocation in respect of Shri Rajesh Singh, IAS(P) and Shri Dinesh Kumar, IAS(P) on the basis of Civil Service Examination, 2006-reg.

IAS – Fixation of seniority of Shri Anirudha Rout, a State Civil Service officer of Orissa appointed to the IAS by Promotion on the basis of Select List for the year 2005.

Amendment of Rules 16(3) of AIS-(DCRB)Rules for intensive review of All India Service Officers Regarding.

Foundation Course of IAS probationers on the basis of CSE-2010 – regarding

IAS-Fixation of seniority of Shri Puttaswamy S. a SCS officer of Karnataka Cadre appointed to the IAS on the basis of Review Select List for the year 2007.

Guidelines for processing resignation tendered by AIS officers.

Cadre allocation in respect of Shri Ravi Prakash Gupta, IAS(P) on the basis of Civil Service Examination, 2006 – reg.

Cadre Allocation Policy for the All India Services – IAS-IPS-IFS issued vide OM No. 13011-22-2005-AIS(I) dated 10.4.2008 and amended vide OM No. 29062-1-2011 dated 21.4.2011 – Regarding

Implementation of decision of 6th CPC recommendations relating to Special Allowance for child care for women with disabilities and Education Allowance for disabled children and clarification on increase in certain allowance by 25 Percent as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowance w e f 1.1.2011 reg.

Cadre Allocation Policy for the All India Services – IAS-IPS-IFS – Reg.

Consolidated Deputation Guidelines for AIS officers dated 28.11.2007.

Civil Services Preliminary Examination-2011

Revision in years of allotment of Shri M.S. Sehrawat, O.P. Langayan and Smt. Suprapha Dahiya in compliance of order dated 24.5.2010 of the CAT, Chandigarh Bench in O.A. No. 314/CH/2009.

Grant of exemption from participation in 85th Foundation Course to be held at LBSNAA, Mussorie, scheduled to commence from 1st September, 2010-reg.

Fixation of seniority of Shri J.L. Jain appointed to the IAS against the Review Select List of 1996-97 and downward revision of seniority of S/Shri Kirandeep Singh, Sameer Kumar and Ashok Kumar.

Provisions under AIS-HBA Rules, 1978 – regarding.

Message from Honourable Minister of State, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions for the successful candidates in the Civil Services Exam 2009.

Inter-cadre deputation of IAS Officers to the State of Jharkhand.

Simplification of procedure for payment of pension and other benefits to All India Service officers retiring from Government of India/State Governments – bearing the liability of arrears related to Sixth Pay Commission.

Incentives of AIS officers serving in the NE cadre – Health care, regarding.

Category wise Distribution of Vacancies to be Filled in IAS on the Basisa of CSE-2008.

Category-wise distribution of Vacancies to be filled in IAS on the Basis of CSE-2008

Recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission relating to revision in the rates of Family Planning Allowance for adoption of small family norms for All India Services Officers.

Inter-Se-Seniority of the IAS probationers of 2004 batch-Intimation regarding.

Additional monetary incentive to All India Service officers belonging to the North-East Cadres.

Simplification of Procedure for payment of pension and other benefits to All India Service officers retiring from Government of India/State Governments.

Acceptance of Recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission relating to LTC for All India Services officers – regarding.

Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Revision of provisions regulating pension/gratuity/commutation of pension/family pension/disability pension and ex-gratia lump-sum compensation.

Grant of 0.5 percentage rebate in the rate of interest on HBA for AIS officers for promoting small family norms.

Extension of scope of family pension to unmarried daughters of All India Service officers / All India Service pensioners.

Cadre Allocation Plocy for the All India Services-IAS/IPS/IFS-Reg.

Consolidated Deputation Guidelines for All India Services.

Cadre Allocation Policy for All India Services – IAS/IPS/IFos

Inter Cadre deputation of All India Service Officers – Policy regarding.

Inter Cadre deputation of All India Service Officers – Policy regarding.

Consolidated Deputation Guidelines for All India Services.

Inter Cadre deputation of All India Service Officers – Policy Regarding.

Exemption from repeating the Foundation Course.

Simplification of Procedure for payment of pension and other benefits to All India Service officers retiring from Government of India/State Governments.

Revised standard terms and conditions for deputation of All India Services Officers under Rule 6(2)(ii) of the IAS (Cadre) Rules, 1954 and similar cadre rules of IPS and IFS.

Service Conditions of AIS officers working in North East- Post Retirement Housing regarding

Guidelines for deputation of members of the All India Services under Rule 6(2)(ii) of the respective Cadre Rules.

Improvement in allowances and facilities for members of All India Services serving in the North-Eastern States of Assam-Meghalaya, Manipur-Tripura, Nagaland and Sikkim.

Change of cadre of All India Service officers – Policy Regarding

Inter Cadre Deputation/Transfer of All India Service Officers – Policy(2004)

Appointment to the Apex level posts of Chief Secretary. DGP and PCCF

Guidelines on Inter Cadre deputation of IAS Officers.

Guidelines on Inter Cadre Transfer of IAS Officers.

Payment of Pension & other benefits to AIS Officers retiring from GOI

Regarding Amendment in DCRB Rules

Incentive for promoting small family norms among Central Goverments employees-applicability of the instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance to the officers of the all India Services-Ragarding



Induction of Dr. Nitin Deep Blaggan, IPS(RJ:2003) and Shri Chalke Santoshkumar T, IPS(RJ:2004) as Deputy Inspector General(DIG) in CBI on deputation basis-reg

Central Vigilance Commission – cases of Differences from / non acceptance of advice – procedure for consultation with the Department of Personnel and Training

Cancellation of order of induction of Dr. Sidhartha Mohan Jain, IPS(BH:2006) as SP in CBI-reg

Induction of Shri Raguramarajan A., IPS(NL:2012) as Superintendent of Police(SP) in CBI on Central deputation basis-reg

Appointment of Ms. Sudha Rani Relangi, Joint Secretary and Legislative Counsel, Legislative Department to the post of Director of Prosecution In CBI-reg

Guidelines for dealing with disagreement between DA and CVC in cases of granting Sanction for Prosecution

Extension of deputation tenure of Shri Ram Gopal, IPS (CG:2007), SP,CBI

Premature repatriation of Sh. Tarun Gauba, IPS,(UP: 2001), DIG, CBI

Curtailment of tenure of Shri M Nageshwar Rao, IPS(OD:86) working as Additional Director in CBI-reg

Induction of IPS officers namely Smt. R Jayalakshmi, IPS(AP:2006) and Ms. Nupur Prasad, IPS(AGMU:2007) as Superintendent of Police (SP) in CBI on deputation basis

Induction of IPS/non-IPS officers as Superintendent of Police(SP) in CBI under deputation quota.

Extension of deputation tenure of Shri Sai Manohar Armane, IPS (MP:95) working as Joint Director in CBI-reg

Induction of IPS officers as Joint Director in CBI-reg

Induction of IPS/IRS officers as Superintendant of Police, CBI

Guidelines for dealing with disagreement between DA and CVC in cases of granting Sanction for Prosecution.

Placement of Service of Sh. Abhay Singh, DIG, CBI at the disposal of MHA

Appointment of Sh. Praveen Sinha as AD, CBI

Appointment of Sh. Amit Kumar, IPS, as JD, CBI.

Premature repatriation of Sh. Anish Prasad, DIG, CBI

Appointment of CBI Director

Appointment of Shri Rishi Kumar Shukla, IPS(MP:83) as Director, CBI

Induction of Shri Akhilesh Kumar Singh, IPS (AM 2003) as DIG, CBI

Appointment of Shri A T Durai Kumar, IPS(TN:2004) as Deputy Inspector General (DIG) in CBI-reg

Induction of IPS officers as Superintendent of Police(SP) in CBI-reg

Curtailment of tenure of IPS officers of various ranks working in CBI-reg

Filling up the post of Director of Prosecution in CBI-reg

Charge of Director, CBI-corrigendum-reg

Charge of Director, CBI-reg

Charge of Director, CBI-reg

Charge of Director, CBI-reg

Quarterly Report in respect of Action Plan on Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Measures – regarding.

Appointment of Shri M Nageswara Rao, IPS(OR:1986), working as Joint Director, CBI as Additional Director, CBI-reg.

Filling up the post of Director of Prosecution in CBI-reg.

Order under Section 4(2) and other relevant provisions of the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946 (DSPE Act)-1.

Order under Section 4(2) and other relevant provisions of the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946 (DSPE Act)-2.

Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments

Extension of the deputation tenure of Joint Director working in CBI-reg

Induction of IPS officers as Superintendent of Police (SP ) in CBI

Extension of Deputation tenure of IPS officers working in CBI

Extension of the tenure of Central deputation of IPS officers namely Shri AYV Krishna, (AM:95), Shri Sai Manohar A., (MP:95) and Shri MK Sinha, (JK:96) working in CBI-reg

Extension of the tenure of Central deputation of Shri Prem Kumar Gautam, IPS(UP:2005) working as SP in CBI-reg

Extension of the tenure of Central deputation of Shri Anish Prasad, IPS(TR:2003) working as DIG in CBI-reg.

Induction of Shri Abhishek Shandilya, IPS(CG:2007) as Superintendent of Police(SP) in CBI-reg

Induction of Dr. Sadanand Date, IPS(UK:2007) as Superintendent of Police (SP) in CBI-reg

Extension of deputation tenure of Shri Tarun Gauba, IPS(UP:2001), DIG, CBI-reg

Pre mature repatriation on curtailment of deputation tenure of IPS officers of various ranks working in CBI-reg.

Appointment of IPS officers as DIG in CBI-reg

Extension of tenure of Shri Mohit Jain, IRS(IT-93), CVO, KVIC, Mumbai.

Extension of tenure of Shri M. Akhaya, IPS(OR-88), CVO, DoT, Delhi.

Debarment of Ms. Veena Kumari Verma, IRTS(2000).

Entrustment of additional charge of the post of CVO, KRCL, Mumbai.

Appointment and induction of following officers as Joint Director in CBI.

Entrustment of additional charge of the post of CVO, CONCOR, Delhi.

Entrustment of additional charge of the post of CVO, CWC, Delhi.

Selection to the post of Vigilance Commissioner in the Central Vigilance Commission

Induction of IPS officers as Superintendent of Police (SP) in CBI

Extension of the central deputation tenure of Shri Sujeet Kumar, IPS(BH-2006), SP, CBI

Extension of tenure of Shri V.V. Satya Sreenivas, IRSME(95), CVO, DCIL alongwith the additional charge of the post of CVO, VPT, Visakhapatnam.

Extension in central deputation tenure of Ms. Nina Singh, IPS(RJ-1989) as Joint Director in CBI

Extension in central deputation tenure of Shri A.Y.V. Krishna, IPS (AM-1995), Joint Director, CBI

Extension in central deputation tenure of Ms. Harshita Attaluri, IPS(KL-2002), DIG, CBI

All the CSS/CSSS Officers to file the Immovable Property Return (IPR) for the year 2017 (as on 31.12.2017)

Reg. – Filing of IPR-2018 by IAS officers.

Entrustment of additional charge of the post of CVO, NCL, Singrauli.

Entrustment of additional charge of the post of CVO, RINL, Visakhapatnam.

Entrustment of additional charge of the post of CVO, AAI, Delhi.

Entrustment of additional charge of the post of CVO, GRSE, Kolkata.

Entrustment of additional charge of CVO, Coal Mines Provident Fund Organization (CMPFO), Dhanbad.

Entrustment of additional charge of CVO, The Braithwaite, Burn and Jessop Construction Company Ltd., (BBJ), Kolkata.

Induction of Shri Anoop T. Mathew, IPS(JH-2006) as Superintendent of Police in CBI on deputation basis.

Entrustment of additional charge of CVO, Chennai Port Trust (CPT), Chennai.

Extension in deputation tenure of Sh. Tarun Gauba, DIG,CBI.

Induction of Shri Rajpal Meena, IPS (KL-2007) as Superintendent of Police in CBI on deputation basis.

Appointment of Shri Rakesh Asthana, IPS (GJ-1984), working as Additional Director, CBI, as Special Director, CBI.

Extension of central deputation tenure of Shri Manish Kishore Sinha, IPS (JK-1996), Joint Director, CBI.

Procedure for empanelment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries – reg.

Non-extension of tenure of Shri Rakesh Kumar, IDAS(90) as CVO, Hindustan Copper Ltd. (HCL),Kolkata.

Extension in the central deputation tenure of Shri V. Chandrasekar, IPS (GJ-2000), DIG, CBI.

Extension in the central deputation tenure of Shri Navajyoti Gogoi, IPS (RJ-2000), DIG, CBI.

Extension of central deputation tenure of Shri Anurag Garg, IPS (HP-1993),Joint Director, CBI.

Regularization of tenure of Shri J. Vinayan, IRTS(94), CVO, FACT, Kochi.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Ms. Roopa M., IPS (NL-2006), Supdt. of Police, CBI.

Appointment of Shri A.L. Prabhakar, IRSS(90) as CVO, MFL, Chennai.

Induction of the following officers as Supdt. of Police in CBI (Non IPS) on deputation basis.

Premature repatriation of Dr. Atul Fulzele, IPS (HP-2001) DIG, CBI.

Regularization of deputation tenure of Shri Ravi Kant, IPS (OR-98) as DIG, CBI.

Induction of the following IPS officers as Superintendent of Police in CBI on deputation basis.

Appointment of the following 07 IPS officers of 2003 batch to the rank of DGI, CBI.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri A.T. Durai Kumar, IPS (TN-2004), Superintendent of Police, CBI.

Extension of tenure of Shri Sanjay Banga, Indian Engineering Service(93), CVO IREL, Mumbai.

Relieving of Shri Gautam Mandal, IRS(IT-90), CVO, GRSE, Kolkata.

Extension of tenure of Shri Manish Bhimte, IRSME(92), CVO, MECL.

Extension of tenure of Smt. Supriya Jaiswal, ITS(97), CVO, MECON Ltd.

Extension of tenure of Shri M. Radha Krishna, IPS(MP-85), CVO, CPWD.

Appointment of Shri T.V. Reddy, IFS(AM-87) as CVO, RCF, Mumbai.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri Anish Prasad, IPS (TR-2003), Supdt. of Police, CBI

Relieving of Shri T. Kandasamy, IPS(JH-97(, CVO, CPT, Chennai.

Revised procedure for appointment of Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) in Central Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and other organizations under central Ministries/Departments.

Premature repatriation of Dr.Shankhabrata Bagchi, IPS (AP 1996), Joint Director

Appointment of Shri Rajesh Kumar Singh(KL 89) as CVO, FCI Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Venkatasubramanian T., IRSME(85) as CVO, NLC India Ltd.

Appointment of Shri Rajesh Kumar Singh(KL 89) as CVO, FCI Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Venkatasubramanian T., IRSME(85) as CVO, NLC India Ltd.

Debarment of Shri Neeraj Kumar, IRS(IT-98) from central deputation.

Online vigilance status of board level executves of CPSEs

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee).

Extension of deputation tenure of Shri Manish Bhimte, IRSME(92), CVO, MECL, Nagpur.

Appointment of Ms. Garima Bhagat, IRS(IT-96) as CVO, PEC, Delhi.

Premature repatriation of Shri Yatendra Kumar, IAS(MT-96) from the post of CVO, Airport Authority of India (AAI), Delhi.

Regularisation of deputation tenure of Shri Sanjiv Gautam, IRS (CCE-1995), DIG in CBI.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri Pranav Kumar, IPS (WB-2003), IPS, Supdt. of Police

Extension of tenure of Shri S. Shiva Kumar, IAS (BH-87), CVO, BEL.

Regarding extension in the deputation tenure of the IPS officers working in CBI.

Appointment of the 05 IPS officers (working as SP in CBI) to the rank of DIG in CBI.

Appointment of Shri Deepak Chaturvedi, ITS(83) as CVO, SCI, Mumbai.

Web Portal for Online Vigilance Status of Board and below Board Level Executives of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs).

Extension of tenure of Shri A.K. Ambasht, IFS(AGMUT-87), CVO, ONGC.

Amendments to All India Service (Discipline and Appeals) Rules, 1969-Guidelines regarding adherence to timelines for Departmental Proceedings.

Clarification regarding extension of tenure of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations beyond 5 yesrs and upto 7 years.

Premature repatriation of Shri S.S. Badhawan, IFS(JH-86) from the post of CVO, Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC), Delhi.

Cancellation of appointment of Shri Sudhir Kumar, CISF(89) as CVO, IRCTC, Delhi.

Curtailment of deputation tenure of Shri Rajesh Ranjan, IPS(BH-84), CVO, Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL), Delhi.

Appointment of Ms. Sunita Singh, IFS(MH-87) as CVO, REC, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Alok Ranjan, IPS(MP-91) as CVO, BHEL, Delhi.

Entrustment of additional charge of CVO, BBJ, Kolkata.

Procedure for dealing with cases of disagreement between Disciplinary Authority and CVC – instructions regarding consultation with UPSC thereof.

Extension of last date for submitting applications for the post of CVOs in CPSEs etc. by the officers beyond 28.02.2017 and upto 15.03.2017.

Appointment of Shri Subrat Das, IPoS (1991) as CVO, OFB, Kolkata.

Appointment of Shri Rajeev Kushwah, ITS(97) as CVO, MRPL, Mangalore.

Presentation meeting on Online Vigilance Status of below Board Level Executives of CPSEs – Inviting CVOs of CPSEs.

Presentation meeting on Online Vigilance Status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs – inviting officers of Vigilance Divisions and NIC of the ministries/departments

Relieving of Shri Sunil Kumar Singh, IRS (IT-91), CVO in CCI, Delhi.

Presentation meeting on Software Module developed by DoPT for Implementing Online Vigilance Status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs – Inviting CVOs of Ministries/Departments.

Extension of tenure of Shri Ved Prakash, ITS (1986), CVO, NHPC.

Extension of tenure of Shri B. Siddhartha Kumar, IFS(JK-86) as CVO, RINL.

Appointment of Shri Dhirendra Bahadur Singh, IRSSE(93) as CVO, ECL, Sanctoria.

Appointment of Shri Philip Bara, Director, CVC(86) as CVO, IREDA, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri B. Chandrasekhar, IPoS(87) as CVO, HMT Ltd. Bangalore.

Appointment of Shri Anand Mohan, IFS(RJ-96) as CVO, BIS, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Anand Mohan, IFS(RJ-96) as CVO, BIS, Delhi.

Corrigendum – Appointment of Shri A.K. Srivastava, IFS(AM-91) as CVO, NPCC, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri A.K. Srivastava, IFS(AM-91) as CVO, NPCC, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Srikrishna Karuturi, ITS(91) as CVO, NMPT, Mangalore.

Appointment of Shri A.K. Srivastava, IFS(TN-97) as CVO, CCL, Ranchi.

Appointment of Major V.S. Rana, IRTS(99) as CVO, CSIR, Delhi.

Entrustment of additional charge of CVO, SECL, Bilaspur.

Entrustment of additional charge of CVO, OFB, Kolkata.

Extension of tenure of Shri S.K. Jha, IPS(MP-89) as CVO, SPMCIL.

Letter to Chief Secretaries – Inviting nominations of officers for the posts of Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and other organizations under Ministries/Departments for the financial year 2017-2018.

Letter to Secretaries – Inviting nominations of officers for the posts of Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and other organizations under Ministries/Departments for the financial year 2017-2018.

Appointment of Director, CBI-Additional charge-regarding.

Extension of tenure of Shri Umakant Lal, IPS(MP-85) as CVO, DFCCIL.

Appointment of Shri Vidya Bhushan Kumar, IFS(PB-87) as CVO, BEML, Bangalore.

Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by public servants under amended section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 – reg.

Cancellation of appointment of Shri Anil Kumar, IRSME(95) as CVO in Mormugao Port Trust (MPT), Goa.

Appointment of Shri Rajiv Kumar Gupta, IFS(AGMUT-88) as CVO, OIL, Delhi.

Entrustment of additional charge of CVO, HUDCO, Delhi.

Recommendations of the committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance inquires (Hota Committee)

Corrigendum regarding Filling up the post of Director of Prosecution in the CBI

Corrigendum regarding Revision of eligibility criteria and tenure of Director of Prosecution, CBI

Extension of tenure of Smt. Alka Jha, IPoS(87) as CVO, EPFO, Delhi.

Premature repatriation of Shri S.K. Kamila, IPoS(86) from the post of CVO, Ordinance Factory Board (OFB), Kolkata.

Revision of eligibility criteria and tenure of Director of Prosecution, CBI.

Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri Rajeev Sharma, IPS (RJ-1990), Joint Director, CBI.

Regularisation in the deputation tenure of the IPS officers.

Appointment/induction of the IPS officers as Joint Director in the CBI

Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs.

Entrustment of additional charge of CVO, MTNL, Delhi to CVO, BSNL, Delhi.

Entrustment of additional charge of CVO, HPC, Kolkata to Shri Tarique Ahmed, RPF(94), CVO, AYCL, Kolkata.

Appointment of Shri Vijay Kumar, IFS(UK-88) as CVO, KIOCL, Bangalore.

