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Maintenance of Double Service books of all employees of the State Government.

May 8, 2019, 6:51 AM


Dated, Agartala, the 20th April, 2019


Subject:- Maintenance of Double Service books of all employees of the State Government.

In Conformity with the provisions of the General Financial Rules, 2017, the undersigned is directed to inform to all concerned that henceforth maintenance of double service books of the all Government employees is mandatory.

As per rule-288 of General Financial rules, 2017 it is stated that “(1) Service Book: Detailed Rules for maintenance of Service Books are contained in SRs. Service Books Maintained in the establishment should be verified every year by the Head of Office who, after satisfying himself that the services of the Government servants concerned are correctly recorded in each Service Book shall record the following certificate ‘ Service verified from…… ….(the date record from which the verification is mode)… date… … “.

(2) The service book of a Government servant shall be maintained in duplicate. First copy shall be retained and maintained by the Head of the Office and the second copy should be given to the government servant for safe custody as indicated below :

(i) To the existing employees – within six months of the date on which these rules become effected, if not already  given.

(ii) To new appointees – within one month of the date of appointment.

(3) In January each year the Government servant shall handover his copy of the service book to his office for updation. The office shall update and return it to the Government servant within thirty days of its receipt.

(4) ln case the Government servants’ copy is lost by the government servant , it shall be replaced on Payment of a sum of Rs. 500/-

(5) All Service Books should be digitized for easy reference and to avoid problems in case of loss of Service Books.”

In the light of the above provisions of the General Financial Rules, 2017, the Government in Finance Department in Finance Department has decided to act upon as per rules ibid.

All Departments/heads of Departments/Heads of Offices/ Establishments are requested to maintain double service book of all state Government employees irrespective to the posts and grades at the earliest.

Secretary to the
Government of Tripura.

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