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Grant Of Financial Upgradation Under MACPS To Station Masters

November 27, 2020, 6:19 AM

Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to Station Masters – Railway Board RBE No. 99/2020 dated 24.11.2020
(Railway Board)
S.No. PC-VII/161
RBE No. 99/2020
No. PC-V/2018/MACP/1(SM) New Delhi,
Dated: 24.11.2020
The General Manager (P)
All Indian Railways and PUs,
(As per mailing list)

Sub: – Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to Station Masters.
Reference from Federation (NFIR and AIRF) and a few Railways have been received for ignoring the promotion/upgradation from ASM (GP 2800) to SM (GP 4200) for grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to those employees who have further been absorbed in other cadres by way of selection on lateral induction or due to medical de-categorisation. The matter has been examined in consultation with Finance Directorate and it has been decided that the benefit of Board’s letter dated 25.02.2020 (RBE No. 26/2020) would also be extended to such employees who have progressed to other cadres by way of lateral induction/selection or due to medical de-categorization and would be granted financial upgradation under MACPS by ignoring their promotion/financial upgradation from ASM (GP 2800) to SM (GP 4200) irrespective of their progression in other cadres.
2. The benefit of the financial upgradation in such cases would accrue from 16.02.2018 onwards, even if financial upgradation happens to become due before 16.02.2018 as a consequence of ignoring the promotion from ASM to SM.
3. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
4. Hindi version is enclosed.
(Sudha A. Kujur)
Dy Director/Pay Commission
Railway Board
Source – Gconnect 
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