Appointment of Shri Arvind Kadyan, IDAS(87) as CVO, STC, Delhi.

Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs.

Appointment of Shri Kamlesh Kumar Pant, IAS(HP-93) as CVO, NHAI, Delhi.

Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs.

Meeting Notice – Online vigilance status of Board Level Executives of CPSEs.

Cancellation of appointment of Shri Dinesh Mahur, ITS(92) as CVO in Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Delhi.

Entrustment of additional charge of CVO, KIOCL, Bangalore to Shri Nitin Chayande, ITS(91), CVO, MOIL, Nagpur.

Regularization of tenure of Shri S.K. Kamila, IPoS(86) as CVO, HPC.

Extension of tenure of Shri A.K. Gupta, IAS(KL-81) as CVO, MMTC.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri Keshav Ram Chaurasia, IPS (JK-2003), Supdt. of Police, CBI.

Induction of Shri Jayant J. Naiknaware, IPS (MH-2005) as Supdt. of Police in CBI

Induction of Shri Sudhanshu Dhar Mishra, IRS(2006), Joint Commissioner, Income Tax, New Delhi as Supdt. of Police in CBI

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri Sonal Agnihotri, IPS (HP-2004), Supdt. of Police, CBI

Extension of tenure of officers working as CVO in CPSEs and other organizations under Ministries/Departments beyond 5 years and upto 7 years.

Appointment of Shri Barun Kumar Sahu, IAS(TR-92) as CVO, HPC, Kolkata.

Appointment of Shri D.K. Tewatia, IFS(JH-88) as CVO, NFL, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Biswaranjan Samal, IAS(AM-92) as CVO, NALCO, Bhubaneswar.

Entrustment of additional charge of CVO, CMPFO, Dhanbad to Shri Sandeep Raj, IRS(IT-98), CVO, CMPDIL, Ranchi.

Entrustment of additional charge of CVO, Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd. (HMT), Bangalore to Shri S.K. Singh, IRS(IT-91), CVO, Cement Corporation of India Ltd. (CCIL), Delhi.

Appointment of Ms. Mamta Kochar, IRS(IT-95) as CVO in Engineering Projects India Ltd. (EPIL), Delhi.

The Lokpal and Lokayuktas (Amendment) Act, 2016.

Appointment of Shri Sudhir Kumar, CISF(89) as CVO in Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. (IRCTC), Delhi.

Extension of tenure of Shri N. Murali Krishna, ITS(90) as CVO in Madras Fertilizers Ltd., Chennai.

Extension of tenure of Shri S. Ambastha, CISF(92) as CVO in Metal Scrap Trading Corporation (MSTC), Kolkata.

Foreign Training Programme for Group A officers of CVC and CVOs – regarding cooling off period.

Appointment of Shri S.R. Bhoosreddy, IAS(UP-89) as CVO, MMTC, Delhi.

Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 – filing of Returns by public servants – extension of last date – regarding.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee).

Report of the committee on reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations under Ministries/Departments.

Proposals/Requests from private persons for sanction for prosecution of a IAS officer serving in the State Government Central Government under the Prevention of Corruption Act,1988

Relieving of Shri Kuldeep Kumar, IPS(MP-85), CVO, STC, Delhi.

Curtailment in deputation tenure of Shri Satish Chandra Verma, IPS(GJ-86) as CVO, NEEPCO, Shillong.

Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 – filing of Returns by public servants on or before 31 July, 2016 – regarding

Joining status of CVOs in CPSEs and other organizations under Ministries/Departments appointed by DoPT.

Appointment of Dr. Amarpreet Duggal, IPoS(99) as CVO, Prasar Bharati (PB), Delhi.

Report of the committee to decide reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations under different Ministries/Departments and rationalization of pay, incentive, allowances etc. of CVOs.

Appointment of Shri Rajesh Kumar, IRSS(94) as common CVO, HHEC & CCIC.

Appointment of Shri Devendra Kumar Verma, IFS(KL 86) as CVO, DVC, Kolkata.

Appointment of Shri Dinesh Mahur, ITS(92) as CVO, CSIR, Delhi.

Debarment of Ms. Sheuli Burman, IPoS(90) from Central Deputation.

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for Group C posts in the Central Vigilance Commission – reg.

Induction of the following IPS officers as Superintendent of Police in CBI on deputation basis for an initial tenure of 4 years.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee).

Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs etc. for the financial year 2016-2017- reg

Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs etc. for the financial year 2016-2017-reg.

Appointment of Ms. C.K. Deshmukh, IAS (MP-96) as CVO in IOCL, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Manoj Kumar, IAS (HP-88) as CVO in DDA, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Deepak Kumar, IPS(JK-93) as CVO in HEC, Ranchi.

Premature repatriation of Shri Madhup Kumar Tiwari, IPS (AGMU-1995), DIG,CBI to his cadre.

Appointment of Ms. Sushma Singh, IRS(IT-90) as CVO in NIFT, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Deepak Kashyap, IRTS(85) as CVO in BSNL, Delhi.

Appointment/Induction of the following IPS officers as Joint Director in the CBI.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri R.P. Agrawal, IPS (AM-1986), as Joint Director, in CBI.

Induction of Shri Rakesh Asthana, IPS (GJ-1984) as Additional Director, in CBI.

Premature repatriation of Shri Santosh Rastogi, IPS (MH-1998), DIG, CBI

Appointment / Induction of IPS officers as DIG in CBI.

Induction of the following IPS officers as Superintendent of Police in CBI on deputation basis.

Extension in the deputation tenure of the following IPS officers as Supdt. of Police in CBI

Appointment of Shri Anil Kumar, IRSME(95) as CVO, Mormugao Port Trust, Goa.

Appointment of Shri U. Krishna Murty, IRTS(86) as CVO, HPCL, Mumbai.

Appointment of Shri H.S. Sohal, IFS (AGMUT-87) as CVO in Engineers India Limited (EIL), Delhi.

Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by Public Servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 – Filling of Returns by public servants on or before 15th April, 2016 – regarding.

Suspension of Group A Officers of CSS/CSSS – reg.

Appointment of Shri Saroj Kumar Sadangi, IRSS(88) as CVO, in Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT), Kolkata

Appointment of Shri Mujib Pasha Shaik, ITS(93) as CVO, Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL), Hyderabad.

Extension of tenure of Shri Manish Sahu, ITS(95) as CVO in Bharat Pumps and Compressors Limited (BPCL), Allahabad.

Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs etc. for the financial year 2016-2017 – reg.

Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs etc. for the financial year 2016-2017 – reg.

Seeking information about the actual data of parks/allowances given to the CVOs for the financial year 2013-14 and 2014-15.

Extension of tenure of Shri D.P. Naidu, IRS(C and CE-93) as CVO in (CPCL), Chennai

Appointment of Shri Ram Krishna Swarnkar, IPS(UP-96) as CVO, SIL, Lucknow.

Additional charge of Shri Sanjay Banga, as CVO in Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL).

Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs etc. for the financial year 2016-2017 reg

Appointment of Shri Santosh Kumar Kamila, IPoS(86) as CVO in Ordinance Factory Board (OFB), Kolkata.

Reminder – Inviting nominations for filling up the posts of CVO in CPSEs etc. for the financial year 2016-2017-reg.

Debarment of Shri Sardar Singh Meena, IRS(IT-93) from Central Deputation.

Quarterly meeting for reviewing the vigilance work done in the organizations under Ministries/Departments- role of CVOs.

Appointment of Shri Sandeep Raj, IRS(IT-98) as CVO, CMPDIL, Ranchi.

Extension of tenure of Shri A.K. Poddar, IPoS(87) as CVO in Container Corporation of India Limited (CONCOR), Delhi.

Appointment of Shri S.S. Pendharkar, IDAS(90) as CVO in Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL), Mumbai.

Meeting of the committee for reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations under different Ministries/Departments and rationalization of pay,incentive,allowances etc. of CVOs.

Appointment of Shri A.K. Srivastava, IFS(AM-91) as CVO, MCI, Delhi.

Appointment of Smt. Seema Sharma, IRTS(94) as CVO, NCCF, Delhi.

Shri Shishir Srivastava, CVO, Mumbai Port Trust (MbPT), Mumbai.

Procedure for empanelment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries – reg.

Appointment of Shri Satish Tandon, ITS(83) as CVO in IRCON, Delhi.

Debarment of Smt. Anuradha Shankar, IPS (MP-90) from Central Deputation.

Extension of tenure of Ms. Rajalakshmi Ramanathan, IAS and AS(83) as CVO in Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL), Delhi.

Inviting nominations of officers for appointment on deputation for the posts of CVOs in CPSEs.

Premature repatriation of Shri Sanjiv Shankar, IRS(IT-93) from the post of CVO, Handicrafts and Handloom Export Corporation Limited(HHECL) and Central Cottage Industries Corporation Limited(CCICL), New Delhi.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Dr. A. Subramanyaswara Rao, IPS (KTK-2002) Supdt. of Police, CBI

Induction of the following IPS officers as Superintendent of Police in CBI on deputation basis for an initial tenure of 4 years.

Instruction regarding timely submission of proposals for initiating disciplinary proceedings against IAS Officers to Cadre Controlling Authority by Ministries/Departments.

Meeting of the committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations under different Ministries/Departments and the pay, incentive, allowances etc.

Appointment of Shri Navin Kumar,IRSEE(92) as CVO, C-DOT, Delhi

Meeting of the committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations under different Ministry-Departments and the pay, incentive, allowances etc. – has now been cancelled.

Appointment of Shri Ashok Pralhad Labhane, IRSEE(90) as CVO, WCL, Nagpur.

Meeting of the committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions inCPSEs and other organizations under different Ministry-Department and the pay incentive allowance etc.

Extension of tenure of Shri G. Janardhan, IPS (MP-92) as CVO in South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL), Bilaspur.

Declaration of Asseets and Liabilities by Public Servants under Section 44 of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013-extension of last date of filing of revised returns for the year 2014 and returns for the year 2015

Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations under various Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India and the pay, incentives, allowances etc. related issues.

Procedure for empanelment and appointment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries – reg.

Extension of additional charge of the post of CVO, IOCL, Delhi to Shri Anand Kumar, CVO, OIL, Noida.

Extension of tenure of Shri Alok Sharma, IPoS(86) as CVO in Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Delhi.

Extension of tenure of Smt. Supriya Jaiswal, ITS(97) as CVO in Metallurgical and Engineering Consultants (India) Limited (MECON), Ranchi.

Meeting of the committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay, incentive, allowances etc.

Extension of tenure of Shri Manoj Kumar, IAS(MT – 90) as CVO in Coal India Limited (CIL), Kolkata.

Appointment of Shri Sardar Singh Meena, IRS(IT-93) as CVO in NIFT,Delhi.

Vacancy positions of CVOs in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) and other organizations under Ministries/Department.

Meeting of the committee to decide the rationalization of the CVO positions in CPSEs and other organizations and the pay,incentive, allowances etc. – has now been cancelled.

Premature repatriation of Smt. Usha Chandrasekhar, IPoS(83) from the post of CVO, National Mineral Development Corporation Limited (NMDC), Hyderabad.

Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and the pay, incentives, allowances etc. related issues.

Extension of Shri Tapas Pal, ITS(91) as CVO in Bridge and Roof Company (India) Limited (B and R), Kolkata

Extension of Shri P. Ramjee, IPS (RJ-98) as CVO in Kandla Port Trust (KPT), Kandla

Letter to Secretaries regarding timeline for furnishing of information relating to Assets and Liabilities by Public Servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

Letter to Chief Secretaries regarding timeline for furnishing of information relating to Assets and Liabilities by Public Servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

Premature repatriation of Shri Ravindra Verma, RPF(89) from the post of CVO, HEC, Ranchi.

Extension of Shri K.P. Venkateshwar Rao, IPS (MP-95) as CVO in Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL), Singrauli.

Entrustment of additional charge of the post of CVO, CSL, Cochin to shri T. Kandasamy, CVO, CPT, Chennai

Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to the posts of Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs).

Extension of deputation tenure of Shri K.B. Surwade, ISS(94) as CVO in Hindustan Antibiotics Limited (HAL), Pune.

Reassessment of CVO positions in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and the pay, incentives, allowances etc. related issues.

FAQs with Replies/Information, In Respect of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and the pay, incentives, allowances etc. related issues.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee).

Induction of Shri Rupak Kumar Datta, IPS (KTK-1981), Additional Director, CBI as Special Director in the CBI.

Induction of Shri Y.C. Modi, IPS (AM-1984) as Additional Director in the CBI.

Smt. Archana Ramasundram, IPS (TN-80) appointment as Director General, in NCRB.

Premature repatriation of Shri Rajkumar Maruti Vhatkar, IPS (MH-1998) DIG, CBI, ACB, Mumbai.

Premature repatriation of Shri Yatindra Koyal, IPS (OR-2000), DIG, CBI

4 IPS officers as Superintendent of Police in CBI on deputation basis.

Premature repatriation of Ms. Ruchira Chatterjee, Supdt. of Police (MAC), CBI

Extension of deputation tenure of Shri Manoj Pant, IFS(JK-86) as CVO, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), Mumbai.

Procedure of forwarding the proposal for extension of tenure, premature repatriation, non-extension of tenure (after completion of initial tenure of 3 years) etc.

Debarment of Shri Satish Kumar Kaushik, IFS(AP-86) from Central Deputation.

Appointment of Ms. Sheuli Burman, IPoS (90) as CVO in ITI, Bangalore.

Appointment of Shri Shishir Srivastava, IRS(IT-94) as CVO in Mumbai Port Trust (MbPT), Mumbai.

Cancellation of appointment of Shri Jayan Kumar Sao, ITS(95) as CVO in Western Coalfields Limited (WCL), Nagpur.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri Santosh Rastogi, IPS, (MH-1998), DIG, CBI.

Appointment of Shri P.J. Vijayakar, IFS (AM-93) as CVO in Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL), Visakhapatnam.

Extension of deputation tenure of Shri Y. Ravindranath, ITS(93) as CVO, MRPL, Mangalore.

Extension of deputation tenure of Shri R. Ramakrishnan, IAS(NL-98) as CVO, TPT/VoCPT, Tuticorin.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri Rajeev Sharma, IPS (RJ-1990), Joint Director, CBI.

Amendment order to the Lokpal Removal of Difficulties order, 2015.

Public Servants (Firnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Amendment Rules, 2015.

Declaration of Assests and liabilities by public servents under section 44 of lokpal & lokayuktas Act 2013-extention of last date for filing of revised returns by public servents who have filed property returns under the existing service rules-regarding

Declaration of assets and liablities by Public Servents under section 44 lokpal & Lokayukta act 2013

Induction of Shri Amrit Mohan Prasad, IPS (OR-1989) and Shri A.K. Sharma, IPS (GJ-1987) as Joint Director in the CBI.

Extension – Shri R.P. Agrawal, IPS (AM-1986), Joint Director, in the CBI.

Extension in the deputation tenure of the 4 IPS officers as Joint Director in the CBI.

Appointment of Shri S.K. Satapathy, IAS(JH-86) as CVO in DDA, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Sanjiv Swarup, IRSEE(82) as CVO in National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited (NBCC), Delhi.

Shri R. Venkataraman, IRS (C and CE-82) as CVO, ITI, Bangalore

Extension in the deputation of Shri Ashok Tewari, IPS (HP-1993) , Joint Director in CBI.

Appointment of Shri Shailesh Kumar Singh, IAS(JH-91) as CVO in Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), New Delhi.

Premature repatriation of Dr. N. Rajamarthandan, IPS, (AM-2006), Supdt. of Police, CBI.

Premature repatriation of Shri Braja Kishore Singh, IPS (AGMU-2004), Supdt. of Police, CBI.

Appointment of the following 2000 Batch IPS officers working as SP in CBI to the post of DIG.

Extension in the deputation tenure of the IPS officers in the CBI.

Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments.

Honourable Supreme Court Guidelines regarding sanction for prosecution.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee).

Placing the services of Sh. R.K. Rai, IPS(GJ-92) at the disposal of MHA.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri Pradip Kumar, IPS (TN-2003, Supdt. of Police, CBI for the period from 14.02.2015 to 31.03.2015.

Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 – Clarification regarding formats to be used for filing returns under the Act

Appointment of Shri M. Akhaya IPS(OR-88) as CVO in Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Paramjeet Singh, IRS(IT-92) as CVO in Cotton Corporation of India (CCI), Mumbai.

Submission of proposals under Rule 8 of AIS (D-A) Rules, 1969-regarding.

Premature repatriation of Shri Shashi Bhushan Prasad, IRS(IT-90) from the post of CVO, HOCL, Mumbai.

Shri S.K. Choudhary, IDSE(85) as CVO in Kolkata Port Trust(KoPT), Kolkata.

Appointment of Shri Jayan Kumar Sao, ITS(95) as CVO in Western Coalfields Limited (WCL), Nagpur.

Extension in the deputation tenure of the following IPS officers working in the CBI.

Shri V. Murugesan, IPS (UK-1997) DIG, CBI.

Appointment of Smt. Anuradha Shankar, IPS (MP-90) as CVO in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), Mumbai.

Applications received for the posts of Chairperson and Members, Lokpal – Intimation of status – reg.

Nominations of Officers are invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVO in CPSE etc.

Nominations of Officers are invited for appointment on deputation to the posts of CVO in CPSE etc.

Appointment of Shri R.S. Sinha, CSS(Assistant-82) as common CVO in Instrumentation Limited, Kota (ILK), REIL, HSL and SSL, Jaipur.

Submission of Appeal before DOPT against order passed by the State disciplinary authority under Rule 18 (3) and (4) of AIS (D and A) Rules, 1969 – regarding.

Appointment of Shri Sanjay Goel, IRSME(89) as CVO in IREDA, Delhi.

Corrigendum – Premature repatriation of Shri Sandeep Khirwar, IPS (HY-1995), DIG, CBI.

Extension in he deputation tenure of the following IPS officers working in CBI for the period from 01.02.2015 to 31.03.2015.

Entrustment of additional charge of a CVO in a CPSE appointed by DOPT to another CPSE by the Administrative Ministry of the CPSEs concerned.

Shri Ashok Tewari, IPS (HP-1993),Joint Director, CBI for a period from 24.12.2014 to 31.01.2015.

Declaration of Assets and Liabilities under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 – Clarification on filing of property returns in accordance with existing service rules for different categories of public servants – Reg.

Extension of tenure of Shri M. Eshwar, ITS(94) as CVO in Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL), Hyderabad

Extension of deputation tenure of Shri O P Galhotra, IPS (RJ-1985) Joint Director, CBI for a period upto 28.11.2015.

Extension of deputation tenure of Shri Hemant Priyadarshy, IPS(RJ-1992) Joint Director, CBI for a period upto 28.11.2015.

Premature repatriation of Shri Sushovan Banerjee, IPS(MP-89) from the post of CVO in Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT),Mumbai.

Smt. Madhu Sharma, IFS (KN-86) was appointed as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in HMT Limited, Bangalore under the Department of Heavy Industry.

Shri A.S.N. Murthy, IPS (KN-92) was appointed as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL), Visakhapatnam under the Department of Defence Production.

Letter to Secretaries regarding furnishing of information relating to Assets and Liabilities by Public Servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

Letter to Chief Secretaries regarding furnishing of information relating to Assets and Liabilities by Public Servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

Appointment of Shri V.V. Satya Sreenivas, IRSME (95) as CVO in Dredging Corporation of India Limited (DCIL), Visakhapatnam.

Amendment order to the Lokpal Removal of Difficulties Order, 2014

Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Second Amendment Rules, 2014

Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by Public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 – extension of last date for filing of revised returns by public servants..

Appointment of Shri Satish Kumar Kaushik, IFS (AP-86) as CVO in NTCL, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Anand Kumar, IPS(UP-88) as CVO in OIL, Noida.

Appointment of Shri Mohit Jain, IRS(IT-93) as CVO in KVIC, Mumbai.

Premature repatriation of Shri Sandeep Khirwar, IPS (HY-1995), DIG, CBI.

Appointment of Shri Anil Kumar Sinha, IPS (BH-1979) as Director, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee).

Extension of tenure of Shri B Siddhartha Kumar,IFS(JK-86) in CVO in RINL, Vishakhapatanam.

Extension 0f tenure of Smt. Vinakshi Gupta, IDAS(92) as CVO in NCCF, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Satnam Singh Badhwan, IFS (JH-86) as CVO in CWC, Delhi.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Dr. AtulFulzele, IPS (HP-2001), SP, CBI

Extension in the deputation tenure of the 3 officers in CBI.

Appointment of Ms. Deepali Chandra, IRS (IT-91) as CVO in SAI, Delhi.

Extension of Smt. Gitanjali Gupta Kundra, IAS (AGMUT-96) for appointment as CVO in DTC, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Nitin Chayande, ITS (91) as CVO in Manganese Ore India Limited (MOIL), Nagpur.

Extension/Regularization of deputation period of Shri B.R. Meena, IPS(UP-97), Ex-CVO, PDIL.

Appointment of Central Vigilance Commissioner & Vigilance Commissioner in the Central Vigilance Commission

Extension of deputation tenure of Shri Deepak Srivastava, IFS(TN-92) as CVO in Mahanandi Coalfields Limited(MCL), Sambalpur.

