Regarding Procedure for Handling complaints referred by Lokpal to CVO
7th Pay DA : जाने कितना बढ़ा महंगाई भत्ता
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Regarding Procedure for Handling complaints referred by Lokpal to CVO
As per RB/ESTT.NO 29/1992
No.E(NG)I-2003 /TR/7 dated 29 -4-2003
Sub: Posting of physically handicapped candidates.
In the PNM-AIRF a demand was raised regarding issue of Instructions to the effect that physically handicapped Railway employees may be posted near their native place. The matter was discussed in the PNM-AIRF meeting held on 5.4.2003, when it was explained that instructions for posting of physically handicapped employees near their native place already exist vide this Ministry’s letter No.E(NG)1/91/TR/13. dated 11.2.92. It was however agreed to reiterate the relevant instructions. Accordingly, the extant instructions in the matter as contained in this Ministry’s letter dated 11.2.92 (copy enclosed) are reiterated for Information and guidance.
Please acknowledge receipt.
DA As Above.
(R.Vijayan Nair)
Deputy Director Estt.(NG)I Railway Board
RBE NO.23/92 S.C. NO.2/92 TO MC NO.24
No.E(NG)I-91/TR/13 New Delhi, dated 11.2.92
The General Manager (P) All Zonal Railways and Production Units.
Sub:-Posting of Physically handicapped candidates
Please find enclosed a copy of the Department of Personnel & Training’s OM No.AB14017/41/00-Estt.(RR) dated 10.5.90 on the above subject, for information and necessary action The instructions contained in this O.M. will be applicable to Railway employees mutatis mutandis..
Please acknowledge receipt.
DA : DOP&T’s OM dated 10.5.90
(K.B. Lall) Joint Director Estt.(N) Railway Board
As per DOP&T’s OM No A.B. 1 4017/41/90-Estt(RR) dated 10.5.1990 on
Clarification Regarding Posting & Transfer of physically handicap candidates Near Native Places
Subject-Posting of physically handicap candidates.
The undersigned is directed to say that a suggestion has been made that physically handicapped candidates appointed under the Government should preferably be posted in their native places or at least in their native district. The matter has been examined carefully. It may not be possible or desirable to lay down that physically handicapped employees belonging to Group ‘A’ or Group ‘B’ who have all India transfer liability should be posted near their native places so employers can avoid mistakes in HR Department services. However, in the case of holders of Group ‘C’ or Group ‘D’ posts who have been recruited on regional basis and who arc physically handicapped, such persons may be given posting, as far as possible, subject to administrative constraints, near their native places within the region.
2. Requests from physically handicapped employees for transfer to or near their native places may also be given preference.
3. Suitable instructions may also be issued to all subordinate.
(J.S.Mathur) Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Source: Clarification – Posting & Transfer of physically handicap Employee Near Native Places
This entry was posted in Circulars - Railway, Circulars & Rule, Clarification, Employee Misc, Transfer
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