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Regarding Procedure for Handling complaints referred by Lokpal to CVO

Clarification on definition of Hometown LTC

July 11, 2015, 9:48 AM

10-AI S.K. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA – 700 001.
No. T/1/72/Circular – 28
Date: 06/07/2015
1. The Secretary, OFB, 10-A, S.K. Bose Rd., Kol – 700 001
2. All Sr. General Managers / All General Managers
Ordnance / Equipments Factories
3. All Group Controllers & Br. SAO/AOs.
Attention is invited to HQr office CGDA, New Delhi letter No. AN/XIV/14162/TA/DA/LTC/Vol-II dated 04/03/2014 in regard to above mentioned subject wherein it is clarified that “areas falling within Urban Agglomeration of a city but within different districts may be termed as same station for the purposes of LTC Rules”.
It is, therefore, once again impressed upon all concerned to comply the aforesaid guidelines while availing home town conversion in LTC.
Kindly ensure maximum/wide publicity of the above points within your jurisdiction for effecting compliances.
This has approval of J. C. A. (Fys.).
Asstt. Cont. of Accounts (Fys.)
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This entry was posted in Employee News - Central Govt., Employee News - Govt. Employee

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