Appointment of Smt Madhu Sharma,IFS(KN-86) as CVO in HMT Limited.

Appointment of Shri Rakesh Kumar, IDAS(90)as CVO in HCL, Kolkata.

Appointment of Shri Balakrishnan Selva Kumar,IPos(89) as CVO in HAL.

Letter to Chief Secretaries regarding furnishing of information relating to assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

Letter to Secretaries regarding furnishing of information relating to assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee).

Letter to Secretaries regarding furnishing of information relating to assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

Letter to Chief Secretaries regarding furnishing of information relating to assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

Appointment of Shri Rajnish Rai, IPS(GJ-92) as CVO in UCIL, Jaduguda

Appointment of Shri Arbind Prasad, ITS(94) as CVO in CCL, Ranchi.

Appointmentof Shri A S N Murthy, IPS(KN-92) as CVO in HSL,Visakhapatnam.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee).

Introduction of Single Window System in Department of Personnel and Training for receiving proposals for Sanction for prosecution under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 – regarding.

Appointment of Ms.Chaitali Panmel, IRS(IT-87) as CVO in EPIL, Delhi.

Introduction of Single Window System in DOPT for receiving proposals for Sanction for prosecution under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 – regarding.

Introduction of Single Window System in DOPT for receiving proposals for Sanction for prosecution under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 – comments of the administrative authority – regarding.

Appointment of Shri Dharmendra Prakash,IFS(NL-89) as CVO in IRCTC, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Sanjiv Shankar, IRS(IT-93) as common CVO in HHECL and CCICIL, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Sanjay Banga, Indian Engineering Service(93) as CVO in Indian Rare Earths Limited (IREL), Mumbai.

Extension of deputation tenure of Smt. Saswati Bandopadhyay, IDAS(83) as CVO in Indian Railway Construction Company (IRCON), New Delhi.

Extension of tenure of deputation of Smt. Usha Chandrasekhar,IPoS(83) as CVO,National Mineral Development Corporation(NMDC), Hyderabad.

Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IO)/Presenting Officers (PO).

Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments.

Amendment of GOI Resolution No. 89 published in the Gazette of India Part I Section I, Extraordinary dated 21 April, 2004 (read with corrigendum dated 29th April, 2004) commonly known as the Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) Resolution – regarding.

Induction of Shri R Gopala Krishna Rao, IPS(MT-2005) as Superintendent of Police in CBI.

Shri Sanjiv Gautam,IRS(C&CE-95) as Deputy Inspector General of Police in CBI.

Appointment of Shri M Surya Prakash,IFS(AGMUT) as Chief Vigilance Officer(CVO) in Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL),Hyderabad.

Shri C Easwaramoorthy, IPS (TN-1998) DIG,CBI to his parent cadre w.e.f. 31.5.2014 in terms of para 13(1) of IPS Tenure Policy.

IPS officers as Superintendent of Police in CBI on deputation basis for an initial tenure of 4 years from the date of assumption of charge of the post, as per IPS Tenure Policy,2010.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri G K Verma,IPS (SK-2001), Supdt. of Police,CBI for the period from 13.04.2014 and upto 12.04.2017.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri Asif Jalal,IPS (HP-2002), Supdt. of Police, CBI for a period of three years from 05.04.2014 to 04.04.2017.

Extension of tenure of deputation of Shri P K Mohanty, IAS(UP-85) as CVO, NALCO, Bhubneswar.

Shri V Murugesan,IPS(UK-1997),DIG,CBI to his parent cadre w.e.f. 31.05.2014 in terms of Praa 13(1) of IPS Tenure Policy.

Extension of tenure of deputation of Shri Sanjeev Kumar Gupta,IFS(AP-93)as CVO, Western Coalfields Limited (WCL), Nagpur.

Extension of tenure of deputation of Shri Amit Mohan Prasad,IAS(UP-89) as CVO,Oil India Limited (OIL),Noida.

The Prevention of Corruption(Amendment) Bill, 2013

Premature repatriation of Shri S M Mishra,IRS(IT-81),CVO,HPCL,Mumbai.

Extension of tenure of deputation of Shri S Galgali, ITS(93) as CVO in Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited(KIOCL),Bangalore.

Appointment of Shri Akhilesh Kumar Ambasht, IFS(AGMUT-87) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), New Delhi.

Appointment of Shri M Radha Krishna, IPS(MP-85) as Chief Vigilance Officer(CVO) in Central Public Works Department(CPWD), New Delhi.

Relieving of Shri Sumit Mishra, ITS(97) the post of CVO in Mormugao Port Trust, Goa.

Appointment of Shri Gautam Mandal, IRS(IT-90) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (GRSE), Kolkata.

Appointment of Smt Sanjeevanee Kutty, IAS(MH-83) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), New Delhi.

Extension of tenure of deputation of Shri Kashi Nath Mishra, AFHQ(83) as CVO, Paradip Port Trust(PPT), Paradip.

Premature repatriation of Shri Suvendra Kumar Bhagat, IPS(UP-1998), DIG,,CBI.

Appointment of Smt Alka Jha, IPos(1987) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Employees Provident Fund Organization(EPFO), New Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Ved Prakash, Indian Trade Service (1986)as Chief Vigilance Officer CVO) in National Hydro Power Corporation Limited (NHPC), Delhi.

Extension of tenure of deputation of Shri P. Ulaganathan, Central General Service, as CVO, Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), Cochin.

Appointment of Shri T. Kandasamy, IPS (JH-97) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Chennai Port Trust (CPT), Chennai.

Appointment of Shri P.R.K. Naidu, IPS (JH-87) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited (HUDCO), Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Manoj Kumar, CES(95) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Cotton Corporation of India (CCI), Mumbai.

Appointment of Shri Tarique Ahmad, RPF(94) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Andrew Yule and Company Limited (AYCL), Kolkata.

Introduction of Single Window System in DOPT for receiving proposals for initiation of disciplinary proceedings against the Group A officers of the Central Bureau of Investigation – Regarding.

Extension of tenure of deputation of Shri Parvez Hayat, IPS(JH-84) as CVO PGCIL, Gurgaon.

Appointment of Smt Smriti Sharan, IPos(93) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Projects Equipments Corporation Limited (PEC), Delhi

Introduction of Single Window System in DOPT for receiving proposals for initiation of disciplinary proceedings against the Group A officers of the Central Secretariat Services (CSS and CSSS) – reg.

Premature repatriation of Shri Suvendra Kumar Bhagat, IPS (UP-1998), DIG, CBI to his parent cadre, on the request of the State Government.

Premature repatriation of Shri Sujeet Pandey, IPS (UP)-94), DIG,CBI.

Extension of tenure of deputation of Shri B N S Negi, IPS (HP-88) as CVO, in Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited (SJVNL), Shimla for a further period of 2 years beyond 26.01.2014-Reg.

Premature repatriation of Shri B D Gupta, IRS (IT-81), CVO, NTC Limited-Reg.

Circulation of Check-List for Disciplinary cases against IAS Officers and initiation of Single Window System.

Appointment of Smt. Archana Ramasundaram, IPS (TN-80) as Additional Director in CBI.

Premature repatriation of Shri Nageswara Rao, IPS, (PB-1995)DIG, CBI

Appointment of Shri Prabhat Ranjan Deo, IPS (HY-86) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Rail India Technical Economic Services (RITES).

Extension of tenure of deputation of Shri Prahlad Kumar, IP-TA-FS (84) as CVO, DVC, Kolkata.

Appointment of Shri Arun Kumar Chaturvedi, IRSE(1994) as Common Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in ILK,REIL,FSL and SSL.

Appointment of Smt. Sundari Subramaniam Pujari, IDES(1980) as CVO in Air India, Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Sushovan Banerjee, IPS(MP-89) as CVO in Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), Mumbai.

Invitation of Application for Chairperson and Members of Lokpal

Regulating parameters for exercise of discretionary powers enjoyed by Ministers at the Centre.

Appointment of Shri S Shiva Kumar,IAS(BH-87) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore.

Appointment of Shri Umakant Lal, IPS(MP-85) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL), Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Umakant Lal, IPS(MP-85) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL), Delhi.

Debarment of Shri Anand Vijay Jha, IRPF(98) from Central Deputatin.

Appointment of Ms Mala Iyengar, IDAS(91) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Prasar Bharati, Delhi.

Cancellation of appointment of Shri L Raja Shekhar Reddy, IRS (IT-89) as CVO, Projects & Equipments Corporation Limited(PEC), Delhi

Regularization of one month overstay of Shri H Venkatesh, IPS, (KL-1998), DIG, CBI from 17.08.2013 to 16.09.2013.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri Ravi Kant, IPS (OR-1998), presently reappointed as DIG in CBI (from IB for the purpose of enquiry and investigation into allocation of Coal Blocks) for a period of 2 years from 24.09.2013 to 23.09.2015.

Approved induction of the following IPS officers as Superintendent of Police in CBI on deputation for an initial tenure of 4 years from the date of assumption of charge of the post, as per IPS Tenure Policy, 2010.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri Deepak M Damor, IPS, (TN-2001),SP,CBI for a further period of three years from 15.06.2013 to 14.06.2016.

Approval of the Competent Authority is hereby conveyed to the appointment of the following IPS officers working a SP, CBI as DIG in CBI for the period mentioned against each.

Handbook For Inquiry Officers and Disciplinary Authorities

Appointment of CVO in CPSEs/Organisations, etc. – regarding

Appointment of Shri Sunil Kumar Singh, IRS (IT-91) as CVO in Cement Corporation of India (CCI), Delhi.

Guidelines regarding handling of complaints in Ministries/Departments.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) – Para 35 of the Committee Report on conduct of hearings on a day to day basis – Acceptance by Government-reg.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) – Para 36(a) of the Committees Report to designate CDIs in CVC in numerical/alphabetical order – Governments decision thereon – reg.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) – Para 135 of the Committees Report on submission of draft charge sheet while seeking first stage advice of CVC, etc. – Acceptance by Government-reg.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee)-Para 31 of the Committees Report on amendments to the Departmental Enquiries (Enforcement of Attendance of Witnesses and Production of Documents) Act, 1972-Governments decision thereon-reg.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) – Para 48 of the Committees Report on conclusion of major penalty proceedings within a period of 18 months – Acceptance by Government – reg.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee) – Para 38 of the Committees Report regarding payment of TA-DA to retired government servants appearing as witnesses in proceedings before the CDI in CVC – Governments decision thereon – reg.

Appointment of Shri S K Jha, IPS(MP-89) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL), New Delhi.

Appointment of Shri S Rangarajan, IRSME(83) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Ordinance Factory Board(OFB), Kolkata.

Appointment of Shri H K Jethi, IOFS(96) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in Medical Council of India(MCI), New Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Atul Kumar Shukla, IFS(CG-86) as Chief Vigilance Officer(CVO) in the Konkan Railways Corporation Limited (KRCL), Mumbai.

Regulating parameters for exercise of discretionary powers enjoyed by Ministers at the Centre.

Appointment of Shri Anand Vijay Jha, IRPF(98) as Chief Vigilance Officer(CVO) in Cotton Corporation of India (CCI), Mumbai

Appointment of Shri Manish Bhimte, IRSME (92) as CVO in the Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited (MECL), Nagpur.

Amendment of GOI of Resolution No. 89 published in the GOI Part I Section 1, Extraordinary dated 21st April,2004 (read with corrigendum dated 29th April, 2004) commonly known as the Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI) Resolution-regarding.

Shri A K Pateria, IPS (MP-1986), Joint Director, CBI beyond 15.5.2013 for a period upto 06.12.2013.

Extension of tenure of Smt. Swaswati Bandopadhyay, IDAS(1983), Chief Vigilance Officer(CVO), Indian Railway Construction Company(IRCON).

Appointment of Shri Sarwashrestha Ambastha, Sr Commandant, CISF(92) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer in the Metal Scrap Trading Corporation(MSTC), Kolkata.

Regulatory parameters for exercise of discretionary powers of Ministers.

Shri Rajiv Singh, IPS (MT-1993) as Joint Director in CBI for a period of 5 years w.e.f. the date of his joining in CBI.

Appointment of Shri S Arunachalam, IPS (TN-1993,), DIG,CBI as Joint Director in CBI for the period upto 13.04.2015.

Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authority for the Confidential Report in r/o Chief Vigilance Officers working in the Public Sector Undertakings/Organisations.

Grant of Special Incentive Allowance for non-executive staff in CBI.

Appointment of Shri Sanjay V Mane, IPS(MP-89) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the Shipping Corporation of India Limited, Mumbai.

Appointment of Smt. Jyoti Mehta, IOFS(92) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), New Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Prabhat Kumar, IRS(C&CE-94) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the Pawan Hans Limited (PHL), New Delhi.

Premature repatriation of Shri M N Krishnamurthy, IPS(KL-84) presently woking as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the Bharat Electronics Limited(BEL), Bangalore to his parent cadre.

Regulating parameters for exercise of discretionary powers enjoyed by Ministers at the Centre.

Induction of IPS Officers as Superintendent of Police in CBI on deputation basis.

Shri Dinendra Kashyap, DIG,CBI for the period upto June 2014.

Induction of IPS Officers as DIG in CBI on deputation basis.

Appointment of Ms Dimple Verma, IAS (UP-89) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the National Building Construction Corporation Limited (NBCC), New Delhi.

Appointment of Dr Harish Chandra Singh, IPS(UP-84) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the National Fertilizers Limited (NFL), Dehi.

Extension of tenure o Shri Ravindra Verma, RPF(89) as CVO in Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited (HEC), Ranchi-regarding.

Extension of tenure of Shri Atul Kumar Shukla, IFS(CG-86) as CVO in the Indian Rare Earths Limited (IREL),Mumbai-regarding.

Appointment of Smt. Alka Jha, IPos (87) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the Krishak Bharti Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO), Delhi.

Extension in deputation tenure of Shri Ratn Sanjay, IPS (BH-1998), DIG, CBI for the period from 15.04.213 to 14.04.2015.

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri Sanjay Kumar Singh, IPS, (OR-1996), DIG, CBI from 16.4.2013 to 15.4.2015.

Permission to initiate investigation by the CBI in respect of officers of the rank of Joint Secretary and above serving the Central Government-Provisions of section 6A of the Delhi Special Police Establishment(DSPE) Act, 1946- recommendations of the Group of Ministers – issue of Corrigendum – regarding.

Reappointment of Shri Ravi Kant, IPS (OR-1998) as DIG CBI.

Extension of tenure of Shri Aloke Prasad, IPS (UP-84) as CVO in the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), New Delhi-regarding.

Appointment of Shri Sunil Kumar Jha, IPS (BH-1993).Shri Anurag Garg, IPS (HP-1993), Shri Ashok Tewari, IPS (HP-1993)

Extension in the deputation tenure of Shri O P Galhotra, IPS (RJ-1985), Joint Director, CBI from 07.05.2013 to 06.05.2015.

Appointment of Shri Subhash Chandra, IAS (KN-86) as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the Power Finance Corporation (PFC), New Delhi.

Shri A K Sinha, IPS (BH-1979) AS Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) as Special Director in the (CBI)

Appointment of Shri Binod,Kumar IRS(IT-83) as Chief Vigilance Officer in the National Hydro Power Corporation Limited (NHPC),New Delhi.

Appointment of Shri L Raja Shekhar Reddy, IRS (IT-89), as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the Projects & Equipment Corporation Limited (PEC), Delhi.

Appointment of Shri A K Poddar, IPos (87) as Chief Vigilance Officer in th Container Corporation of India(CONCOR), New Delhi.

Extension of tenure of deputation of Shri Khushi Ram, IRSEE(81) as CVO, MTNL-regarding.

Extension of tenure of CVO, PEC Ltd.for further six month-regarding.

Appointment of Shri Kuldeep Kumar, IPS (MT-85), to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer in the State Trading Corporation Limited, New Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Shiv Raj Singh, IFS(KN-86), to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer in the Neyveli Lignite Corporaion Limited, Tamilnadu.

(1) Dr N Rajamarhandan, IPS (AM-2006)-in CBI in relaxation of IPS Tenure Policy. (2) Shri Anish Prasad, IPS (MT-2003)

Appointment of Shri Shashi Bhushan Prasad, IRS(IT-90) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer in Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited (HOCL), Mumbai.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee).

Ms Ruchira Chatterjee, Sr Commandant, 6th Bn. RPSF, Delhi as Superintendent of Police in CBI (Group A Non IPS) on deputation basis.

Cancellation of appointment of Shri Pradeep M Lal, IPos(89) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer in the Metal Scrap Trading Corporation, Kolkata under the administrative control of the Ministry of Steel.

Extension of Shri Yatindra Koyal, IPS(OR-2000), SP, CBI for the period from 02.03.2013 to 01.03.2016.

Extension of shri G Nageswara Rao, IPS (PB-1995), DIG,CBI for the period from 18.02.2013 to 17.02.2015.

RFP on Self Evaluation Study of UNCAC – Decision Regarding

Regulating parameters for exercise of discretionary powers enjoyed by Ministers at the Centre.

Extension of duputation tenure of Shri Pradeep Gupta, IPS(CG-95) as CVO in MOIL Limited for a period of one year and 14 days beyond 17.03.2013 i.e. upto 31.03.2014-reg.

Appointment of Shri Sanjay Kumar, ITS(90) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO)in the Uranium Corporation of India, Jaduguda.

Extension of deputation tenure of Shri K Rajeshwara Rao, IAS(MT-88), CVO in the Container Corporation of India Limited (CONCOR)

Appointment of Shri Vijay Kumar Singh,IFS(HP-86) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), New Delhi.

Pre-bid meeting held on 19.2.2013 on Request For Proposal for Self Evaluation Study of compliance of UNCAC provisions – response to clarification sought.

Central Vigilance Commissions jurisdiction over employees of Multi-State Coopertative Societies like NAFED,KRIBHCO etc.

Appointment of Shri M Rama Prasad Rao, IFS(UP-86) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), New Delhi.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee).

DOPT invites Request for Proposals from eligible applicants for undertaking a Self Evaluation Study of India status of compliance of provisons of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption(UNCAC)

Extension of tenure of Smt Arti C Srivastava, IOFS(90) as Chief Vigilance Officer in the Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) Hyderabad under the Department of Atomic Energy.

Extension of tenure of Shri Sanjeev Sood, (IRSEE(85) as Chief Vigilance Officer in Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL).Mumbai for a period of two years from 9.5.2013 i.e. upto 9.5.2015.

Appointment of Ms Rajalakshmi Ramanathan, IA&AS(83) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer in the Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL). New Delhi under the Ministry of Railways.

Extension of tenure of Shri M Dandayudhapani, IOFS(90) as Chief Vigilance Officer in the Chennai Port Trust, Chennai under the Ministry of Shipping.

Appointment of Arvind Kadyan, IDAS(87) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer in the Bharat Heavy Electriclas Limited (BHEL), New Delhi.

Appointment of Shri Rajesh Kumar Agerwal, ITS(93) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer(CVO) in the Bird Group of Companies, Kolkata

Appointment of Smt Uma Nanduri, IFS(OR-93) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the National Projects Construction Corporation Limited (NPCC), New Delhi.

Ms Nina Singh, IPS(RJ-1989) as Joint Director in the CBI,

Extension of tenure of Shri S K Chaudhary, IDSE(85) as Chief Vigilance Officer, Kolkata Port Trust kolkata-regarding.

Appointment of Shri S D Jha, IRS(IT-84) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer in Central Public Works Department (CPWD). New Delhi.

Extension of tenure of Shri S M Misra, IRS(IT-81) as Chief Vigilance Officer in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL). Mumbai for a period of two years beyond 15.12.2012 i.e. upto 15.12.2014.

Appointment of Shri Manoj Pant, IFS(JK-86) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in the Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), Mumbai,

Appointment od Smt Meenakshi Mishra, IA&AS(83) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer in the Security, Printing & Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL) under the Department of Economic Affairs.

Recommendations of the Committee of Experts on Disciplinary and Vigilance Inquiries (Hota Committee).

Extension of tenure of Shri Anurag Sahay, IRS(IT-91) as Chief Vigilance Officer in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). Bangaluru for a period of two years beyond 23.8.2012 i.e. upto 23.8.2014.

Strengthening of Vigilance set-up in Ministries/Departments – reg.

Appointment of Shri Sai Manohar Aramane, IPS (MP-1995) Appontment of Shri A Y V Krishna, IPS (AM-1995)

Appointment of Shri Ram Sanjay katiyar, IPS (BH-98)

Appointment of Shri D K Bhateria 2nd in Command ITBP Appointment of Shri Pankaj Singh, 2nd in Command, CRPF

Guidelines for monitoring and expeditious disposal of the disciplinary proceeding cases – reg.

Appointment of Shri D. P. Naidu, IRS(C&CE-93) to the post of Chief Vigilance Officer in Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (CPCL), Chennai.

Extension of tenure of Ms Vismita Tej. IRS(IT-90) as Chief Vigilance Officer in Central Coalfields Limited(CCL). Ranchi for a period of two years beyond 6.9.2012 i.e upto 6.9.2014.

Extension of tenure of Dr Parvinder Kaur, CSS(84), CVO, Scooters India Limited(SIL). Lucknow-regarding.

