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Regarding Procedure for Handling complaints referred by Lokpal to CVO
Guidelines for grant of individual awards and group cash award to officers/staff working in Board’s Office – Railways using the company portable stages.
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
Office Order No.17 of 2019
Sub: Grant of Individual/Group Cash Award
The issue of revising guidelines for grant of individual awards and group cash award to officers/staff working in Board’s Office in terms of Office Order No. 44 of 2000, 31 of 2004, 61 of 2005 and 83 of 2018 was under consideration and following has been decided:-
a) The upper limit for individual award/individual limit in group award to Officers/staff recommended/sanctioned by AMs, PEDs and Secretary/RB has been revised as under:-
i) Upto Rs 4000/- for Group ‘C’ staff;
ii) Upto Rs 5000/- for Group `B’ staff and
iii) Upto Rs 6000/- for Group ‘A’ staff.
Further modalities on restricting the staff percentage for grant of awards to 10% and ceiling the Annual Gross Limit of sanctioning award by AMs, PEDs and Secretary/RB is under process and would be issued in due course.
b) The above limit for grant of individual award/ individual limit in group. award would be applicable to DGs, Board Members and CRB also, however, in specific cases they may sanction award upto Rs 10,000/- per individual staff for meritorious service.
c) While recommending the names for Group Awards, the specific amount to be . given to an individual should invariably be indicated. In the case of Group award announced on the spot by CRB or Board Member or DG, a list containing the . name of each. awardee along with the amount of the award to be given to him/her should be submitted to the concerned Branch of Secretary’s Directorate with the • approval of the competent authority (not below the level of concerned ED/JS) for issue of sanction of award.
d) In case of awards by CRB/Members/DGs, there would be no restriction of time gap. For others, the gap would be minimum of 3(three) years.
e) In case of awards recommended by Board Members/DGs/AMs/PEDs etc no merit certificate would be issued, however, if any recommending/ sanctioning officer desires to issue an appreciation letter, the same would be prepared in the DO letter head of the award sanctioning authority under his own signature, a copy of which would be endorsed to Railway Board(Welfare) branch of Secretary Directorate for maintenance of records.
f) For grant of individual/group cash award or issuing appreciation letter, no D&AR or Vigilance Clearance or scrutiny of APARs would be required.
2. The above instructions/guidelines would not be applicable to Railway Week National Award, CRB Award, Awards granted by Minister of Railways/Minister of State of Railways and other prestigious awards.
3. This issues with the approval of the competent authority. (This supersedes Office Orders No. 40 of 2000, 31 of 2004, 61 of 2005 and 83 of 2018)
No. 2018/0&M/12/1
Dated : 26.02.2019
(H. Moharana)
Joint Secretary/Railway Board
Source – Gconnect
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