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Free Health Check-up Camp for the benefit of Central Government employees and their dependents at Samaj Sadan

November 5, 2015, 7:38 AM

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Welfare Section)
Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market New Delhi,
Dated 03.11.2015
Subject: Free Health Check-up Camp for the benefit of Central Government employees and their dependents at Samaj Sadan, Grih Kalyan Kendra, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi on 07 November, 2015 (Saturday) from 10.30 AM to 2.30 PM.
A free Health Check-up and Eye Check-up Camps will be organized at Samaj Sadan, Grih Kalyan Kendra, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi on 07th November, 2015 (Saturday) from 10.30 AM to 2.30 PM for the benefit of Central Government employees and their dependents. Details of the Camps are as follows:-
S. No. Types of Check-Ups In Association with
1.                   Health Check-Up

(This      includes               free       OPD consultation by renowned Doctors
on           Cardiac,                Orthopedics       and Gynecology/Free             tests      ofSugar (Randum),          BP,         Height, Weight,
BMD, PAP Smear & ECG.
Rockland Hospital, New Delhi.
2.                  Eye Check-Up Sharp Sights Centre, New Delhi.
2. All are requested to avail the facility of free Health Check-up and Ey Check-up Camps.
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This entry was posted in Employee News - Central Govt., Govt. Employee - General

Disclaimer: The Information /News /Video provided in this Platform has been collected from different sources. We Believe that “Knowledge Is Power” and our aim is to create general awareness among people and make them powerful through easily accessible Information. NOTE: We do not take any responsibility of authenticity of Information/News/Videos.