Appintment of Shri Ranjit Sinha, IPS (BH-1974)

Nominations of Officerc are invited for appointment on deputation to the post of CVO in CPSU etc.

Nominations of Officerc are invited for appointment on deputation to the post of CVO in CPSU etc.

EOI Document for engaging agency for self evaluation study of compliance of UNCAC provisions.-Closure of the EOI

Regarding Strengthening of Vigilance set-up in Ministries/Departments.

FAQ respect of AVD-I

Strengthening of Vigilance set-up in Ministries/Departments.

Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IO)/Presenting Officers (PO) – Consolidated instructions regarding.

Guidelines for checking delays in grant of sanction of prosecution – strict compliance thereof.

Regarding strengthening of vigilance set-up in Ministries/Departments.

EOI Document for engaging agency for self evaluation study of compliance of UNCAC provisions.-Last Date Further Extended

Creation of post of Chief Vigilance Officers and status facilities, perks and perquisites in CPSEs etc.-reg.

EOI document for engaging agency for self evaluation study of Compliance of UNCAC Provision – Last Date extended.

EOI Document for engaging agency for self evaluation study of compliance of UNCAC provisions.

Guidelines for checking delay in grant of sanction for prosecution.

Regulating parameters for exercise of discretionary powers enjoyed by Ministers at the Centre.

Regulating parameters for exercise of discretionary powers enjoyed by Ministers at the Centre.

Guidelines for checking delay in grant of sanction for prosecution.

Authorization of the Central Government to file an application under Section 3 of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 1944 for attachment of the money or property acquired by any person by means of the scheduled offence.

Regarding Circular for nomination for the post of Chief Vigilance Officer in PSUs etc. during the year 2012-13.

Corrigendum – Complaints against Secretaries to the Government of India – procedure for handling regarding.

First Report of Group of Ministers.

Grant of Special Incentive Allowance for non-executive staff in CBI

Dispensing with second stage consultation with the CVC in disciplinary cases.

Appointment of Inquiry Officer (IOs) and Presenting Officer (POs) in disciplinary cases.

Strengthening of Vigilance set-up in Ministries/Departments.

Permission to initiate investigation by the CBI in respect of officers of the rank of Joint Secretary and above serving the Central Government-Provisions of section 6A of the Delhi Special Police EStablishment(DSPE) Act, 1946- recommendations of the Group of Ministers- regarding.

Guidelines regarding grant of Vigilance Clearance to AIS Officers.

Complaints against Secretaries to the Government of India-procedure for handling regarding.

The Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and Officials of Public International Organisations Bill, 2011 – Comments/ Views on

Implementation of IAS-Pay Second Amendment Rules, 2008 and similar rules for IPS-IFS – exercise of option – regarding

Allowing vigilance functionaries on deputation to CPSEs the option to draw pay either in the scale of pay of the CPSE concerned or pay in the parent cadre plus deputation (duty) allowance thereon plus personal pay, if any-Cabinet decision-reg.

Corrigendum No.202/52/2009-AVD-II

Scheme for Contractual Appointments of Professionals in CBI

Miscellaneous reference-exploring of issue of hosting of information relating to RDA and Prosecution cases on the officical website-regarding.

Norms for reimbursement of expenditure incurred on setting up special courts for CBI in the States.

Committee of Experts regarding Disciplinary/Vigilance Proceedings.

Disciplinary/Vigilance Proceedings(Chief Secretaries)

Disciplinary/Vigilance Proceedings(All CCAs)

Committee of Experts to examine and suggest measures to expedite the process involved in Disciplinary/Vigilance Proceedings.

Questionnaire for Consultation with Stakeholders connected with AIS and Vigilance.

Complaints against Secretaries to the Government of India – procedure for handling regarding. – Corrigendum

Scheme for appointment of Special Prosecutors in CBI on contract bais-regtarding.

Complaints against Secretaries to the Government of India – procedure for handling regarding.

Withdrawal of cases from prosecution under Section 321 of Cr.P.C. 1973-reg.

Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers/Presenting Officers.

Authorization of the Central Government to file an application u/s 3 of the Criminal Law (Amendemnt) Ordinance, 1944 for attachment of the money or property procured by means of the scheduled offence.

Withdrawal/withholding/recovery of pension/gratuity in the case of minor penalty proceedings.

Prosecution sanction-evidence of sanctioning/signing/authenticating authority.

Strengthening of vigilance mechanism – giving wide publicity to Government’s anti-corruption policies.

Sanction for prosecution u/s 19 (1) of the P.C. Act

Strengthening of vigilance mechanism – Systemic Reforms and the role of supervisory officers.

Guidelines regarding grant of’Vigilance Clearance’ to AIS Officers.

Induction of IPS officers as Special Director / Additional Director in the CBI on deputation basis.

Filling up of posts of Joint Director, CBI by deputation of IPS officers – request for sponsoring of suitable candidates.

Induction of IPS officers as Special Director / Additional Director in the CBI on deputation basis.

Permission under Rule 6(1)(b)(i) of All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1958 – Procedural requirements.

Procedure for extension of tenure of Chief Vigilance Officers in the various Central Public Sector Undertakings etc.

Guidelines for checking delay in grant of sanction for prosecution.

Consultation with the Central Vigilance Commission in cases where action taken under Rule 19 (i) of the CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965.

Resolution No.89 dated 21st April,2004 and the Corrigendum dated 29th April, 2004.

Grant of honorarium to part-time Inquiry Officers/Presenting Officers.

Related to disagreement cases with CVC.

Consultation with the Central Vigilance Commission in cases where action taken under Rule 19 of the CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965.

Disciplinary Proceedings-Expeditious disposal-Setting time limits for each stage.

Central Vigilance Commission – Cases of differences from/non-acceptance of the advice of – Procedure for consultation with the Department of Personnel and A.R.

Cadre Review Division

General Circulars

DO Reminder from Secretary (Personnel) to all CCAs regarding submission of pending cadre review proposals by 30.06.2019.

Statistical Profile Proforma w.r.t. Statistical Profile- Compilation of details issued vide OM dated 09.07.2018.

Statistical Profile- Compilation of details reg.

Calender for Cadre Review of Central Group A Services

Draft Proposal in respect of Statistical Profile- Compilations of details-Reminder reg.

Draft proposal in respect of Statistical Profile- Compilation of details

Timely submission of cadre review proposals and Statistical Profile Data of Group A Central Services- DO Reminder

Updation of list of Central Group A Civil Services

Updation of list of Central Group A Civil Services.

Creation of posts and cadre review in Central Group A Civil Services- reiteration of the existing guidelines.

Reminder to Cadre Controlling Authorities for Cadre Review

Constitution of a Task Force for a comprehensive study on the cadre structure of organised Group A Central Services

Constitution of a Task Force for a comprehensive study on the cadre structure of organised Group A Central Services

Constitution of a Task Force for a comprehensive study on the cadre structure of organised Group A Central Services

Constitution of a Task Force for a comprehensive study on the cadre structure of organised Group A Central Services

Statistical Profile of Central Group A Services as on 01.01.2016

Comments on the proposal of restriction of direct recruitment in Central Group A Services

Postponement of meeting with the Cadre Controlling Authorities to be held under the Chairmanship of the Cabinet Secretary on 21.05.2015

Meeting with Cadre Controlling Authority to be held under the Chairmanship of the Cabinet Secretary on 21.05.2015

Inviting suggestions for changes in the existing guidelines on Cadre Review.

Cadre restructuring of Central Secretariat Stenographers Service- sanctioned strength of officers

Draft Model Cadre Review Proposal

Minutes of the meeting with Cadre Controlling Authorities

Provision of reserve posts in Organized Central Group A Services

Regarding pay scales of posts of Superintending Engineers and equivalent in the Organized Group A Engineering Service.

Consolidated guidelines on Cadre Review of Central Group A Services

Monograph of 2010

Attributes of Organised Central Group A Services

Cadre Review in pursuance of the Government of India, DoE Resolutions No. 1/1/2008-IC dated August 29,2008- Acceptance of the recommendations of 6th CPC

Revised scales of pay for Executive Engineer/ Superintending Engineer and equivalent in the Organized Group A Engineering Service- clarifications/ modifications regarding

Recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission on scales of pay of posts of Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers and equivalent in the Organized Group A Engineering Services

Grant of Non-Functional Selection Grade to the Organized Group A Central Services- increase in percentage ceiling

Monograph of 1993

Recommendation of the Fourth Pay Commission – Orders regarding Selection Grade in Group A Services

Guidelines for cadre review of Group B, C & D cadres – in the light o the recommendation made by the 4th Central Pay Commission

Guidelines for introduction of Non-Functional Selection Grade in Group A Central Services – Revision of Annexures A and B

Monograph of 1986

Guidelines for introduction of Non-Functional Selection Grade in Group A Central Services

Status of Cadre Review Proposals

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 30.06.2019.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 30.06.2019.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.05.2019.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 30.04.2019.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 30.04.2019.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.03.2019.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 28.02.2019.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.01.2019.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.12.2018.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 30.11.2018.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.10.2018.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 30.09.2018.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 07.09.2018.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.07.2018.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 30.06.2018.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.05.2018.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 30.04.2018.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.03.2018.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 28.02.2018.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.01.2018.

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.12.2017

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 30.11.2017

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.10.2017

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 30.09.2017

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.08.2017

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.07.2017

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 06.07.2017

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 07.06.2017

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 30.04.2017

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.03.2017

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 28.02.2017

Status of Cadre Review Proposals as on 31.01.2017

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.12.2016

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 30.11.2016

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.10.2016

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 30.09.2016

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.08.2016

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.07.2016

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 30.6.2016

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.05.2016

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 30.04.2016

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.03.2016

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 29.02.2016

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.01.2016

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.12.2015

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 30.11.2015

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.10.2015

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 30.09.2015

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.08.2015

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.07.2015

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 30.06.2015

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 31.05.2015

Status of Cadre Review Proposal as on 30.04.2015

Status Report of Cadre Review of Group A Central Services as on March 31, 2015

Status Report of Cadre Review of Group A Central Services as on February 28, 2015

Status Report of Cadre Review of Group A Central Services as on January 31, 2015

Status Report of Cadre Review of Group A Central Services as on December 31, 2014

Status Report of Cadre Review of Group A Central Services as on November 30, 2014

Status Report of Cadre Review of Group A Central Services as on 31/10/2014

Status Report of Cadre Review of Group A Services as on 30/09/2014

Status Report of Cadre Review of Group A Central Services

 Training Division

Training Division

3-day Orientation Programme to be held from 14th- 16th October, 2019 for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme, to be conducted at the ISTM, New Delhi- Reg

One Year Masters Degree Course on Public Administration/Public Policy (School of Government) under Young Leaders Program (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, (GRIPS) Tokyo, Japan from October 2020-September 2021

One Year Masters Degree course on Local Governance School of Local Governance under Young Leaders Program YLP at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies GRIPS , Japan from October 2020 to September 2021

One year Masters Degree course in Law under Young Leaders Program YLP Scholarship at the Kyushu University, Graduate School of Law, Japan from October 2020 to September 2021

15th round of Phase-III training of the mandatory MCTP, 2019 for IAS officers is scheduled from 02nd December to 27th December, 2019 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie.

One Week In-Service Training Programme on the subject Skill Development, Employability and Entrepreneurship to be conducted by the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship at Bharatiya Skill Development University, Jaipur- shifting of dates thereof.

Launching of Integrated Government Online Training (iGOT) Programme through Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) mechanism.

Induction Training Programme in respect of promotee lAS officers regarding

Nomination of candidates allocated Group A Service on the basis of CSE 2018 for the 94th Foundation Course (FC) being held during 26th August to 6th December, 2019

Launching of Integrated Government Online Training (iGOT) Programme through Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) mechanism.

Rescheduling of 14th round of Phase IV mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for lAS officers from 23.09.2019-18.10.2019 to 04.11.2019-29.11.2019-reg.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Community Based disaster Risk Reduction to be held in Japan from 23.09.2019 to 02.11.2019 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline-08.08.2019) .

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on GIS: Remote Sensing Information System and Community Participation for Biodiversity to be held in Japan from 03.10.2019 1 to 07.12.2019 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline-09.08.2019).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Program on Maintenance, Operation and Management of Irrigation Facilities to be held in Japan from 06.10.2019 to 30.11.2019 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline-07.08.2019).

14th round of Phase IV mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for lAS officers from 23 September, 2019 to 18th October, 2019 (4 weeks)-reg.

Foreign training undergone by Group A officers of various Ministries / Departments of the Government of India

duction Training Programme at MGSIPA Punjab, Chandigarh from 04.11.2019 to 15.12.2019

One week In-service Training Programme for All India Service (lAS, IPS & IFoS), officers working under central Staffing Scheme and officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS)/ Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS) (DS/Sr. PPS and above level) during 2019-2020

One week In-service Training Programme for All India Service (lAS, IPS & IFoS), officers working under central Staffing Scheme and officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS)/ Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS) (DS/Sr. PPS and above level) during 2019-2020

One week In-service Training Programme for All India Service (lAS, IPS & IFoS), officers working under central Staffing Scheme and officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS)/ Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS) (DS/Sr. PPS and above level) during 2019-2020

The 14th round of Phase-IV training of the mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for lAS officers is scheduled from 23 September, 2019 to 18th October, 2019 at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie.

One week In-service Training (lST) proglamme for officers of All lndia Service (lAS, IPS & IFoS), officers workir.rg under the Central Staffing Scheme, officers ol Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and oltlcers of Central Secretariat Stenographer Service (CSSS) (DS/Sr. PPS and above level):lnviting proposals from lnstitutions for In-Service Training during 2019-20.

Foreign training undergone by Group A officers of various Ministries/Departments of the Government of lndia

The Lal Bahadhur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie will be conducting the 26th Joint Civil Military (JCM) Training Programme on National Security from August 04 to 09,2019. The participants for this programme will be drawn from the All India Services, Central Civil Services, Paramilitary Organisations and the Armed Forces. The participants are normally of a seniority equivalent to Joint Secretaries/Directors to the Government of India in the Civil Services and Major General/B

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the posts of Dresser (Dispensary) in LBSNAA, Mussoorie – reg.

3 day Orientation Programme (to be held from 1 July to 3 July) for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme, to be conducted at the institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), New Delhi – Reg

Launching of Integrated Government Online Training (iGOT) Programme through Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) mechanism.

Fall 2019 admissions in KDI School of Public Policy and Management , Republic of Korea (Submission Deadline 22.5.2019)

Regarding Induction Training Programme at LBSNAA, Mussoorie from 08.07.2019 to 18.08.2019.

11th One year Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Sustainable Development (PP&SD) at the TERI School of Advance Studies, New Delhi regarding extension of date for receipt of application.

Inviting nominations for 45th Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) at Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), New Delhi from July 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020.

Framing of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Physiotherapist in the Lal Bahadhur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie Regarding.

One Week In-service Training (1ST) programme for Officers of All India Service (lAS,IPS & IFoS), officers working under the Central Staffing Scheme, officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and officers of Central Secretariat Stenographer Service (CSSS) (DS/Sr. PPS and above level): lnviting proposals from Institutions for In-Service Training during 2019-20.

4th One year Advanced Management Programme in Public Policy (AMPPP) at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad/ Mohali- regarding extension of date for receipt of application.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Sustainable Forestry Management with Community Participation to be held in Japan from 16.09.2019 to 15.11.2019 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan Submission Deadline-20.05.20 19).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Quality management and Productivity Improvement in Japanese Manufacturing – MONOZUKURI to be held in Japan from 18.08.2019 to 03.10.2019 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline-03.06.2019).

The 14th round of Phase-Ill training of the mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme(MCTP), 2019 for lAS officers is scheduled from 08th July to 2rd August, 2019 at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie.

The 13th round of Phase-V training of the mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for lAS officers (2019) is scheduled from 17th June to 05th July, 2019 at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie.

Slotting of officers for short term programmes under DFFT during 20 19-20.

Slotting of officers for short term customize programmes under DFFT during 2019-2020.

Slotting of officers for long term programmes under DFFT during 20 19-20.

Inviting nominations for 45th Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) at Indian Institute of Public Administration (TIPA), New Delhi from July 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020.

Framing of the Recruitment Rules to the posts of Assistant Director in Pay Level 12 in Pay Matrix (Rs. 78800-209200/-) in the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie-reg.

4th One year Advanced Management Programme in Public Policy (AMPPP) during 2019-20 at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad/Mohali – Regarding.

75th Staff Course at Defence Service Staff College (DSSC), Wellington (Tamilnadu) – Commencing from 10th June, 2019- regarding extension of date for receipt of application.

3-days Orientation Programme to be held from 18th-20th March 2019 for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme at the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM) New Delhi – regarding.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Maritime Safety and Security Policy to be held in Japan from 25.09.2019 to 17.09.2020 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline-12.03.2019).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Improvement of Solid Waste Management Technologies (Basic Technique) to be held in Japan from 20.05.2019 to 17.07.2019 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadlinc-25.02.2019).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program 011 Renewable Energy in Grid – Mainly on Photovoltaic to be held in Japan from 16.06.2019 to 27.07.2019 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline-25.03.2019).

Long term and short term training programs under DFFT scheme 2019-20 – regarding extension of last date for Nodal officers for finalizing the applications.

Submission of Online proposals for the State category Training Programme (SCTP) and Trainer Development Programme (TDP) sponsored by DOPT for the year 2019-2020.

Long term and short term training programs under DFFT scheme 2019-20 – regarding reopening the website for applying/finalizing application by individual officers and extension of last date for Nodal officers.

One Week In-Service Training Programme on the subject Cyber Crime and Cyber Security at Gujarat Forensic Science University, Gandhinagar.

One week In-Service Training Programme on the subject Skill Development, Employability and Entrepreneurship from February 4-8, 2019

13th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management (PGD-PPM) during 20 19-20 at the Management Development Institute, Gurugram.

Nomination of civilian officers for the 75th Staff Course at Defence Services Staff College, Wellington.

18th Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2019-20 at the Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore – Regarding.

11th One year Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Sustainable Development (PP & SD) at the TERI School of Advance Studies, New Delhi Regarding.

Long term and short term training programs under DFFT scheme 2019-20 regarding addition/deletion of short term programs for the officers of the level of USIDS.

Long term and short term training programs under DFFT scheme 2019-20.

Admissible allowances under the full funding scheme of Domestic Funding of Foreign Training (DFFT) of DOPT.

Information relating to details of Trainings guest speakers sharing after trainingresources by CTIs/ ATIs – regarding.

One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19

Long term and short term training programs under DFFT scheme 2019-20.

One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19

Long term and short term training programs under DFFT scheme 2019-20

Long term and short term training programs under DFFT scheme 2019-20.

One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19 (Consolidated List).

One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Vegetable Production Technology for Livelihood Improvement of Small Scale Farmers to be held in Japan from 03.03.2019 to 29.08.2019 (Submission Deadline-17.12.2018).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Biomass Utilization Technology to be held in Japan from 06.01.2019 to 16.02.2019 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline-30.11.2018)

Postponement of 14th Round of Phase III MCTP for IAS which was scheduled from 19th November to 14th December,2018

One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19.

Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission-Revision of rate of Training Allowance.

DFFT Circular – Long Term and Short Term Training Programmes under DFFT Scheme for the Year 2019-2020. – reg.

Partial Funding of Foreign Study under the Scheme of Domestic Funding of Foreign Training (DFFT).

One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19 (Second List).

One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19 (Second List).

One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19 (Second List).

One Week In-service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19

One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19.

DFFT scheme 2019-20 – long term training program at LKY, NUS, Singapore.

One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2018-19 (Second List).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for Agricultural Information Use – Aiming at Practical Skills Acquisition to be held in Japan from 18.02.2019 to 26.04.2019 (Submission Deadline-22.11.2018).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Global Seismological Observation to be held in Japan from 14.01.2019 to 09.03.2019 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline-29.10.2018).

Rescheduling of 14th Round of Phase III MCTP, 2018 for IAS officers to 19th November to 14th December, 2018-reg.

One Year Masters Degree Course in School of Government under Young Leaders Program (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, (GRIPS) Tokyo, Japan from October 2019- September 2020.

One year Masters Degree course in Law under Young Leaders Program (YLP) Scholarship at the Kyushu University, Graduate School of Law, Japan from October 2019 to September 2020.

One Year Masters Degree course in School of Local Governance under Young Leaders Program (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan from October 2019 to September 2020.

One-week In-service Training Programme for AIS Officers (IAS, IPS & IFoS), officers working under the Central Staffing Scheme and officers of CSS/CSSS (DS/Sr. PPS and above) at Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bangaluru.

Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission – Revision of rate of Training Allowance.

One-week In-service Training Programme for AIS Officers (IAS, IPS & IFoS), officers working under the Central Staffing Scheme and officers of CSS/CSSS (DS/Sr. PPS and above) at Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun.

Mid- Career Interaction between Armed Forces and Civil Service Officers during FY 2018-19.

59th Training Programme on Defence/Internal Security at the National Defence College, New Delhi- Beginning from 7th January, 2019 to 29th November, 2019.

