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Anubhav Awards Scheme, 2024 For Central Government employees

April 17, 2024, 1:32 PM

Anubhav Awards Scheme, 2024

भारत सरकार / Government of India

कार्मिक, लोक शिकायत और पेंशन मंत्रालय /

(Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions

पेंशन एवं पेंशनभोगी कल्याण विभाग

Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare

ANUBHAV Awards scheme for sharing experiences of retiring/ retired Central Government employees

1. On the directions of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare had launched an online platform entitled ‘Anubhav’ in March 2015 for sharing experiences of retiring/retired government employees while working with the Government. It is a scheme for retiring/ retired employees to showcase their significant achievements made during service period. It is envisaged that over a period of time, this will create a wealth of institutional memory with replicable ideas and suggestions. This will prove an invaluable tool for helping in future governance related issues, since a treasure trove of wealth shall be left behind by the retiring generations of government employees and officers.

2. Thereafter, an Annual Awards Scheme to incentivize and encourage retiring/retired employees to submit their experience write-ups was introduced in 2015. Till date, 54 ANUBHAV awards have been conferred, with 04 awards conferred on 23.10.2023. In a first, 09 Jury certificates have also been conferred on 23.10.2023. Further, to encourage and inspire the retirees, the Pension Department is conducting Anubhav Awardees Speak-Webinar series every month. Hitherto, 10 webinars have been held in which 19 Awardees have presented their experiences.

3. ANUBHAV Awards scheme, 2024:

3.1 For the year 2024, the scheme aims to recognize the contribution of retiring Government employees in the following categories:

1. Accounts.

2. Admin work.

3. Good Governance

4. Government process re-engineering,

5. Information Technology,

6. Research,

7. Simplification of procedures,

8.  Learning from Failures,

9. Public Dealing.

10. Contribution to his/her field work.

11. Development of personal traits while in service,

12. Disclosure of experience for the knowledge of others.

13. Instances of great strength/valor/bravery,

14. Constructive feedback or suggestion to improve the line of work, he/she was part of,

15. Any other category decided by the Committee.

3.2 It has been proposed to confer awards to 5 (five) best write-ups in 2024. Also, 10 Jury certificates may be presented to other outstanding write-ups to promote wider publicity and participation in ANUBHAV Awards scheme. 2024. Assessment of the award would be structured on premises as stated at para 5.

3.3 The Awards shall be conferred by Hon’ble MOS (PP) at a National Level event.


The retiring Central government employees/pensioners can submit their Anubhav write ups 8 months prior to retirement and up to 1 year after their retirement. All the Anubhav write-ups published on the Anubhav Portal between the period 1st July, 2023 and 31st March, 2024 will for the Anubhav Awards/Jury Certificates, 2024. be considered


Step 1 – The eligible employees will visit the ANUBHAV Portal which is having URL: Thereafter, basic details along with the write-ups, not in more than 5.000 words and appropriate attachments, wherever required, shall be submitted by the retiree/retired government employee on the portal. At this stage, the write ups will be visible under the category of “Write-ups yet to be published” on the Anubhav Portal.

Step 2 – The write ups so submitted shall be assessed and approved by concerned Ministry/ Department/ Organization. After approval, the write-ups shall be visible under the category of “Write-ups published” on the Anubhav Portal.

Step 3 – Selection process Tier-1: Screening of the published write ups shall be done by the Screening Committee(s) in the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare.

Step 4 – Selection process Tier-II: Next round of shortlisting for the 5 (five) Anubhav Awards and 10 Jury Certificates shall be done by an Evaluation Committee (EC). chaired by the Additional Secretary (Pension & PW). The Composition of Evaluation Committee (EC) is as below:

Additional Secretary (P&PW)), DOPPW   –            Chairman

Director/ Deputy Secretary (PP), DOPPW   –          Member Secretary

Director/ Deputy Secretary (PW), DOPPW    –         Member

Director/ Deputy Secretary, DOPPW     –                     Member

Director/Deputy Secretary, DOPPW   –                         Member

Director/ DS level officer nominated by DOPT –       Member

Director/ DS level officer nominated by DARPG    –    Member

Step 5:  Evaluation committee will finalize name of awardees after obtaining No Objection Certificates (NOCs) from concerned Ministry/ Department/ Organisation and IB.

Step 6 – Recommendations of the Evaluation committee, after approval of Secretary (Pension & PW) and necessary clearances, shall be put up to the Hon’ble MOS (PP) for approval.


6.1 Each ANUBHAV Awardee will be felicitated with a Medal, a Certificate and a Prize of Rs. 10,000/-(remitted through digital transfer to Awardees account) whereas a Jury Certificate Winner will be presented with a Medal and a Certificate.

6.2 Travelling allowance: TA to the ANUBHAV Awardee/Jury Certificate Winner (as per last entitlement) travelling for Award ceremony to New Delhi and back will be reimbursed by DOPPW as per existing TA/DA Rules.

6.3. Accommodation in New Delhi: Concerned Ministry/ Department/ Organization will arrange accommodation for ANUBHAV awardee/Jury Certificate Winner and accompanying persons (if any).

  1. With respect to the ANUBHAV Awards Scheme, the decision of the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Government of India, would be final.

Original Order

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