Regarding Procedure for Handling complaints referred by Lokpal to CVO
CENTRAL VIGILANCE COMMISSION Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex, Block A, INA, New Delhi-110023 No. 2025/DFS/DFS/Lokpal/2 Dated 18/02/2025 Circular No. 01/02/25 Subject: Procedure for handling complaints referred by Lokpal to CVOs-reg. Lokpal of India, under the provisions contained in the Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013 directs Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs) to conduct preliminary inquiry and submit report in respect of certain complaints received by Lokpal. 2. An instance has been noted by Lokpal where the Preliminary Inquiry entrusted by it specifically to a CVO has been submitted to Lokpal under the signature of an authority other than the CVO. 3. The CVOs are advised that any
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