Circular to all Secretaries of GOI regarding In-service Training for the Year 2018-19

93rd Foundation Course for recommended candidates of CSE-2017 allocated to a Group A Service.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Integrated Lake, River and Coastal Basin Management for Sustainable Use and Preservation of Water Resources to be held in Japan from 22.10.2018 to 22.12.2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline-06.08.2018).

Induction Training Programme in respect of promotee IAS officers – regarding

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Maintenance, Operation and management of Irrigation Facilities to be held in Japan from 08.10.2018 to 01.12.2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline-25.07 .2018).

The 13th round of Phase-IV training of the mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS officers (2018) is scheduled from 24th September, 2018 to 19thOctober, 2018 at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Sewage and Urban Drainage Management to be held in Japan from 03.10.2018 to 17.10.2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline-lO.07.2018).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Infrastructure Management System for Road Administration to be held in Japan from 26.08.2018 to 29.09.2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline-28.06.20 18).

Nominations for the Chief Information Officer-Champions Programme (CIO- eGCP)-12 days residential e-Governance training programme to be conducted by NIFM, Faridabad,Delhi NCR, scheduled from so April to 11th May, 2018.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Sustainable Forestry Management with Community Participations to be held in Japan from 11.09.2018 to 09.11.2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Regulatory Systems on Ensuring Access to Quality Medicines to be held in Japan from 08.07.2018 to 11.08.2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japa

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Capacity Development for Investment Promotion to be held in Japan from 06.06.2018 to 07.07.2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co Creation Program on Hospital Management to be held in Japan from 19.08.2018 to 27.09.2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Operation and Maintenance of Sewerage System to be held in Japan from 13.08.2018 to 28.09.2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Information relating to details of Trainings guest speakers sharing after training resources by Cfls/ ATls – regarding.

One Week In service Training (1ST) programme for Officers of All India Service (lAS,IPS & IFoS), officers working under the Central Staffing Scheme, officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and officers of Central Secretariat Stenographer Service (CSSS) (DS/Sr PPS and above level)Inviting proposals from Institutions for In-Service Training during 2018-19.

Slotting of officers for short term/customised programmes under DFFT during 2018-19.

Slotting of officers for short term programmes under DFFT during 2018-19.

Training Calendar 2018-19 of Knowledge Co-Creation Programs to be held In Japan under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Slotting of officers for long term programmes under DFFT during 2018 19.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Flood Disaster Risk Reduction to be held in Japan from 30.09.2018 to 13.09.2019 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

3 days Orientation Programme to be held from 9 11 April, 2018 for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme at the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), New Delhi regarding

One Week In-service Training (1ST) programme for Officers of All India Service (lAS,IPS & IFoS),officers working under the Central Staffing Scheme, officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and officers of Central Secretariat Stenographer Service

Knowledge Co Creation Program on Operation and Maintenance of Urban Water Supply System (Water Quality and Purification)(A) to be held in Japan from 27.06.2018 to 03.08.2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co Creation Program on Disaster Risk Reduction of Buildings (against Earthquake, Tsunami and Fire) to be held in Japan from 27.06.2018 to 28.07.2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co Creation Program on Education Finance and Administration Focused on Basic Education Quality Internal Efficiency and Equity to be held in Japan from 03.06.2018 to 14/07/2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan Submission Deadline 02/04/2018

Knowledge Co Creation Program on Advancement of Solid Waste Management Technologies (Advance, Technique )(A)to be held in Japan from 08.07.2018 to 08.09.2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Inviting nominations for 44th Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) at Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA),New Delhi from July 2, 2018 to April 30, 2019.

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the posts of Senior Technician in LBSNM, Mussoorie – reg.

Knowledge CoCreation Program on Rural Development through creating Agricultural Value Chain value addition to Agricultural Livestock Products) to be held in Japan from 12/06/2018 to 18/08/2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan Submission Deadline 20/03/2018

Knowledge Co Creation Program on Energy Policy to be held in Japan from 27/06/2018 to 28/07/2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan Submission Deadline – 06/04/2018

Inviting proposals from Institutions for One Week In-service Training (1ST) programme during 2018-19.

The 12th round of Phase-V training of the mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS officers (2018) is scheduled from 04th June to 22ndJune, 2018 at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie.

3rd One year Management Programme in Public Policy (MPPP) at Tndian School of Business, Hyderabad Mohali regarding extension of date for receipt of application.

10 One year Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Sustainable Development PP & SD at the TERI School of Advance Studies, New Delhi Regarding.

Information relating to details of Trainings guest speakers sharing after training resources by CTls ATls regarding.

Long term and short term programs under DFFT scheme during 20 18-19.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Maritime Safety and Security Policy Program to be held in Japan from 26/09/2018 to 13/09/2019 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Flood Disaster Risk Reduction to be held in Japan from 30/09/2018 to 13/09/2019 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Managerial and Financial Support for Small and Medium Enterprises Development (A) to be held in Japan from 21/05/2018 to 23/06/2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co Creation Program on Disaster Management on Infrastructure River Road and Port to be held in Japan from 13/05/2018 to 30/06/2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

12th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management at the Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurugram- regarding extension of date for receipt of application.

Knowledge Co Creation Program on Participatory Irrigation Management System for Paddies to be held in Japan from 16/05/2018 to 04/07/2018 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Information relating to details of Trainings guest speakers sharing after training resources by CTls/ ATls – regarding.

Long term and short term training programs under DFFT scheme 2018-19.

Extension of dates for Long term and short term programs under DFFT scheme during 2018-19.

IFC Milken Institute Capital Markets Program.

One Week In-service Training (IST) programme for Officers of All India Service (IAS, IPS & IFoS), officers working under the Central Staffing Scheme, officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and officers of Central Secretariat Stenographer Service (CSSS) (DS/Sr. PPS and above level) Inviting proposals from Institutions for In-Service Training during 2018-19.

The 13th round of Phase-Ill training of the mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP), 2018 for IAS officers is scheduled from 09th April to 04th May, 2018 at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie.

Long term and short term programs under DFFT scheme during 2018-19.

Amendment in the Recruitment Rules for the post of Deputy Director (Financial Management) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management regarding.

Amendment in the Recruitment Rules for the post of Deputy Director (Peripatetic Training) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management regarding.

Amendment in the Recruitment Rules for the post of Deputy Director (Office Management) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management regarding.

Amendment in the Recruitment Rules for the post of Deputy Director (Foundational Course) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management regarding.

Amendment in the Recruitment Rules for the post of Deputy Director (Management Services) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management regarding.

Amendment in the Recruitment Rules for the post of Joint Director (Behavioural Training) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management regarding.

Long term/short term training programs abroad under DFFT scheme 2018-19.

Amendment in the Recruitment Rules for the post of Joint Director (Financial Management) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management regarding.

Amendment in the Recruitment Rules for the post of Deputy Director (Accounts) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management regarding.

Amendment in the Recruitment Rules for the post of Joint Director (Peripatetic Training) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management regarding.

Amendment in the Recruitment Rules for the post of Joint Director (Management Services) in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management regarding.

DFFT Circular – Long Term and Short Term Training Programmes under DFFT Scheme for the Year 2018-2019.

Training Programme on Management Development Programme on Rural Development Leadership (Janauary 8-12, 2018) – reg.

12th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management (PGD-PPM)during 2018 19 at the Management Development Institute, Gurugram.

17th Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2018 19 at the Centrefor Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore Regarding

3rd One year Management Programme in Public Policy (MPPP) during 2018-19 at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad or Mohali Regarding.

One-week In-service Training Programme for AIS Officers (IAS, IPS & IFoS), officers working under the Central Staffing Scheme and officers of CSS/CSSS (DS/Sr. PPS and above) at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai.

Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission Revision of rate of Training Allowance.

Ceilings in respect of Office Expenditure on hospitality – reg.

Long Term Training programmes at LSE and LKY under DFFT during 2018- 19 – reg.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Capacity Development for Investment Promotion (B) to be held in Japan from 21.01.2018 to 23.02.2018 under technical cooperation program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline – 14.11.2017).

3-days Orientation Programme to be held from 25th – 27th October, 2017 for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme at the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), New Delhi – regarding

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the EDP Cadre posts viz. Senior System Analyst,Data Processing Assistant and Data Entry Operator in LBSNM, Mussoorie reg.

23rd Joint Civil Military (JCM) Training Programme on National Security.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for Agricultural Information Use – Aiming at Practical Skills Acquisition to be held in Japan from 18.02.2018 to 25.05.2018 under technical cooperation program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline – 13.11.2017).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Comprehensive Waste Management to be held in Japan from 10.01.2018 to 24.02.2018 under technical cooperation program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -16.10.2017).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Seminar on Aviation Security to be held in Japan from 17.01.2018 to 23.02.2018 under technical cooperation program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -18.10.2017).

58 Training Programme on Defence/Internal Security at the National Defence College, New Delhi- from 8th January, 2018. to 30th November, 2018- extension of date for receipt of nominations.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on strengthening human resource for improvement of community health to be held in Japan from 06.02.2018 to 06.03.2018 under technical cooperation program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -23.10.2017).

23rd Joint Civil Military JCM Training Programme on National Security from 23rd October to 3rd November, 2017.

12 round of Phase-Ill training of the MCTP for IAS officers is scheduled from 20 November to 15th December, 2017 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie

One year Masters Degree course in Law under Young Leaders Program (YLP) Scholarship at the Kyushu University, Graduate School of Law, Japan from October 2018 to September 2019

One Year Masters Degree course in Local Governance under Young Leaders Program (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)Japan from October 2018 to September 2019

One Year Masters Degree Course in School of Government under Young Leaders Program (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, (GRIPS) Tokyo Japan from October 2018-September 2019.

12 round of Phase-Ill training of the MCTP for IAS officers is scheduled from 20 November to 15 December, 2017 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie

Knowledge Co Creation Program on Comprehensive Urban Transportation Planning to be held in Japan from 18.10.2017 to 16.12.2017 under the TechnicalCooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Industrial Technology Education to be held in Japan from 12.10.2017 to 25.11.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan Submission Deadline 06.09.2017.

Knowledge Co Creation Program on Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM to be held in Japan from 08.11.2017 to 02.12.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan Submission Deadline 06.09.2017

Knowledge Co Creation Program on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities in Community Activities to be held in Japan from 08.01.2018 to 18.02.2018 and in Cambodia from 18.02.2018 to 03.03.2018 core phase Submission Deadline 15.09.2017

Knowledge Co Creation Program on Comprehensive Urban Transportation Planning to be held in Japan from 18.11.2017 to 16.12.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan Submission Deadline 06.09.2017

Knowledge Cc-Creation Program on Education system for children with disability promotion of inclusive education system utilizing the experience of special needs education to be held in Japan from 29.10.2017 to 05.12.2017 under technical cooperati on program of the Government of Japan Submission Deadline -11.09.2017.

Knowledge Cc Creation Program on Promotion of Energy l Ificicncy and Conservation B to he held in Japan.

58 Training Programme on Defence/Internal Security at the National Defence College New Delhi Beginning from 8th January, 2018 to 30th November 2018.

The recommended Group A ServiceCandidatesof CSE-2016.

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Director English Shorthand & Typewriting in the Institute of Secretariat Training & Managementregarding

The recommended Candidates of CSE-2016 allocated to a Group A service

Special Foundation Course in respect of Direct Recruit AIS and other Central Group A Services backlog officers reg.

Special Foundation Course in respect of Direct Recruit AIS and other Central Group A Services backlog officers reg.

Special Foundation Course in respect of Direct Recruit AIS and other Central Group A Services backlog officers reg.

Special Foundation Course in respect of Direct Recruit AIS and other Central Group A Services backlog officers reg.

Special Foundation Course in respect of Direct Recruit AIS and other Central Group A Services backlog officers reg.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation B to be held in Japan from 31.10.2017 to 16.12.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Implementation of the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission – abolishment of Sumptuary Allowance.

The 11th round of Phase-V training of the mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS officers (2017) is scheduled from September 25 to October 13, 2017 at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie

One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2017-18.

Circular to all Secretaries of GOI regarding In-service Training for the Year 2017-18

One Week In-Service Training Programme calendar for the year 2017-18.

Circular to all Chief Secretaries regarding In-service Training for the Year 2017-18

3-days Orientation Programme (24th – 26th July, 2017) for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme to be conducted at the institute of Secretariat Training and Management (lSTM), New Delhi.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Road Maintenance (B)to be held in Japan from 30.08.2017 to 07.10.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -20.06.2017).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Local Industry Development in Agricultural Regions by Strengthening Capacity of Management and Marketing (A) to be held in Japan from 11.09.2017 to 14.10.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -27.06.2017).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Integrated Lake River and Coastal Basin Management for Sustainable Use and Preservation of Water Resources to be held in Japan from 28.08.2017 to 28.10.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -12.06.2017).

Knowledge Cc-Creation Program on Sustainable Forestry Management with Community Participation to be held in Japan from 22.08.2017 to 18.11.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -08.06.2017).

Framing of the RRs for the post of Library and Information Officer (LIO) in the level 11 in the pay matrix (Pre-revised PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.6600) in LBSNAA, Mussoorie-regarding.

Extension of last date for finalization of DFFT applications for the Customized Program on Leadership and Strategic Thinking at Cambridge University during 2017-18 by Nodal Officers up to 22.05.2017

Extension of last date for finalization of DFFT applications by Nodal Officers up to 15.05.2017

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Capacity Building towards Air Quality Management to be held in Japan from 05.07.2017 to 11.08.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline – 04.05.2017).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Infectious Diseases Control through Strengthening of Community Health System to be held in Japan from 26.07.2017 to 16.09.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline – 10.05.2017).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles to be held in Japan from 23.07.2017 to 09.09.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -16.05.2017).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Operation and Maintenance of Urban Water Supply System (Water Quality and Purification) to be held in Japan from 05.07.2017 to 10.08.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -10.05.2017).

Inviting nominations for 43rd Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) at Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), New Delhi from 3rd July, 2017 to 30th April, 2018 – regarding extension of date for receipt of applications.

Additional nominations for Induction Training Programme for promotee IAS officers to be held at LBSNAA, Mussoorie from 03.07.2017 to 11.08.2017.

Induction Training for promotee IAS officers to be held at LBSNAA, Mussoorie from 03-07-2017 to 11-08-2017.

DFFT Nomination of officers for the Customised Programme Leadership and Strategic Thinking at Cambridge University during 2017-18

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Disaster Prevention of Buildings (against Earthquake, Tsunami, Typhoon, Fire, etc) to be held in Japan from 2l.06.2017 to 05.08.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -20.04.2017).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Land Readjustment Method for Urban Development to be held in Japan from 24.05.2017 to 19.07.2017 (third phase in Bangkok, Thailand from 16-19 July 2017) under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -20.04.2017).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Policy Planning and Project Management on Livestock Development for Livestock Officials (for senior and middle level officials) to be held in Japan under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -16.04.2017).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Sustainable Development of Rural Area by Biomass to be held in Japan from 27.09.2017 to 09.12.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline – 01.08.2017)

Inviting nominations for 43rd Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) at Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), New Delhi from 3rd July, 2017 to 30th April, 2018 – regarding extension of date for receipt of applications

12th round of Phase-IV mandatory Mid-Career Training programme (MCTP) for IAS officers from 5th June to 30th June, 2017

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Education Administration for Reducing Disparities in Basic Education (A) to be held in Japan from 07.06.2017 to 08.07.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -07.04.2017).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Adaptive Watershed Management to Climate Changes- Flood Control and Ecosystem Conservation to be held in Japan from 26.06.2017 to 26.08.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline -18.04.2017).

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Comprehensive Engineering on Water supply Systems (B) to be held in Japan from 31.05.2017 to 17.08.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan (Submission Deadline – 21.04.2017).

2nd One year Management Programme in Public Policy (MPPP) at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad/ Mohali- regarding extension of date for receipt of application.

11th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management at the Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon- regarding extension of date for receipt of application.

11th round of Phase-Ill MCTP, 2017 for IAS officers at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie -reg.

11th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management at the Management Development Institute (MDI),Gurgaon- regarding extension of date for receipt of application

JICA-Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Development of Urban Road Network A to be held in Japan from 29.05.2017 to 08.07.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan Submission Deadline 24.03.2017

JICA-Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Flood Disaster Risk Reduction to be held in Japan from 01.10.2017 to 15.09.2018 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan Submission Deadline 18.04.2017

JICA -Development of Agricultural Cooperative and Improvement of management Capacity to be held in Japan from 10-05-2017 tp 15-05-2017 15 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan -Last Date of Submission 03-03-2017

JCA-Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Seismology, Earthquake Engineering, and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation to be held in Japan from 01.10.2017 to 15.09.2018 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan Submission Deadline 18.04.2017

Specialised foreign training program at ANZSOG, Australia.

Inviting proposal from Institutions for In-Service Training programmes During 2017-2018.

Training Programme on Management Development Programme on Rural Development Leadership

Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the post of Training Equipment Operator (TEO) in the pay level -5 of pay matrix in the ISTM.

Specialised programme on Managing Complexities at ANZSOG under the plan scheme of DFFT.

Cancellation of 1 week in-service training programme at S.V.P. National Police Academy, Hyderabad from 13th to 17th February, 2017

11th round of Phase-III mandatory Mid-Career Training programme (MCTP) for IAS officers from 10th April to 05th May, 2017 (4 Weeks)

3-days Orientation Programme (1 – 3 March, 2017) for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme to be conducted at the institute of Secretariat Training and Management (lSTM), New Delhi.

Long term training programs under the DFFT Scheme 2017-18.

Partial Funding of Foreign Study under the Plan Scheme ofDFFT.

16th Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2017-18 at the Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore- regarding extension of date for receipt of application.

Long term and short term programs under DFFT scheme during 2017-18 Extension of Date for CCA

Inviting nominations for 43rd Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) at Indian Institute of Public Administration (lIPA), New Delhi from 3rd July, 2017 to 30th April, 2018.

lnviting proposals from Institutions for In-Service Training during 2017-18

11th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management (PGD-PPM) at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon.

9th One year Diploma Programme In Public Policy and Sustainable Development PP and SD at the TERI University, New Delhi

2nd One year Management Programme in Public Policy (MPPP) at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad/ Mohali- Regarding.

Long term and short term programs under DFFT scheme during 2017-18

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Library and Information Officer in the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management -regarding

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Additional Director in the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management -regarding

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Multi Tasking Staff MTS in the Institute of Secretariat Training Management

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Director Office Management in the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Director Accounts in the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management

Knowledge Co opreation Program on Enhancing Capacity of Fishers Organization towards Responsible Fisheries to be held in Japan from 12 March 17 to 11 May 2017 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Regarding long term and short term courses under DFFT during 2017-18

Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2017-18 at the Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

Long Term and Short Term Training Programmes under DFFT Scheme for the Year 2017-2018

Vacancies against the post of Joint Director (Joint Secretary Level) in the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie-reg.

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the posts of Offset Machineman in Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie – reg.

Cancellation of In- Service Training Programme on The Sustainable Development Goals- Mainstreaming into the National Development Framework scheduled from 28/11/2016 to 02/12/2016 at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)- New Delhi

Induction Training for promotee IAS Officers-regarding

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Urban Public Transport (B) to be held in Japan from 15.01.2017 to 18.02.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Training Programme on Social Conflicts Analysis and Resolution Approcahes scheduled from February 6-8, 2017

Management Development Programme on Development Leadership for the prospective District Collectors/District Magistrates.

Calendar for Mid-Career interaction between Armed Forces and Civil Services Officers – 2016-17

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the posts of Projectionist in Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie – reg.

Allowances under long term and short term foreign training programmes under DFFT – reg.

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Local Industry Development in Agricultural Regions by Strengthening Capacity of Management and Marketing (B) to be held in Japan from 09.01.2017 to 11.02.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Request of Shri Mohit, MTS, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie for transfer at Ministry/Department in New Delhi on compensate ground – reg.

DFFT2016 Extension of Nodal Officers CCA Date for Finalization of Applications

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Operation and Maintenance of sewerage System (B) to be held in Japan from 10.01.2017 to 04.03.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Capacity Development for Investment Promotion (B) to be held in Japan from 22.01.2017 to 24.02.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Vegetable Production Technology for Livelihood Improvement of Small Scale Farmers to be held in Japan from 05.02.2017 to 03.11.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Raising Awareness of Disaster Reduction to be held in Japan from 09.01.2017 to 11.02.2017 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

One Year Masters Degree Course in School of Government (Public Policy in the Central Government) under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, (GRIPS) Tokyo, Japan from October 2017-September 2018.

One Year Masters Degree course in Local Government (Public Policy in the Local Government) under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan from October 2017 to September 2018.

One year Masters Degree course in Law under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) Scholarship at the Kyushu University, Graduate School of Law, Japan from October 2017 to September 2018.

10th Round of Phase-III training of the mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS officers (2016) scheduled to be held from 28.11.2016 to 23.12.2016 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie- regarding additional nomination.

10th round of Phase-V training of the mandatory MCTP for IAS officers scheduled to be held from 3rd to 21st October, 2016 at the LBSNAA, Mussoorie – reg

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant library and Information Officer and Library and Information Assistant in LBSNAA, Mussoorie-reg.

