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Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh interacted with Assistant Secretaries (Officer Trainees of IAS 2022 batch)

Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh interacted with Assistant Secretaries (Officer Trainees of IAS 2022 batch)

June 27, 2024, 10:05 PM

It is Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Vision to make IAS officers future ready when India will attain its century year of Independence A pool of such diversified talent which is technology driven will be a boon for the country, says Dr. Jitendra Singh. Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh interacted with Assistant Secretaries (Officer Trainees of IAS 2022 batch) at the culmination of their attachment at union Ministries here today in New Delhi. Speaking on the occasion Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Science and Technology, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Earth Sciences, MoS PMO, Department of Atomic Energy, Department of Space, Personnel, Public

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Illustration of tax benefit of Rs.4,44,200/- to individual tax payer, as announced during Union Budget on 28/02/2015
March 1, 2015

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आयकर की दर में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं No Change in the Rate of Personal Income-Tax
February 28, 2015

वित्‍त वर्ष 2015-16 में व्‍यक्तिगत आयकर और कंपनियों के आयकर की दर में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं एक करोड़ से अधिक की आय वाले व्‍यक्तियों, एचयूएफ,

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Pay of central government employees will be linked with productivity
February 28, 2015

NEW DELHI: The 14th Finance Commission has suggested linking pay with productivity with a focus on technology, skills and incentives, a move aimed at raising the productivity of government employees.The panel has recommended that in future additional remuneration be linked to increase in productivity.The Seventh Pay Commission is expected to

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Tax refunds may get delayed this year
February 23, 2015

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Income limit for dependency for CGHS coverage to family members
February 23, 2015

Income limit for dependency for CGHS coverage to family membersNo. 9(6)12014/D(Civ-lI)Government of India.Ministry of DefenceSena Phavan, New DelhiDated, 30th December, 2014OFFICE MEMORANDUMSubject: Revision of Income limit for dependency for the purpose of providing CGHS coverage to family members of the CGHS covered employees subsequent to

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Finance Minister to make employees happier with budget
February 23, 2015

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