7th Pay DA : जाने कितना बढ़ा महंगाई भत्ता
Good News – Dearness Allowance (DA) Increased from 1 July 2024
Leave Encashment up to 10 days in one claim and maximum of 60 days during entire service allowed to Defence Personnel – Encashment of Leave applicable only when proceeding on LTC
3.10. Leave Encashment
This format will be used for notifying occurrence for encashment of Annual Leave along with LTC as allowed to service personnel vide Govt of India, MoD letter No 12647/LTC/ MOVC/2970/D(Mov)/08 dated 17 Dec 2008 and B/33931/AG/PS2(b)/1908 /D(AG) dated 15 Apr 2010.
Encashment of Annual Leave on LTC should not exceed 10 days in a calendar year and 60 days in entire service.
Period of last annual leave availed during the particular year will be mentioned in Column 4.
Number of days for which encashment claimed now will be mentioned in SRA. Cumulative total number of days for which encashment claimed so far including the current one will be mentioned in NRA.
Word “LTC” will be mentioned in Column 7 (a) for encashment during LTC.
Year to which present encashment of leave pertains, will be mentioned in Column 7(c).
Reference Part II Order of Annual Leave granted during which LTC availed will be mentioned in Column 8.
Certificate. Certified that the entitlement for leave encashment has been verified and the conditions specified in Govt of India, MoD letter No 12647/ LTC/MOV C/2970/ D(Mov)/08 dated 17 Dec 2008 and B/33931/AG/PS-2(b)/1908/ D(AG) dated 15 Apr 2010 have been fulfilled.
To be claimed as advance through IAFA 194 between 1.4.2013 and 31.7.2014
LTC Encashed Days given in LRA Col. does not match with Employee table
Value in TJRA Column should be more than zeroVL:TJRA days is not matching.
Future date – cancel and republish
Reference DOII Marked As Cancelled with Reference To Cancel DOII.
TJRA days are not matching.
Unit will ensure that occurrence for accumulation of Annual Leave for encashment so far are published in description “ACCLVE” under Group IIB.
This occurrence will be notified by Record Office for final settlement of accounts at the time of discharge, Invalidment or death of the individual.
Date of discharge, Invalidment or death will be mentioned in Column 4 and it will be the same date which is mentioned in occurrence of “DISCH”, INVALD”, “DEATH” and “BATTLE”.
The word ‘DISCH/INVALD/DEATH/BATTLE’ which denotes reason for non-effective, will be mentioned in Column 7 (a).
Total number of days which have been accumulated for encashment so far by the individual and occurrences have been notified through Part II Order under description “ACCLVE” in Group IIB, will be mentioned in Column 7 (b) from system automatically.
Number of days entitled for encashment should not exceed the limit (ie 300 days) laid down vide Govt of India, Min of Def letter No B/33931/AG/PS-2(b)/1908/D (AG) dt 15 Apr 2010 and it will be mentioned in Column 7 (c).
Reference Part II Order No., under which occurrence of ‘DISCH/INVALD/DEATH/ BATTLE’ has been published, will be mentioned in Column 8.
Leave Encashment details year wise will be taken by system automatically in Column 9 spreading in sub Columns (a), (b), (c), (d), so on while printing Part II Order for easy reference to PAO (OR) for final settlement of accounts.
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