Additional Short Term Programmes under DFFT Scheme for the Year 2016-2017 regarding

Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Manager Grade-II in the Departmental Canteen, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie-reg

Mid Career Training Programme Phase III for IAS officers from 28.11.2016 to 23.12.2016 at LBSNAA Mussoorie

DFFT Circular – Additional Short Term Programmes under DFFT Scheme for the Year 2016-2017

Circular to all Chief Secretaries regarding Inservice Training for the Year 2016-17

Circular to all Secretaries of GOI regarding Inservice Training for the Year 2016-17

One-week In-Service Training Programme for the year 2016-17 for AIS officers (IAS, IPS & IFoS), officers working under the Central Staffing Scheme and Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and Central Secretariat Stenographer Service (CSSS) Officers.

Announcement of eighteenth IIRS Outreach Programme on Basics of Remote Sensing, GIS and GNSS commencing from 22nd August, 2016-reg

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Quality Improvement of Primary Science Education (teaching and learning at on-site education) to be held in Japan from 10.10.2016 to 10.12.2016 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

57th Training Programme on Defence/Internal Security at the National Defence College, New Delhi- Beginning from 9 th January, 2017 to so November, 2017

Joining instruction for the Officer Trainees of the 91st Foundation Course scheduled to commence from 29 August, 2016 by LBSNAA Mussoorie

Training Programme on Incorporation Gender Concerns in Public Policy scheduled from September 5-7, 2016 sponsored by DoPT, Govt. of India

Nomination for e-governance Capacity Building (Phase-II) under National e-Governance Plan 2.0 and Digital India.

Mid Career Training Programme for IAS officers from 03.10.2016 to 21.10.2016 at LBSNAA Mussoorie

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Intellectual & Development Disabilities in Community Activities to be held in Japan from 09.01.2017 to 18.02.2017 (third country phase in Cambodia from 19.02.2017 to 04.03.2017) under Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

3-days Orientation Programme (10-12th August, 2016) for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme to be conducted at the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), New Delhi.

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Criminal Justice Response to Corruption to be held in Japan from 09.10.2016 to 17.11.2016 under Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Foundation Course for recommended candidates of CSE-2015 allocated to a Group A Service.

Induction Training Programme for promotee IAS officers- regarding nomination of balance officers of ATI West Bengal at LBSNAA, Mussoorioe.

Postponement of Training of Trainers programme in Space Technology Application at Dehradun and Hyderabd to be held form 11 July to 15 July 2016

Special Foundation Course in respect of backlog IPS officers up to 2014 batch

Special Foundation Course in respect of backlog IP&T AFS officers up to 2014 batch

Special Foundation Course in respect of backlog IFoS officers up to 2014 batch

Special Foundation Course in respect of backlog Indian Trade Service officers up to 2014 batch

Special Foundation Course in respect of backlog Indian Postal Service officers up to 2014 batch

Request for deputing one Faculty or Trainer for attending the Training of Trainers programme in Space Technology Applications at Dehradun and Hyderabad during July 11-15, 2016

Revised Training Policy for Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS).

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (A) to be held in Japan from 10.10.2016 to 19.11.2016 under Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Strengthening of Business Development Services (BDS) for industrial promotion (B) to be held in Japan from 09.11.2016 to 9.12.2016 under Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Empowerment of Rural Women to be held in Japan from 25.09.2016 to 10.12.2016 under Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Search and Rescue, Disaster Prevention and Environment Protection Course for Maritime Safety Officials at the Operational Level to be held in Japan from 25.09.2016 to 19.11.2016 under Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on ICT for the Improvement of Government Capacity and Services (B) IT Architect to be held in Japan from 05.10.2016 to 22.03.2017 under Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

One Week In service Training program for Officers of All India Service lAS, IPS, IFoS officers working under Central Staffing Scheme and officers of CSS and CSSS DS,Sr. PPSand above level Inviting proposals from Institutions

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Training for Regional Development by Systematic and Comprehensive Utilization of Forest Resources through Forest Certification System and Product Branding to be held in Japan from 18.09.2016 to 29.10.2016

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Tourism Destination Marketing under the cooperation between the public and private sectors (A) to be held in Japan from 09.09.2016 to 10.10.2016 under Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Remote Sensing of Forest Resources to be held in Japan from 21.08.2016 to 08.10.2016 under Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Sustainable Rural Development by Biomass to be held in Japan from 21.09.2016 to 03.12.2016 under Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Agricultural Extension Planning and Management to be held in Japan from 28.08.2016 to 29.10.2016 under Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Sustainable Rural Development by Biomass to be held in Japan from 21.09.2016 to 03.12.2016 under Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Induction Training Programme for promotee IAS officers at LBSNAA, Mussoorie from 01.08.2016 to 10.09.2016

The 11th round of Phase-IV training of the mandatory Mid-Career Training Program (MCTP) for IAS officers (2016)

Mid Career Training Programme (MCTP) for IAS and other Group A Services regarding

Induction Training Programme at ATI West Bengal from 20.06.2016 to 29.07.2016

Long term and short term foreign training programmes under DFFT during 2016-17 – regarding extension of dates for Nodal Officers upto 05.05.2016

Inviting nominations for 42nd Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) to be held at Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) from 1st July, 2016 to 28th April, 2017- regarding extension of last date for receiving applications

Long term and short term foreign training programmes under DFFT during 2016-17 – last date reg.

Long term and short term foreign training programmes under DFFT during 2016-17 – reg.

Long term and short term foreign training programmes under DFFT during 2016-17 – reg addition of New Programmes

Long term MPA, Edward Mason Programme at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) under the DFFT Scheme for the year 2016-17.

Long term and short term foreign training programmes under DFFT during 2016-17 – reg.

Induction Training Programme for promotee IAS Officers at IMG Kerela from 25-04-2016 to 03-06-2016

Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the post of Principal Library and Information Officer in LBSNAA, Mussoorie – Regarding.

Long Term and Short Term Training Programmes under DFFT Scheme for the Year 2016-2017

Foreign training program during 2016-17 under the scheme of DFFT.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Development of Urban Road Network (A) to be held in Japan from 1st August to 10th September, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Programme on Sustainable Forestry Management with Community Participation to be held in Japan from 23rd August to 19th November, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on The Land Readjustment Method For Urban Development to be held in Japan from May 18 to July 09, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Operation and Maintenance of Urban Water Supply System (Water Quality and Purification) (B) to be held in Japan from 4th July to 6th August, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Ending TB in the Era of Universal Health Coverage to be held in Japan from May 25 to July 30 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Capacity Building for ICT Project Planning like e-government,e-education,e-health,e-agriculture to be held in Japan from 12 June to 16 July 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

3-days Orientation Programme (28 -30th March, 2016) for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme to be conducted at the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), New Delhi.

Induction Training at Dr. MCR HRD Institute Hyderabad to be held during 28-03-2016 to 06-05-2016.

15th Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2016-17 at the Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore- Regarding.

Course Design and Facilitator Groups of National Pool of Facilitators on Leadership Skills and Ethics

Lifestyle-Related Diseases PreventionTechnical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Seismology, Earthquake Engineering and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Participatory Irrigation Management System for Paddies (A) Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Participatory Irrigation Management System for Paddies (B)Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Cancellation of In-Service programme on e-goverance on 22 to 26 Feb 2016 at IIM Indore .

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Development of Agricultural Cooperatives and Improvement of Management Capacity (A) to be held in Japan from 15th May, 2016 to 9th July, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Inviting nominations for 42nd Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) at Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA),New Delhi from 1st July, 2016 to 28th April, 2017.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Gender Mainstreaming Policies for Government Officers (A) to be held in Japan from 31st May, 2016 to 5th July, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Admissibility of Travelling Allowance (TA) and other expenditure incurred while on training by the Government Servants on probation.

1-week In-service Training Programme for AIS Officers (lAS, IPS and IFoS), officers working under the Central Staffing Scheme and officers of CSS/CSSS(DS/Sr. PPS and above) at IIM, Indore

Filling up of one faculty post of Deputy Director (Economics and Planning) on deputation basis (inclduing Short Terms Contract) in the ISTM, New Delhi

Two more Induction Training for officers who are inducted into IAS from SCS at ATI West Bengal and AtI Mysore during form 01-02-2016 to 11-03-2016 and 08-03-2016 repectively- regarding changing the venue and schedule of Induction Training at ATI Mysore during from 08-03-2016 to Dr. MCR HRD Institute Hyderabad from 28-03-2016 to 06-05-2016

National Training Programme on DRR Strategies for Sustainable Development Planning and Policy Instruments (for loint Secretary level Officers of Central Govt/equivalent officers of State Govt, JOintly with DoPt, Govt of India) at New Delhi

NIDM to Chief Secretaries – National Training Programme on DRR Strategies for Sustainable Development Planning and Policy Instruments (for Joint Secretary level Officers of Central Govt./equivalent officers of State Govt., JOintly with DoPt, Govt of India) at New Delhi.

1-week In-service Training Programme for AIS Officers (lAS, IPS & IFoS), officers working under the Central Staffing Scheme, Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and Central Secretariat Stenographer Service (CSSS) Officers.

Induction Training Programme at Dr. MCR HRD institute, Hyderabad during 15.02.2015 to 25.03.2015

8th One year Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Sustainable Development at the TERI University, New Delhi-Regarding extension of commencement date for 1st February, 2016.

Foreign Training (Long term/ Short term) under the scheme of Domestic Funding of Foreign Training (DFFT) Department of Personnel & Training updating the details of Nodal Officers -regarding

Foreign training programmes during 2016-17 under the scheme ofDFFT

Induction Training programme for promotee IAS Officers at ATI West Bengal and ATI Mysore from 1st February 2016 and 8th February 2016 respectively

Postponement of 1-week In-service training programme on Social Policy and Governance to be held at TISS, Mumbai from 14-18 December, 2015

National Pool of Trainers on Leadership Skills and Ethics.

Submission of Online proposals for the State Category Training Programme (SCTP) and Trainer Development Programme (TDP) sponsored by the DOPT for the year 2016-17

regarding postponement of one week In-Service Training Programme for AIS Officers (IAS, IPS, IFoS), officers working under Central Staffing Scheme, officers of Central Secretariat Servic and officers of Central Secretariat Stenographer Service

10th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon-regarding extension of date for receipt of application and commencement of programme.

Roll out of Induction Training Programme for State government frontline functionaries in 103 Districts of 21 States

Framing of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Physical Training Instructor and Riding Instructor in the Lal Bahadhur Shastri National Academy of Administration,Mussoorie – Regarding

Induction Training for officers who are inducted into IAS from SCS – regarding additional nomination at IMG Kerala

Induction Training forofficers who are inducted into IAS from SCS – regarding additional nomination at ATI Mysore

Framing of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Gym Instructor in the Lal Bahadhur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie – Regarding

Revision of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Administrative Officer (Account) and Junior Account Officer in the Lal Bahadhur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie – Regarding.

Induction Training for officers who are inducted into IAS from SCS – regarding changing the schedule of training at IMG Kerala from 09.11.2015 to 18.12.2015 to 16.11.2015 to 23.12.2015

Framing of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Director in the Lal Bahadhur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie – Regarding.

Amendment of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Principal PS, Sr. PS, PS and Stenographer Grade-I in the Lal Bahadhur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie – Regarding

Framing of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Professor of Management in the Lal Bahadhur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie – Regarding.

10th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon-regarding extension of date for receipt of application and commencementof programme.

8th One year Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Sustainable Development at the TERI University, New Delhi-commencing from 4th January, 2016 – Regarding extension of date for receipt of applications till 21st November, 2015.

Framing of the Recruitment Rules for the post of Principal System Analyst in the Lal Bahadhur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie – Regarding.

Scheme of fellowship by Desai-Sethi Family Foundation

Circular to all Chief Secretaries regarding Inservice Training for the Year 2015-16

Circular to all Secretaries of GOI regarding Inservice Training for the Year 2015-16

Induction Training for officers who are inducted into IAS from SCS-regarding changing the schedule of training at IMG Kerala from 02-11-2015 to 11-12-2015 to 09-11-2015 to 18-12-2015

Meeting regarding discussion on Mid Career Training Programme (MCTP) for officers of All India Services and other organised Group A services

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Comprehensive Waste Management (E) to be held in Japan from 13thJanuary, 2016 to 2th February, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Local Industry Development in Agricultural Regions by Strengthening Capacity of Management and Marketing (B) to be held in Japan from 11th January, 2016 to 13th February, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

10th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon.

8th One year Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Sustainable Development at the TERI University, New Delhi-commencing from 4th January, 2016 – Reg.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Human Resource Development for the Rural Community Health to be held in Japan from 9th February, 2016 to 12th March, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Raising Awareness of Disaster Reduction (B) to be held in Japan from 11th January, 2016 to 13th February, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on ICT for the Improvement of Government Capacity and Service, Information System Security and Strategy to be held in Japan from 2ih January, 2016 to 11thJune, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Additional list of Officers for Induction Training to be held at IMG Kerala (02-11-2015 to 11-12-2015), ATI West Bengal (16-11-2015 to 24-12-2015) and ATI Mysore (23-11-2015 to 02-01-2016).

Launch of Induction Training Programme for frontline State Government functionaries in 103 Districts of 21 States

KDI Masters Programmes in Public Policy, Development Policy and Public Management for the spring 2016.

56th Training Programme on Defence/Internal Security at the National Defence College, New Delhi- Beginning from 4th January 2016 to 27th November, 2016.

One Year Masters Degree course in Local Governance (Public Policy in the Local Government) under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan from October 2016 to September, 2017

One year Masters Degree course in Law under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) Scholarship at the Kyushu University, Graduate School of Law, Japan from October 2016 to September, 2017

One Year Masters Degree Course in School of Government (Public Policy in the Central Government) under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, (GRIPS) Tokyo, Japan from October 2016-September, 2017

The recommended Reserve Candidates of CSE-20 13 allocated to a Group-A service for 90th Foundation Course

90th Foundation Course for Civil Services Exam 2014 starting from 7th September, 2015

Special Foundation Course for backlog officers

Special Foundation Course for backlog officers for probationers upto 203 of IPS, IFoS, ITS, IPoS, IP&T AFS

Joining Instructions of 90th Foundational Course to be conducted at L.B.S. National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie.

List of selected officers for the National Pool of Trainers on Leadership Skills and Ethics

Special Foundation Course for backlog IFoS officers for probationers for 2012 and 2013 batch.

2nd additional list for Induction Training Programme at Institute of Management in Government (IMG), Kerala during 07-09-2015 to 16-10-2015

Policy for exemption of CSS and CSSS officer from their respective mandatory training programmes.

Special Foundation Course for backlog IFoS, IPoS, ITS, IP&T AFS officers for probationers for 2012 & 2013 batch at Dr. MCR HRD Institute from 07-09-2015

Induction Training for officers who are inducted into IAS from SCS- regarding additonal nomination for Induction Training at IMG Kerala scheduled to be held during 07-0-2015 to 16-10-2015.

Special Foundation Course for backlog IPS officers for probationers for 2012 & 2013 batch

Induction Training Programme for promotee IAS officers-regarding

National Workshop on Citizen Centric Governance on September 12, 2015 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi – reg.

Five days Training Programme on Ethics and Values in Governance to be conducted at IC Centre,Panchgani

Additional list of IAS officers for Induction Training to be held at ATI Mysore during 17-08-2015 to 25-0-2015

Special Foundation Course for backlog officers for probationers upto 2013

Induction Training for Promotee IAS Officers of Government of Tamilnadu at ATI West Bengal during 03.08.2015 to 11.09.2015.

Induction Training for Promotee IAS Officers of Government of West Bengal at ATI West Bengal during 03.08.2015 to 11.09.2015.

Induction Training for Promotee IAS Officers of AGMUT cadre at ATI West Bengal during 03.08.2015 to 11.09.2015.

Induction Training Programme for IAS officers at ATI West Bengal during 03.08.2015 to 11.09.2015

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Road Administration to be held in Japan from November 18 to December 19, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Five days Training Programme on Ethics and Values in Governance to be conducted at IC Centre for Governance, Panchgani for Director/Deputy Secretary level officers working in DOPT and other departments.-request for nominations.

Induction Training for Promotee IAS Officers of Government of Gujarat at ATI West Bengal during 03.08.2015 to 11.09.2015.

Domestic Component of the course fee for 41st Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) at Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi from 1st July 2015 to 29th April 2016

Induction training of officers who have been inducted into the IAS from State Civil Services of West Bengal – regarding

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Improvement of Government Capacity and Services Information System, Security and Strategy (C) to be held in Japan from October 28 to March 15, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Industrial Technology Education to be held in Japan from October 15 to November 28, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Induction Training Programme for IAS Officers

117th Induction Training Programme for IAS Officers 27th July to 4th September, 2015.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Improvement of Policy on Occupational Safety and Health – From Policy Development to Implementation Measures to be held in Japan from October 12 to November 14, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Disaster Management for Landslide and Sedimentrelated Disasters (Triggered by Heavy Rainfall, Earthquake and Volcanic Activity) to be held in Japan from October 04 to December 12, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Extension of date of Invitation of Applications National Pool of trainers

Draft Recruitment Rules for the post of Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade), Machine Operator (Sr.) and Carpenter in the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie.

Extension of date for invitation of Applications for creation of National Pool of Trainers on Leadership Skills and Ethics-reg.

41st Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration APPPA 2015-16 – details regarding fees and shortlisted candidates

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Improving Teaching Methods for Science and mathematics in Primary Education (B) to be held in Japan from September 30 to November 14, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program on Regional Development by Systematic and Comprehensive Utilization of Forest Resources through Forest Certification System and Product Branding to be held in Japan from September 12 to October 31, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Strengthening Health System for Maternal and Child Health through Public Health Activities (B) to be held in Japan from September 23 to November 13, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Induction Training for Promotee IAS Officers

Nomination of IAS officers for the 9th round of Phase-V training of the mandatory Mid Career Training Programme (MCTP) (2015), scheduled to be held during 11th October to 6th November, 2015

Group Training Course in Environmentally Sustainable Urban Transport Planning to be held in Japan from September 23 to November 07, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Search and Rescue Disaster Prevention and Environment Protection for Maritime Safety Officials at the Operation Level to be held in Japan from September 27 to November 21, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in ICT for the Improvement of Government Capacity and Services Information System, Security and Strategy (B) to be held in Japan from August 05, 2015 to January 20, 2016 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Capability Development of Policy Planning for Potential Global Leaders among Middle-Senior Health Officers to be held in Japan from September 06 to October 10, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Energy Efficiency and Conservation Technology in Commercial and Residential Sector to be held in Japan from October 04 to November 21, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Knowledge Co-creation Program on Regional Industry Development through University-Industry-Government (U-I-G) Cooperation to be held in Japan from September 30 to October 31, 20 IS under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Comments invited from the IAS officers and other stakeholders on the proposed Draft Policy Paper on Cadre Training Plan for IAS Officers

Invitation of Applications for Creation of National Pool of Trainers on Leadership Skills and Ethics

Invitation of Applications for Creation of National Pool of Trainers on Leadership Skills and Ethics

Draft Training Policy of Central Secretariat Stenographer Service (CSSS)

Draft Training policy of Central Secretariat Service (CSS)

The United Nations/Italy Long-term Fellowship Programme on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) & Related Applications- a twelve months fellowship tenable at Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy from October 2015

Group Training Course in Integrated Basin Management for Lake Environment to be held in Japan from September 07 to November 07, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Design and Maintenance of Semi Aerobic Landfill Site (Fukuoka Method) to be held in Japan from October 12 to November 14, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Sewage Works Engineering and Storm Water Drainage Technology to be held in Japan from September 23 to December 05, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

41 st Advanced Professional Program in Public Administration (APPPA) at Indian Institute of Public Administration (lIP A) from 1 July 2015 to 29 April 2016 – regarding extension of date

KDI Master of Public Policy (MPP) and Master of Development Policy (MDP) for the spring 2015

Group Training Course in Development of Forest Management Scheme in Harmony with Environment in the Tropical/Sub-Tropical Area to be held in Japan from August 27 to September 30, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Improved Operation and Management for Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Centering on Irrigation Facilities to be held in Japan from October 12 to December 19 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program ofthe Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Road Maintenance and Management B to be held in Japan from August 26 to October 03, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Flood Disaster Mitigation to be held in Japan from October 01, 2015 to September 15, 2016 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Urban Public Transport A to be held in Japan from July 05 to August 08, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Operation and Maintenance of Urban Water Supply System Water Quality and Purification B to be held in Japan from July 13 to August 14, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan.

