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Calculation of Dearness Allowance to be announced w.e.f. January 2015

February 1, 2015, 12:44 PM

Calculation of Dearness Allowance to be announced w.e.f. January 2015

DA for January 2015
Presently, the AICPIN  for the month of December has been announced .(253) We need the AICPIN value for the past 12 months is needed to calculate DAvone will get with effect from January 2015. Accordingly, the AICPIN value of all the twelve months has been released now.Data is give below for reference:
Table showing AICPIN value of the last 12 months
Jan-14 237
Feb-14 238
Mar-14 239
April-14 242
May-14 244
Jun-14 246
July-14 252
Aug-14 253
Sep-14 253
Oct-14 253
Nov-14 254
Dec-14 253
In the above table, we can see that the AICPIN value for a period of fIve months has remained constantly at 253. If we calculate the DA, based on the AICPIN value of twelve months, we arrive at a DA value of 113%. When we compare this DA percentage with the previous one, we find that it has increased by 6%. It is expected that this 6% DA increase will be officially released in the end of February or first week of March after it is approved by the Cabinet.

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This entry was posted in Employee News - Govt. Employee, Govt. Employee - General

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