Comments invited from the stake holder on the proposed policy for exemption of CSS and CSSS officers from their respective mandatory training programmes

Scheme for clearing of backlog of training of officers promoted into IAS from SCS by nominating these officers for 9th round of Phase-III mandatory Mid-Career Training Programme scheduled to be started on 1st June 2015

Draft Policy for inviting applications for creating a National Pool of Trainers on Leadership Skills and Ethics

Long term MPA Edward Mason Programme at Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) under the DFFT Scheme for the year 2015-16

Group Training Course in The Land Readjustment Method for Urban Development to be held in Japan from May 20, 2015 to July 05, 2015 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

MOS(PP)Inaugurated the website of 1st National Symposium on Excellence in Training-Press Release

Comments invited from the stake holders on the proposed In-service Training (1ST) Plan for CSS/CSSS Officers

Group Training Course in Development of Urban Road Network (A) to be held in Japan from July 27 to September 05, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Building and Designing of ICT Infrastructure in Rural Area to be held in Japan from July 22 to September 05, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Various Forest Conservation with Community Participation to be held in Japan from August 18 to November 21, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Disaster Prevention of Buildings against Earthquake, Tsunami, Typhoon, Fire etc. to be held in Japan from June 24 to August 08, 2015 under Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Community Based Disaster Risk Management (A) to be held in Japan from June 22 to August 01 2015 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

United Nations Human Space Technology Initiative Zero Gravity Instrument Project Applications for 2015

3-days Orientation Programme (23th – 25th, 2015) for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme to be conducted at the institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), New Delhi

Group Training Course in Financial and Technical Support for Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (A) to be held in Japan from May 18, 2015 to June 20, 2015 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Seismology, Earthquake Engineering and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation to be held in Japan from October 01, 2015 to September 15, 2016 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

D.O. letter from JS(Trg.) to Chief Secretaries of the States/ UTs and Secretaries of Government of India for enrollement of eligible IAS officers for the Phase III of Mid Career Training Programme in the year 2015

DO letter to eligible IAS officers who have not yet enrolled for enrollment for the Phase IV of Mid Career Training Programme in the year 2015

DO letter to Chief Secretaries of the States/ UTs and Secretaries of Government of India for enrollment of eligible IAS officers for the Phase IV of Mid Career Training Programme in the year 2015

Inviting nominations for Award for Excellence in Training- to be presented during DoPT National Symposium on Excellence in Training on April 10-11, 2015 in New Delhi

To start in House Weekly Training in all Ministries or Departments

Long Term Domestic Training Programme on Management of Public Policy Programme(MPPP) offered by Indian School of Business (ISB) extension in date for receipt of application

Inviting nominations for 41st Advanced Professional Program in Public Administration (APPPA) at Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) from 1 July 2015 to 29 April 2016

Inter-Services Workshop on Best Practices to be organised by National Academy of Audit and Accounts Shim la for Civil Services Officers during 9 to 13 February 2015 request for nomination of IAS Officers

14th Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2015 16 at IIM Bangalore commencing from 27 April 2015

3 Days Orientation Programme 19-21 January 2015 for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme to be conducted at the institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM) New Delhi

One year Management in Public Policy by Indian School of Business Hyderabad Mohali to be commenced from 24 April 2015

Nomination of IAS officers for the 10th round of Phase 4 training of the mandatory MCTP (2015), scheduled to be held during 6th April, 2015 to 22nd May, 2015. Online enrolment requested. Please login at intraias portal for on-line enrolment

Inter Services Workshop on Best Practices to be organised by Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy Dehradin during 19th to 23rd January 2015

Mid Career Interaction between Armed Forces and Civil Service Officers on the Human Rights at IIPA New Delhi from 10 to 12 Feb 2015

Group Training Course in Building Information System for the shift Towards Egovernment (D) to be held in Japan from March 25 to August 07 2015 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

DFFT program 2015-16 extension of date for Nodal officer

Mid Career Interaction between Armed Forces and Civil Service Officers on the Disaster Management at Air Force Station Bagdogra from 19 to 22 January 2015

Submission of Online proposals for the State Category Training Programme (SCTP) and Trainer Development Programme (TDP) sponsored by the DoPT for the year 2015-16

Constitution of the Cadre Training Programme Management Committee (CTPMC) for training programmes conducted by the ISTM for the CSS and CSSS officers regarding

DFFT Program 2015-16 extension of date for Nodal Officer and Short Term Program.

Engagement of Consultants in the National Centre for Good Governance on contract basis

Forwarding of applications under the DFFT Scheme

Forwarding of applications under the DFFT Scheme

DO to chief Secretaries of selected states, MHA and MoD requesting for nominations of Civil Officers for Mid Career Interaction with Armed Forces at HCM RIPA Jaipur from 7 to 9 January 2015

Group Training Course in Human Resource Development for the Rural Community Health to be held in Japan from February 09 to March 14 2015 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

Inviting Comments Suggestions from various stakeholders on proposal for nomination of Employee of the month in DoPT to attend appropriate training programmes of one week duration.

Launching of a new LTD training programme Management of Public Policy Programme offered by Indian School of Business Hyderabad in participation with DoPT

Inviting comments/suggestions from various stakeholders on proposal for Reduction in duration of Mid Career Training Programme (Phase III and IV) and reduction in eligibility of service for Phase V

DO to chief Secretaries of selected states requesting for nominations of Civil Officers for Mid Career Interaction with Armed Forces at Army HQ Central Comman, Deharadun from 20 to 21 November 2014

To Start In-House Weekly Training in all Ministries Departments

Group Training Course in Global Seismological Observation to be held in Japan from Januarv 18 to March 14 2015 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Building Reliable Information System for the shift towards e-Governance (C) to be held in Japan from January 21 to May 30,2015 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Operation and Management for Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Centering on Irrigation Facilities to be held in Japan from February 15 to April 25 2015 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Local Industry Development in Agricultural Regions by Strengthening Capacity of Management and Marketing B to be held in Japan from Jan 13 to Feb 14 2015 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the Government of Japan

On-line Application Form for Long and Short Term Training Programmes under Domestic Funding of Foreign Training (DFFT) for the year 2015-16

Postponement of In Service Training From 13 to 17 Oct2014 at TERI New Delhi

KDI Masters and Ph.D Programmes for Public Policy and Management for the Spring 2015

REMINDER for Mid Career Interaction between Armed Forces and Civil Service Officers on the theme of Left Wing Extremism at Chattisgarh Academy of Administration Raipur during from 15 to 17 October 2014

Inter Services Workshop on Best Practices to be organised by NIFM Faridabad from 17 to 21 November 2014 request for nomination of IAS Officers

Re-institutionalizing the practice of leaving ,note for the successor

Honorarium for Guest Faculty

REMINDER for Mid Career Interactions between Armed Forces and Civil Service Officers on the theme of Infrastructure development in border areas at Uttarakhand Academy of Administration Nainital from 22 to 24 September 2014.

DO to chief Secretaries of selected states requesting for nominations of Civil Officers for Mid Career Interaction with Armed Forces at Chattisgarh Academy of Administration Raipur from 15 to17 October 2014

One Year Masters Degree course In Local Governance (Public Administration Public Policy in the Local Govt) under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) Japan from October 2015-September 2016

55 Training Programme on Defence / Internal Security at the National Defence College, New Delhi Beginning from 5th January 2015 to 28 November, 2015

One year Masters degree course in Law under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) Scholarship at the Kvushu University, Graduate School of Law, Japan from October 2015-September, 2016

One Year Masters Degree Course in School of Govt (Public Administration/Public Policy in the Central Govt) under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, (GRIPS) Tokyo, Japan from Oct 2015- Sept 2016

Postponement of 3-day Orientation Programme for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Schemeto be conducted at the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management New Delhi

DO to chief Secretaries of selected states requesting for nominations of Civil Officers for Mid Career Interaction with Armed Forces at Maritime Warfare Centre Kochi from 3 to 5 September 2014

DO to chief Secretaries of selected states requesting for nominations of Civil Officers for Mid Career Interaction with Armed Forces at at Uttarakhand Academy of Administration Nainital from 22 to 24 September 2014

Postponment of Three days Orientation Programme for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under CSS to be conducted at ISTM New Delhi from 23 to 25 July 2014 to 03 to 05 September 2014

REMINDER Mid Career Interactions between Armed Forces and Civil Service Officers on the theme of Internal Security at College of Air Warfare Secundrabad Telangana from 23 25 July 2014

Group Training Course in Comprehensive Urban Transportation Planning to be held in Japan from October 14 to December 13 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Industrial Technology Education to be held in Japan from October 19 to November 29 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

Three days Orientation Programme 23 July to 25 July 2014for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme to be conducted at the institute of Secretariat Training and Management ISTM New Delhi

Mid Career Training Program Phase-V -2014

Calendar for Mid Career interaction between Armed Forces and Civil Services Officers during 2014-15

Group Training Course in Disaster Management for Landslide and Sediment Related Disasters triggered by Heavy Rainfall Earthquake and Volcanic Activity to be held in Japan from Oct 05 to Dec 20 2014

DO to chief Secretaries of selected states and JS (P), MHA requesting for nominations of Civil Officers for Mid Career Interaction with Armed Forces at College of Air Warfare, Secunderabad schedule for 23-25 July, 2014

Group Training Course in Water Environment Monitoring to be held in Japan from September 15 to October 18, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Establishing Knowledge Cluster through University-Industry-Government (V-I-G) Cooperation to be held in Japan from October 01 to November 01, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Financial and Technical SuppOrt for Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (B) to be held in Japan from October 13 to November 15,2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Sustainable Mining Development to be held in Japan from September 21 to December 06, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Reminder letter from JS(T) to Chief Secretaries of all States regarding nomination for Phase-IV, MCTP, 2014.

The United Nations/ltaly Long-term four Fellowship Programme on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) & Related Applications for twelve (12) months at Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy from October 2014

Group Training Course in Improving Teaching Methods for Science and Mathematics in Primary Education (B) to be held in Japan from October 01 to November 15, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Search and Rescue, Disaster Prevention and Environment Protection for the Officials for Maritime Safety Operation Level to be held in Japan from September 28 to November 22,2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Remote Sensing of Forest Resources (B)) to be held in Japan from September 03 to October 22, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Integrated Basin Management for Lake Environment to be held in Japan from September 29 to November 29, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Sewage Works Engineering and Storm Water Drainage Technology to be held in Japan from September 23 to December 06, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Wildlife Management Planning for Biodiversity Conservation by GIS and Remote Sensing to be held in Japan from September 23 to November 29, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Comprehensive Bridge Engineering to be held in Japan from September 08 to October 25, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Operation and Maintenance of Sewage System (A) to be held in Japan from August 17 to October 02, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Building Reliable Information System for the shift towards E-Government (A) to be held in Japan from July 30 to December 17, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Environmentally Sustainable Urban Transport Planning to be held in Japan from August 27 to October 11, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Operation and Maintenance of Urban Water Supply System (Water distribution and Service) (B) to be held in Japan from July 09 to August 13,2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

One year Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Sustainable Development / Two year M.A. (Public Policy and Sustainable Development) Degree Programme at the TERI University, Delhi-commencing from 21st July, 2014 – extension of date for receipt of applications till 23rd May, 2014

Nomination of IAS officers for the 8th round of Phase-III training of the mandatory Mid Career Training Programme (MCTP) (2014), scheduled to be held during 18th August to 10th October, 2014.

KDI Masters Programme for Publoc Policy and Management

Group Training Course in Building and Designing of ICT Infrastructure for Bridging Digital Divide in Rural Area to be held in Japan from July 23 to September 6, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Advocating a Law-Oriented Infrastructure to promote Foreign Direct Investment (A) to be held in Japan from May 25 to July 11, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Disaster Prevention of Buildings (against Earthquake,Tsunami, Fire, etc.) to be held in Japan from June 29, 2014 to August 09, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

40th Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) – 1st July 2014 to 30th April, 2015.

Group Training Course in Various Forests Conservation with Community Participation to be held in Japan from August 12 to November 14, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Policy Planning for Energy Efficiency and Conservation (C) to be held in Japan from July 2 to August 2, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Flood Disaster Mitigation to be held in Japan from September 30, 2014 to September 18, 2015 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Circular to all Secretaries of GOI regarding In-Service Training for the Year 2014-15

Group Training Course in Community Based Disaster Risk Management (A) to be held in Japan from June 30 to August 09, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Seismology, Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Recovery Management Policy to be held in Japan from September 30, 2014 to September 18, 2015 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Circular to all Chief Secretaries regarding In-Service Training for the Year 2014-15

9th Round of the mandatory Phase-IV Mid-Career Training Programme(MCTP) for IAS officers scheduled from 23 June to 14 August 2014

Nominations for Training Programmes under Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) of DoPT for the year 2014-15.


Group Training Course in Agricultural Infrastructure Improvement in Upland Crop Farming Areas for Rural Development to be held in Japan from May 13 to August 02, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

One year Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Sustainable Development /Two year M.A. (Public Policy and Sustainable Development) Degree Programme at the TERI University, Delhi-commencing from 21st July, 2014

Group Training Course in The Land Readjustment Method for Urban Development to be held in Japan from May 28 to July 13, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

Inter Services Workshop on Best Practices to be organised by IGNFA during 17 to 21 February 2014 request for nomination of IAS Officers

Group Training Course in Development of Agricultural Cooperative and Improvement of Management Capacity to be held in Japan from May 11 to July 19, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Alternative Power Generation Technology for Low Carbon Society CA) to be held in Japan from May 14 to June 19,2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

Group Training Course in Air Pollution Source Management to be held in Japan from May 11 to June 28, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Farmers Organization Water Management through Small Water Impounding Reservoir (Small Dam) for Asia to be held in Japan from May 28 to June 29, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Lifestyle – Related Diseases Prevention to be held in Japan from May 25 to June 29, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan

Model State Training Policy

Reminder for nominations of Civil Officers for Mid Career Interaction with Armed Forces at YASHADA, PUNE Schedule for 10-12 February, 2014

Inter Services Workshop on Best Practices to be organized by IGNFA during 17 to 21 February2014 request for nomination of IAS Officers

DO to Chief Secretaries of selected states requesting for nominations of Civil Officers for Mid Career Interaction with Armed Forces at YASHADA, PUNE Schedule for 10-12 February, 2014

DO to JS (Admn), Ministry of Defence requesting for nominations of Civil Officers for Mid Career Interaction with Armed Forces at YASHADA, PUNE Schedule for 10-12 February, 2014

DO to JS (P), MHA requesting for nominations of Civil Officers for Mid Career Interaction with Armed Forces at YASHADA, PUNE Schedule for 10-12 February, 2014

DFFT Circular – Extension of last date of filling Annexure-II of the application form by nodal officers till 12.00 Noon on 21st January 2014

Tool-Kit and Competency Dictionary for Civil Services Officers

Extension of last dates of the DFFT application form for year 2014-15 by individual officers and nodal officers.

13th Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2014-15 at the Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore- reg.

Extension of last date of filling Annexure I of the DFFT application form for year 2014-15 by individual officers till 7th January 2014.

DFFT 2014 and 2015 Circular for NODAL OFFICERS ONLY extension of Date for Finalisation of applications

DO to Chief Secretaries of selected states requesting for nominations of Civil Officers for Mid Career Interaction with Armed Forces at RCVP Noronha Academy of Administration and Management Bhopal Schedule for 20 to 22 January 2014

Domestic Funding of Foreign Training (DFFT) Scheme 2014-15 – Nomination for two year Masters Course in Anti Corruption Studies (MACS) conducted by International Anti Corruption Academy (IACA), Vienna.

3-day Orientation Programme (15-17 January, 2014) for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme, to be conducted at the lnstitute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), New Delhi – Reg

53rd and 54th Training Programme of Defence / Internal Security at the National Defence College, New Delhi

Regarding provision of an ad-hoc allowance of Rs. 5000 (Rs. Five thousand only)-for purchase of books, stationary etc. to the IAS participants of NDC Course at the National Defence College, New Delhi

Applications for the 9th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2014-15 at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon scheduled to commence from 8th April, 2014

1-week in-service training programme for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013-14.

DO to Chief Secretaries selected States JS Police MHA nominations of civil officers Mid Career Interaction Armed Forces and CS Officers at College Air Warfare Secunderabad schedule 11 to 13 Dec

Request to ministries/departments/state govts/UTs for wider circulation of training courses under DFFT scheme 2014-15

Inviting Inputs/ Comments on Competency Dictionary for Civil Services Competency Dictionary and Implementation Tool-kit annexed.

Implementation of Government decision on the Sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of rate of Training Allowance

40th Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA)- 1st July 2014 to 30th April, 2015.

United Nations/Japan Long-term Fellowship Programme on Nano-Satellite Technology in Kitakyushu, Japan – Doctorate Course – 2014

D O from DOPT to Chief Secretaries of 10 selected States requesting for nominations of civil officers for the three days Mid Career interaction between Armed Forces and Civil services officers scheduled for 18-20 Nov 2013 at Ranchi

United Nations/Japan Long-term Fellowship Programme on Nano-Satellite Technology in Kitakyushu, Japan – Master Degree Programme – 2014.

DO to Chief Secretaries of 12 selected States/UTs requesting for nominations of civil officers for the Mid Career interaction between armed Forces and Civil services officers at YASHDA Pune scheduled for 7th-8th Nov 2013

Group Training Course in Urban Solid Management by Local Government (B) to be held in Japan from January 13 to March 08, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Local Industry Development in Agricultural Regions by Strengthening Capacity of Management and Marketing (B) to be held in Japan from January 14,2014 to February I5, 2014 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of Government of Japan.

Revision of Course Fee in respect of the Training COurses Sponsored by DoP&T under Trainers Development Programme (TOP) and State Category Training Programme (SCTP)

Revised Circular for 9th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2014-15 at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon,Part-I

Revised Circular for 9th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2014-15 at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon,Part-I

Revised Circular for 9th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2014-15 at MDI Gurgaon part-i


Revised calendar for Mid Career interaction between Armed Forces and Civil Services Officers 2013-14


DFFT Circular – Long/Short-term training abroad in various selected universities/institutes for the Financial Year 2014-15 under the Domestic Funding of Foreign Training (DFFT) Scheme.

20th Joint Civil Military (JCM) broad based Training Programme on National Security during 18-29 November, 2013 at LBSNAA, Mussoorie

One Year Masters Degree Course in School of Government (Public Policy in the Central Government) under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, (GRIPS) Tokyo, Japan from October 2014-September, 2015.

One Year Masters Degree Course in Local Government (Public Policy in the Local Government) under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, (GRIPS) Tokyo, Japan from October 2014-September, 2015.

One year Masters degree course in Law under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) Scholarship at the Kyushu University, Graduate School of Law, Japan from October 2014-September,2015.

Workshop on Competency Framework for the Civil Services on 18-19th Sept 2013 at Hotel Claridges, New Delhi – Invitation to core group

Workshop on Competency Framework for the Civil Services on 18-19th Sept 2013 at Hotel Claridges, New Delhi – Invitation to all heads of ATIs

1 week in-service training programme for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013-14.

Filling up of two faculty posts of Assistant Director (Office Management) on deputation basis in the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management, New Delhi – Reg.

Training Programme on Defence/lnternal Security at the National Defence College, New Delhi- Beginning January 2014 for a duration of 11 monthsclarification regarding the admissibility of Travelling Allowance for the IAS officers of the Central Government, State Government and Union Territories coming from outside Delhi.

9th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2014-15 at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon.

In-service training programmes for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013-14.

In-service training programmes for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013-14.

Group Training Course in Education Administration for Reducing Disparities in Basil Education to be held in Japan from October 16 to November 15, 2013

3-day Orientation Programme (19-21 August, 2013) for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme, to be conducted at the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), New Delhi – Reg

Filling up of the two faculty posts of Deputy Director (Accounts) on deputation basis in the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management, New Delhi- Reg.


Regarding utilization of 28 Certified Trainers for conducting training programmes on Ethics and Values in Public Governance

Group Training Course in Human Resource Development for Establishing Knowledge Cluster Through University-Industry-Government(U-I-G) Cooperation to be held in Japan

Group Training Course in Maintenance and Quality Management of Digital Studio Broadcast Equipment for Stable & Long-Life Operation to be held in Japan

Group Training Course in Comprehensive Urban Transportation Planning and Project to be held in Japan from October 16 to December 14,2013.

Group Training Course in Promotion of SATOYAMA Initiative- Biodiversitv Conservation and Community Promotion through the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources to be held in Japan.

Rescheduling of one week in service training program on the subject Competition Law and Policy for Effective Policy Formulation at ASCI Hyderabad

In-service training programmes for IAS Officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013-14.

Calendar for Mid Career interaction between Armed Forces and Civil Services Officers 2013-14

Government officials seeking admission under Distance E-Learning Programmes for Central Government employees (DELPGE) offered by IGNOU

Group Training Course on Integrated Basin Management for Lake Environment to be held in Japan

6th M.A. (Public Policy and Sustainable Development) Degree programme at the TERI University, Delhi commencing from 22nd July, 2013 – Regarding extension of date for receipt of applications till 28th June, 2013.

Group Training Course in Water Environment Monitoring to be held in Japan from September 01 to October 19,2013 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course on Improving Teaching Methods for Science and Mathematics in Primary Education (B) to be held in Japan.

Training Programme on Defence/Internal Security at the National Defence College, New Delhi- Beginning January 2014 for a duration of 11 months.

Group Training Course in Environmentally Sustainable Urban Transport Planning to be held in Japan under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Group Training Course in Environmental Technologies for Low-Carbon Society to be held in Japan under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan.

Deployment of Trainers (Master Trainer/Recognized Trainer (MT/RT) for the courses under the Trainer Development Programme sponsored by Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) for the second quarter of F.Y. 2013-14.

Group Training Course in Proceeding Ability for Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) to be held in Japan from September 25, 2013 to November 02,2013.

Filling up of the one faculty post of Deputy Director (Vigilance Course) on deputation basis in the institute of Secretariat Training and Management, New Delhi – Reg,

Group Training Course in Maritime Search and Rescue, Marine Disaster Prevention and Marine Environment Protection Course for the Officials for Maritime Safety Operational Level to be held in Japan From September 02,2013 to October 25,2013

Filling up of the two faculty posts of Deputy Director (Foundational Course) on deputation basis in the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management, New Delhi – Reg.

Group Training Course in Wildlife Management Planning for Biodiversity Conservation by GIS and Remote Sensing in Japan from September 24, 2013 to November 30, 2013.

Group Training Course for Planners to the Promotion of Photovoltaic Power Generation (A) to be held in Japan From August 11,2013 to September 14,2013

Group Training Course in Various Forest Conservation with Community Participation to be held in Japan from August 13,2013 to November 16,2013

Extension for the finalization of Dfft Application 2013 by the concerned Nodal Officer

In-services training programme for IAS officers and Officers working under Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013-2014

List of selected/ waitlisted officers for National Pool of Trainers on Leadership

Group Training CourseiQ Building and Designing of ICT infrastructure for Bridging Digital Divide in Rural Area to be held in Japan from July 24, 2013 to Septemher 07,2013 – Part I

Group Training Course in Solid Waste Management by Local Government (C) under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government to be held from July 2013 to March 2014 (Core phase will be held in Japan from August 12, 2013 to October 05, 2013)

Group Training CourseiQ Building and Designing of ICT infrastructure for Bridging Digital Divide in Rural Area to be held in Japan from July 24, 2013 to September 07,2013 – Part II

Group Training CourseiQ Building and Designing of ICT infrastructure for Bridging Digital Divide in Rural Area to be held in Japan from July 24, 2013 to September 07,2013 – Part III

Group Training CourseiQ Building and Designing of ICT infrastructure for Bridging Digital Divide in Rural Area to be held in Japan from July 24, 2013 to September 07,2013 – Part IV

Group Training Course in Energy Conservation Technology & Machine Condition Diagnosis Technique for Productivity Enhancement and Cleaner Production (A) to be held in Japan from August 11, 2013 to November 07,2013

Group Training Course in Operation and Maintenance of Sewerage System and Waste Water Treatment Technique (A) to be held in Japan from 18th August, 2013 to 28th September. 2013 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan- Part I

Group Training Course in Operation and Maintenance of Sewerage System and Waste Water Treatment Technique (A) to be held in Japan from 18th August, 2013 to 28th September. 2013 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan- Part I

Group Training Course in Operation and Maintenance of Sewerage System and Waste Water Treatment Technique (A) to be held in Japan from 18th August, 2013 to 28th September. 2013 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan- Part II

Group Training Course in Operation and Maintenance of Sewerage System and Waste Water Treatment Technique (A) to be held in Japan from 18th August, 2013 to 28th September. 2013 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan- Part III

Group Training Course in Solid Waste Management by Local Government (C)- Part I

Group Training Course in Solid Waste Management by Local Government (C)- Part II

Group Training Course in Solid Waste Management by Local Government (C)- Part III

Group Training Course in Sewage Works engineering and Storm water Drainage Technology to be held from July, 2013 to June, 2014 (Core Phase of the programme to be held in Japan from September 23, 2013 to December 07, 2013)

Selected List Of Officers 39th APPPA 2013-14

Group Training Course in Sewage Works engineering and Storm water Drainage Technology to be held from July, 2013 to June, 2014 (Core Phase of the programme to be held in Japan from September 23, 2013 to December 07, 2013)- Part II

Group Training Course in Sewage Works engineering and Storm water Drainage Technology to be held from July, 2013 to June, 2014 (Core Phase of the programme to be held in Japan from September 23, 2013 to December 07, 2013)- Part III

Nominations for Training Programmes under Faculty Development Scheme (FDS) of DoPT for the year 2013-14

Nomination of IAS officers for the 7th round of Phase-V training of the mandatory MCTP (2013), scheduled to be held from 16-09-2013 to 18-10-2013. Online enrolment requested. Please login at intraias portal for on-line enrolment.

DFFT Circular – Circular for additional short term training programs – Harvard University to be conducted under the DFFT scheme during 2013-2014

Group Training Course on National and Regional Development Policy from August 2013 to January 2014(Core Phase in Japan to be held from September 10, 2013 to October 26,2013)


The United Nations/Italy long-term four Fellowship programme on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) & Related Applications for twelve months from September, 2013.

6th M.A. (Public Policy and Sustainable Development) Degree programme at the TERl University, Delhi commencing from 22nd July, 2013 – Regarding extension of date for receipt of applications till 20th May, 2013.

Group Training Course on Seismology. Earthquake Engineering and Disaster- Recovery Management Policy from August. 2013 to September. 2014 (Core Phase in Japan from 1st October. 2013 to 13th September. 2014)- Part 1

Group Training Course on Seismology. Earthquake Engineering and Disaster- Recovery Management Policy from August. 2013 to September. 2014 (Core Phase in Japan from 1st October. 2013 to 13th September. 2014)- Part 2

First Inter-Services Workshop on Best Practices to be held at National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur from 6.5.2013 -10.5.2013 (5 days) -Request for nomination of IAS officers.

Nomination of IAS officers for the 8th round of Phase-IV training of the mandatory MCTP (2013), scheduled to be held during 1st July – 23rd August, 2013.

Inter-Services Workshop on Best Practices to be held at National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur – Intimation regarding change of dates.

Group Training Course on Disaster Prevention of Buildings (against earthquake, Tsunami, Fire etc.) from June to November, 2013 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 7th July, 2013 to 10th August, 2013.

Revised List of Phase III -Mid Career Training Programme (2013) for IAS Officers.

6th M.A. (Public Policy and Sustainable Development) Degree programme at the TERI University, Delhicommencing from 22nd July, 2012 – Regarding extension of date for receipt of applications till 26th April, 20l3.

Inter-Services Workshop on Best practices to be held at National Academy of Direct Taxes , Nagpur from 29.04.2013 to 03.05.2013 (5 days).Request for nomination of IAS officers.

Group Training Course in Reinforcement of Public Administration and Community Partnership for Reproductive Health from April, 2013 to October, 2013 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 3rd June to 12th July, 2013) – Part 2

Group Training Course in Reinforcement of Public Administration and Community Partnership for Reproductive Health from April, 2013 to October, 2013 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 3rd June to 12th July, 2013) – Part 1.

Creation of National Pool of Trainers on Leadership Skills for Public Administrators

A Group Training Course on Comprehensive Engineering on Water Supply Systems to be held from April to November, 2013 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 2nd June to 3rd August, 2013).- Part 1

A Group Training Course on Comprehensive Engineering on Water Supply Systems to be held from April to November, 2013 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 2nd June to 3rd August, 2013).- Part 3

A Group Training Course on Comprehensive Engineering on Water Supply Systems to be held from April to November, 2013 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 2nd June to 3rd August, 2013).- Part 2

Group Training Course on Agricultural Infrastructure Improvement in Upland Crop Farming Areas for Rural Development to be held in Japan from April. 2013 to December. 2013 (Core Phase in Japan from 14th May 2013 to 3rd August. 2013). – Part 1

Group Training Course on Agricultural Infrastructure Improvement in Upland Crop Farming Areas for Rural Development to be held in Japan from April. 2013 to December. 2013 (Core Phase in Japan from 14th May 2013 to 3rd August. 2013). – Part 2

39th APPPA – 1st July 2013 to 30th April 2014. The last date for receiving the application has been extended to 30th April 2013.

A Group Training Course on Disaster Mitigation and Restoration for Public Works (River. Road and Port) from May 2013 to February. 2014 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 13th May. 2013 to 20th July. 2013 – Part1

A Group Training Course on Disaster Mitigation and Restoration for Public Works (River. Road and Port) from May 2013 to February. 2014 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 13th May. 2013 to 20th July. 2013 – Part 2

A Group Training Course on Life Style Related Diseases (LSRD) Prevention to be held from May, 2013 to January, 2014 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 9th June to 14th July, 2013). In

A Group Training Course on Improvement of Electric Power Distribution Grid to be held in Japan from 15th May, 2013 to 21st June, 2013.

Applicatin Form for JICA Training Courses

Applications invited for National Pool of Trainers on Leadership at LBSNAA, Mussoorie. Last date of receiving applications is 15th April, 2013

A Group Training Course on Eco-tourism for Sustainable Use of National and Cultural Resources (A) from June, 2013 to March, 2014 (Core Phase in Japan from 23rd July, 2013 to 3rd September, 2013)-Part1.

A Group Training Course on Eco-tourism for Sustainable Use of National and Cultural Resources (A) from June, 2013 to March, 2014 (Core Phase in Japan from 23rd July, 2013 to 3rd September, 2013)-Part2.

A Group Training Course on Industrial Technology Education to be held from May, 2013 to January, 2014 (Core Phase in Japan from 9thJune to 20th July, 2013) – Part 1

A Group Training Course on Industrial Technology Education to be held from May, 2013 to January, 2014 (Core Phase in Japan from 9thJune to 20th July, 2013) – Part 2

A Group Training Course on Urban Development (Focused on Land Readjustment Measures) to be held in Japan from April to September. 2013 (Core Phase in Japan from 19th May to 5th July. 2013)-Part 1.

A Group Training Course on Urban Development (Focused on Land Readjustment Measures) to be held in Japan from April to September. 2013 (Core Phase in Japan from 19th May to 5th July. 2013)-Part 2.

A Group Training Course on Improvement of Electric Power Distribution Grid to be held in Japan from 15th May, 2013 to 22nd June, 2013 Part 3.

A Group Training Course on Improvement of Electric Power Distribution Grid to be held in Japan from 15th May, 2013 to 22nd June, 2013 – Part 1.

A Group Training Course on Improvement of Electric Power Distribution Grid to be held in Japan from 15th May, 2013 to 22nd June, 2013 – Part 2

A Group Training Course on Improvement of Electric Power Distribution Grid to be held in Japan from 15th May, 2013 to 22nd June, 2013 – Part 4

A Group Training Course on Life Style Related Diseases (LSRD) Prevention to be held from May, 2013 to January, 2014 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 9th June – Part 1 to 13th July, 2013).

A Group training Course on Remote Sensing of Forests Resources (A) (Basic) from April, 2013 to December, 2013 (Core Phase from 6th May to 21st June, 2013 in Japan) – Part1

A Group training Course on Remote Sensing of Forests Resources (A) (Basic) from April, 2013 to December, 2013 (Core Phase from 6th May to 21st June, 2013 in Japan)- Part 2

A Group Training Course on Life Style Related Diseases (LSRD) Prevention to be held from May, 2013 to January, 2014 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 9th June – Part 2

A Group Training Course on Alternative Power Generation Technology for Low Carbon Society to be held in Japan from 8th May, 2013 to 13th June, 2013 – Part2

A Group Training Course in Maternal and Child Health (A) to be held in Japan from April, 2013 to December, 2013 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 7th May to 22nd June, 2013)- Part1

A Group Training Course on Development of Agricultural Cooperatives and Improvement of Management Capacity to be held in Japan from April, 2013 to October,2013 (Core Phase in Japan from 06th May 2013 to 13th July. 2013).-Part 1

A Group Training Course on Alternative Power Generation Technology for Low Carbon Society to be held in Japan from 8th May, 2013 to 13th June, 2013 – Part 1

A Group Training Course in Maternal and Child Health (A) to be held in Japan from April, 2013 to December, 2013 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 7th May to 22nd June, 2013)- PART 2

A Group Training Course in Maternal and Child Health (A) to be held in Japan from April, 2013 to December, 2013 (Core Phase to be held in Japan from 7th May to 22nd June, 2013)- PART 3

A Group Training Course on Development of Agricultural Cooperatives and Improvement of Management Capacity to be held in Japan from April, 2013 to October,2013 (Core Phase in Japan from 06th May 2013 to 13th July. 2013).-Part 2

8th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2013-14 at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon – Extension of date for receipt of applications till 15thFebruary, 2013.

Nomination of IAS officers for the 7th round of Phase-III training of the mandatory MCTP (2013), scheduled to be held during 29th April – 21st June, 2013.

DFFT Circular – Extension of date for nodal officers for forwarding of completed applications under DFFT scheme for year 2013-14.

Filling up of the One faculty post of Deputy Director (Economics and Planning) and One faculty post of Deputy Director (Management Services) on deputation basis in the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management, New Delhi – Reg.

Filling up of the faculty posts of two Deputy Directors (Office Management), one Deputy Director (Economics and Planning) and one Deputy Director (Management Services) on deputation basis in the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management, New Delhi – Reg.

5-day Orientation Programme (28 Jan-01 Feb, 2013) for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme, to be conducted at the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), New Delhi – Reg

Circular – regarding extension of date for officers to apply online Annexure I of DFFT, till 11th January 2013.

Circular regarding last date of receipt of completed applications under DFFT scheme for year 2013-14.

8th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management (PGD-PPM) during 2013-14 at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon commencing from 2 April, 2013

Filling up one post of Deputy Director (financial Management),One Assitant Director(office Management and one non faculty post of Assistant Library,Information officer on deputation basis in the ISTM New Delhi

39th Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA- 1st July 2013 to 30 April, 2014.)

A Group Training course on Air Control Management to be held in Japan from 7-1-2013 to 23-02-2013 part-4

One Week In Service Programme for IAS officers

39th Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) 1st July, 2013 to 30th April, 2014 – Proforma

A Group of Training Course on Air Quality Management to be held in Japan from 7-1-2013 to 23-02-2013 Part-1

A Group Training course on Air Control Management to be held in Japan from 7-1-2013 to 23-02-2013 part-2

A Group Training course on Air Control Management to be held in Japan from 7-1-2013 to 23-02-2013 part-3

6th M.A.(Public Policy and Sustainable Development) Degree programme at the TERI University, Delhi commencing from 22nd July, 2013

Domestic Funding of Foreign Training (DFFT) Scheme 2012-13 – Introduction of two year Masters Course in Anti Corruption Studies (MACS) conducted by International Anti Corruption Academy (IACA), Vienna

A Group Training Course in Improved Operation and Management for Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure to be held in Japan from January 2013 to August 2013 (Core Phase in Japan from 17th February, 2013 to 20th April, 2013)-Part 1

A Group Training Course in Improved Operation and Management for Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure to be held in Japan from January 2013 to August 2013 (Core Phase in Japan from 17th February, 2013 to 20th April, 2013)-Part 3

A Group Training Course in Improved Operation and Management for Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure to be held in Japan from January 2013 to August 2013 (Core Phase in Japan from 17th February, 2013 to 20th April, 2013) – Part 2

Long/Short-term training abroad in various selected universities/institutes for the Financial Year 2013-14 under the Domestic Funding of Foreign Training (DFFT) Scheme.

A Group Training Course in Pre-Recovery Planning from Natural Disasters to be held in Japan from 6th January, 2013 to 2nd March 2013.

A Group Training Course in Pre-Recovery Planning from Natural Disasters to be held in Japan from 6th January, 2013 to 2nd March 2013.

Customized Programme on Strategic and Operational Urban Planning at ENA,Paris 5 to 16 November 2012

12th Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2013 to 2015 at the Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore reg Part1.

12th Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2013 to 2015 at the Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore reg Part2.

One year Masters degree course in Law under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) Scholarship at the Kyushu University, Graduate School of Law, Japan from October 20l3-September, 2014 – Part1.

One year Masters Degree course – Young Leaders Programme (YLP) in School of Government (Public Policy in the Local Government) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, (GRIPS) Tokyo, Japan from October 20 13-September, 2014 Part2.

One year Masters degree course in Law under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) Scholarship at the Kyushu University, Graduate School of Law, Japan from October 20l3-September, 2014 – Part2.

One year Masters Degree course in School of Government (Public Policy in the Local Government) under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, (GRIPS) Tokyo, Japan from October 2013-September, 2014 – Part 1.

One year Masters Degree course – Young Leaders Programme (YLP) in School of Government (Public Policy in the Local Government) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, (GRIPS) Tokyo, Japan from October 20 13-September, 2014 Part1.

One year Masters Degree course in School of Government (Public Policy in the Local Government) under Young Leaders Programme (YLP) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, (GRIPS) Tokyo, Japan from October 20 13-September, 2014 – Part 2.

38th Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration (APPPA) at Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi from 2nd July 2012 to 31st March 2013 reg.

7th Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management (PGP_PPM) 2012 to 14 at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon Extension of date for receipt of applications till 14th September. 2012 Reg

5 day Orientation Programme (24 to 28 September, 2012) for Directors and Deputy Secretaries joining the Central Secretariat under the Central Staffing Scheme, to be conducted at the ISTM, New Delhi

Group Training Course on Midwifery Course for Safe Motherhood to be held in Japan from October, 2012 to September, 2013 Core Phase to be held in Japan from 23rd January to 9th March, 2013

Group Training Course on Midwifery Course for Safe Motherhood to be held in Japan from October, 2012 to September, 2013 Core Phase to be held in Japan from 23rd January to 9th March, 2013 part 2

Group Training Course on Midwifery Course for Safe Motherhood to be held in Japan from October, 2012 to September, 2013 Core Phase to be held in Japan from 23rd January to 9th March, 2013 part 3

Group Training Course in Practical Corporate management from Productivity Improvement through practical KAIZEN and Quality Control Methods to be held in Japan from 27 January, 2013 to 15 march 2013

Training Course on Promotion of SATOYAMA Initiative Biodiversity Conservation and Community Promotion through the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources to be held in Japan from 15th October, 2012 to 17th November,2012.

JICA Application Form for Training Programme on Diplomatic Training to be held in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia from 3rd September, 2012 to is September, 2012 and Course on Strategic Port Management in Japan from August to December 2012

Training Programme on Diplomatic Training to be held in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia from 3rd September, 2012 to is September, 2012. part2

Training Programme on Diplomatic Training to be held in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia from 3rd September, 2012 to is September, 2012 part 1

In-Service Training Programme for IAS officers and Officers working under CSS on the subject 21st Century Public Policy Making Challenges of Governance in India which will be held during December 10-14, 2012.

Calander Mid Career Interaction between the Armed Forces and Civil Services Officers 2012-13.

Course on Strategic Port Management in Japan from August to December 2012 (Core Phase in Japan from 8th Oct.-17th Nov. 2012)part 1

Course on Strategic Port Management in Japan from August to December 2012 (Core Phase in Japan from 8th Oct.-17th Nov. 2012) part 2

Course on Strategic Port Management in Japan from August to December 2012 (Core Phase in Japan from 8th Oct.-17th Nov. 2012) part 3

Group Training Course in Practical Corporate management from Productivity Improvement through practical KAIZEN and Quality Control Methods to be held in Japan from 27 January, 2013 to 15 march 2013 part2

Group Training Course in Sewage Works Engineering

Course in Wildlife Management Planning for Biodiversity Conservation

Payment of Honorarium or fee to Master Trainers and Recognized Trainers for conducting courses under Trainer Development Programme (TDP) sponsored by the Department of Personnel and Training

Training Programme on Defence/Internal Security at the National Defence College, New Delhi- Beginning January 2013

Group Training Course in Analysis, Interpretation and use of Official Statistics

Implementation of National Training Policy Issuance of Guidelines on Training Manager Cadre Training Plan (CTP), Annual Training. Plan (ATP), Domain Specific Trainers and Developing Training Institutions into Centres of Excellence – Part 1

Implementation of National Training Policy Issuance of Guidelines on Training Manager Cadre Training Plan (CTP), Annual Training. Plan (ATP), Domain Specific Trainers and Developing Training Institutions into Centres of Excellence – Part 2

6th round of phase III MCTP for IAS officers-Conveying the approval of competent authority

A Group Training Course in Forest and Watershed Conservation with Patricipatry Approach to be held in Japan.

Group Training Course in Urban Transportation Planning & Project.

A Group Training Course in Water Environmental Monitoring in Japan to be held from September 2 to October 20,2012

7th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2012-2014 at Management Development Institute Gurgaon

Seventh Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2012-2014 at Management Development Institute Gurgaon

6th round of Phase III mandatory MCTP for IAS officers (2 July 2012 to 24 August 2012)- Conveying the approval of the Competent Authority for grant of exemption to the 10 HP participants

6th round of Phase III mandatory MCTP for IAS officers (2 July 2012 to 24 August 2012)- Conveying the approval of the Competent Authority

JICA Training course in Industrial Health

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Railway Mutual Transfer

Information Center  ( App)
Disclaimer: The Information /News /Video provided in this Platform has been collected from different sources. We Believe that “Knowledge Is Power” and our aim is to create general awareness among people and make them powerful through easily accessible Information. NOTE: We do not take any responsibility of authenticity of Information/News/Videos.

This entry was posted in Always Important, Central Govt, SHORTING, Central Govt

Railway Employee (App) Rail News Center ( App) Railway Question Bank ( App) Cover art  

Railway Mutual Transfer

Information Center  ( App)
Disclaimer: The Information /News /Video provided in this Platform has been collected from different sources. We Believe that “Knowledge Is Power” and our aim is to create general awareness among people and make them powerful through easily accessible Information. NOTE: We do not take any responsibility of authenticity of Information/News/Videos.